On Sunday March 13th at 7:43 A.M. EDT the ongoing massive amount of Pisces energy continues with this difficult and confusing aspect. This is a time to express faith and compassion and to reach out from your soul to those within your circle. Do what you can to aid others, whether it’s sending support to Ukraine or giving a hand to someone who needs your help. What you believe will have a strong effect on the outcome, and it is through that belief that you can influence others. It only lasts a few days, but it can represent a turning point in history as we reach a deeper understating of what this all means in the bigger scheme of things. Pisces is the sign that teaches us humility and service, and its ruler, Neptune, clearly emphasizes those lessons, especially now that it is traveling through this last sign of the zodiac. There are things that must come to an end now. We can’t see exactly what those are, but we will know very soon, and the world will make a major shift in the coming months.
This is often a reversal in the stock markets, usually a weak signal; sometimes a top, other times a bottom. If the markets find their footing now, this could be a temporary up market, though I don’t believe the stocks will really recover until there is some sort of solution in Ukraine. Even if it is a bottom, it will only be a momentary respite. Whether that bottom hit last Friday or will occur in the coming week we cannot know. But as we head towards the Virgo Full Moon next Friday, we will see the results clearly in the coming days. Any attempt at negotiations with Putin will probably fail at the moment. And his agenda is quite different from what most of the world seeks. There isn’t the clarity needed to secure a deal or to clearly express what is at stake. But hopefully that coming Full Moon will represent a peak, and possibly a moment of change. The outpouring of empathy for the people of Ukraine is truly humbling. The sacrifice of some for the knowledge of many may not be great solace for the Ukrainians on the front line, but it is just such sacrifices throughout history that teach us who we are and what our collective purpose is. Humanity is such a complex entity – capable of such great love and sympathy, and of such horrible tragedy. Shakespeare, anyone? ❤️♓️🙏🙏🙏