On Thursday February 24th at 9:22 P.M. EST this potentially dangerous accident prone transit could put us all in harm’s way. You need to be careful. If you’re traveling you should take extra precautions and ensure that your mode of transportation is secured, you have good connections through communications and that you are prepared for whatever the universe might throw at you. Dress properly, have a backup battery and know exactly where you are going. This is not an aspect under which you want to be stranded in a snow storm or lost without a clear path to safety. This can be a very accident prone transit and you need to use common sense. This is a day when communications between people will be strenuous and arguments are certainly possible. Try to avoid any unnecessary disputes and think before you speak. It is very easy to overreact or say something you hadn’t plan on expressing. With Mercury traveling through erratic Aquarius in square to the ruler of that sign, anything is possible.

The world changed yesterday. The war in Ukraine has escalated as this square completes. Putin has made his agenda quite clear. He has no intentions of backing down. He wants conflict with the West for several reasons. For one thing he is paranoid. He attacks and, often, kills his opponents murdering them in the most heinous and open manner, poisoning them in public on the streets of foreign capitals. Those he doesn’t kill he puts in jail on trumped up charges. And speaking of Trump, one of the motivating factors in Putin’s plan is the hopes that his actions will destroy Biden’s presidency and reinstate Trump in the White House. In normal times this would backfire, creating a bond between the parties and a resolve to defend our way of life. But these aren’t normal times. This man is a thug, KGB trained with a keen eye on destruction as a tool. There is no plan to build Russia into a competitive nation with expanded commerce and exchange of ideas, technology and profits. The only play book Putin understands is fear. And he is using it as leverage to wedge between the widening chasm in American politics. Will it succeed, or will it strengthen the core beliefs we have held for a century? That is the question. Already Putin has create chaos in the financial markets, the energy markets and soon, in the supermarkets. This will not be resolved quickly. In my recent webinar, “America’s Nervous Breakdown” I pointed out the historical pattern as Uranus travels through Taurus, which coincides with radical changes in values and beliefs, and begins its ingress into Gemini, which has precipitated America’s entry into war in 1776, 1861, and 1941. Uranus will enter Gemini in 2025. No Matter how this plays out, there is no going back. Putin has played his hand and we are steaming towards a new world order. The only question I have is: How will China fit into all of this? Taiwan is watching with great care.

One more thing: There will be backlash to Putin’s actions in Russia and throughout the world. How that manifests will ultimately decide the results of these events. I believe that this was a tremendous mistake on Putin’s part and he will pay a huge price. What this does to American politics, the European Union and our fragile economy is very much in question. But in the long run, this is going to show the decay in Russia’s underbelly. It will be painful, frightening and tragic. But we do not change without struggle. So have faith and watch. You will see the results in the coming months.