Newsletter: February 2022

Newsletter: February 2022

ISSUE # 271

February 2022

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

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I am doing a Zoom webinar. 

When: Feb 5, 2022 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Topic: “America’s Nervous Breakdown” – An astrological analysis of current events by Mitchell Scott Lewis

I will discuss the current situation we are facing politically and financially as we head into the 2022 mid-term elections. We will examine the astrology charts of America, Biden, Harris, Trump, the NYSE, Bitcoin and other pertinent topics.

It will be a 2 hour webinar with Q&A towards the end.

The price is: $35.00

Please register in advance:



This month Mercury will go direct in Capricorn. Venus turned around in that restrictive earth sign just a few days ago and there is an underlying need to find structure and stability to offset the erratic nature we have all been feeling for some time. This sign demands patience and care when making decisions. Don’t rush to judgment. Let things unveil at their own pace and you will know what to do.

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th and the energy will change radically from erratic and unpredictable Aquarius to the more subtle and ethereal force of the last sign of the zodiac. We are on the verge of some major changes in our society. Some will be to your liking and some won’t. Only by keeping an open mind and realizing that what happens now is only the prelude to what will occur in the future can we successfully navigate the present. In my upcoming webinar I will be discussing many issues that face our world. This is a moment to reflect upon what has been and prepare for what might be. With Mercury going direct we will see things speed up and take on a force of their own. We cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves: to paraphrase Leo Tolstoy. Do your best to be the person you would like to see in the mirror. Fight for what you believe in and try to make your world a better place. And don’t waste time thinking you alone can change the universe. It is through collective reasoning and efforts that we make important alterations in our reality. It all begins within your heart, but it is through the shared struggle that real change happens. Join forces with like-minded people and see what you can accomplish with a collective effort.



The New Moon falls on Tuesday February 1st at 12:46 A.M. EST at 12 degrees Aquarius 20 minutes. The month begins on an exciting note. Aquarius is known for its unpredictability and desire for unusual things. This is the sign most likely to seek out something unique and it offers us an opportunity to explore new horizons. Step outside the box and look at the world from a different perspective. You might be surprised at what you discover. This sign represents the higher octave of the mental facilities and it is able to connect things without the usual linear approach. You may come upon a concept that is completely original or find a new solution to an old problem.

There is so much that is unsettled in our world at the moment what could be better than a New Moon in this most erratic and unpredictable sign? This is a time to look for revolutionary ways of changing your situation. It’s not a time for the tried and true, but for seeking a new path. The changes we are facing on the world stage are quite challenging, to say the least. Will Russia invade Ukraine? Will Covid finally subside? Is Turkey heading towards collapse? Are we entering a period of massive inflation similar to the 70s when you could get 12% interest on your savings account, or is the economy basically solid and this will all settle down? And how about the state of the Great American Experiment – is democracy as we have known it an endangered system flailing in its death throes, or will we find a way to stop the decaying chasm that has engulfed our nation? There will not be easy or quick solutions to many of these questions. It’s going to take time, patience and a lot of effort to avoid what could be an even more serious mess. Of course humanity always seems on the verge of destruction, and I’m not one to be a doomsday prophet. We may find a course of action that will lead us to the next level of awareness. Still, there are powers at work now that are different from anything we have considered for a very long time. It is through innovative reasoning and our ability to leap frog over normal channels that may help us find the way.

We say that Aquarius rules humanity. I believe that is an over simplification. All 12 of the signs represent different facets of our consciousness and together they represent the layers of human experience. But we are certainly at a crossroads that will require all of our facilities to lead us down the right trail. It is a time for bravery, for fortitude and for reaching out to the heavens to find the answers we will need. In other words, it’s a time for astrology and all it implies. Through our deeper understanding of the times we live in and the challenges we face we can repair the damages that have been inflicted upon us over the past years and help us to upright that which has become askew. You must use your imagination and your faith to guide you to a better future. And that is what Aquarius is all about. For the next month use your higher mind in thought, conversation and plans and open your consciousness to concepts you may not have considered. It might be the only solution to the barriers we face.



On Thursday February 3rd at 11:13 P.M. EST Mercury finally turns around in Capricorn. This has been a doozy of a retrograde. Delays, mistakes, misunderstandings and slowwwww motion has been the atmosphere. Now with Mercury reversing direction we can begin to get things moving forward once more. This is a time of some peril and it’s important to pay attention to details for the next few days. On February 14th (Valentine’s Day!) Mercury will leave stogy old Capricorn and enter exciting, energetic, insane Aquarius and then things will happen quickly and unexpectedly. But between now and then we have a period of several weeks when the most important issues will come up and we must look at them carefully and with a clear mind. Tomorrow the Sun will conjunct Saturn, a critical and restrictive aspect that will demand that we see our objectives realistically, both personally and collectively. Are you being as truthful in your choices as you think? Are your plans on solid ground, or have you built your foundation on quicksand that could crumble at any moment? How you answer those questions will have much to do with how successfully you use this reversal. Pay attention to details and be extra careful for a few days as we get used to this aspect. Whenever Mercury reverses direction there is confusion and the possibility of mistakes.



On Friday February 4th at 8:38 A.M. EST this very energetic and expansive aspect completes. This is a day or two of unbridled ego force. While that has a very positive potential and you should make use of it, it also implied that you could overdo things or project too forceful a persona. You don’t want to push people away, so try not to be too aggressive. This is a very positive aspect and if you use it properly you can advance some important developments in your ideas, plans and projects. This requires some physical activity. Don’t just sit in front of your computer all day. Do some exercise, take a long walk and get your blood flowing. Travel is very much favored and if you can get away, even for a few hours you will gain a lot from the experience. If something has been stuck and you can’t seem to move it forward, letting your mind wander might give you the impetus to try a new path.



On Friday February 4th at 2:05 P.M. EST we come to a point in our development when we must review the efforts and plans we’ve made. This is a moment of serious consideration when our critical eye will be in control. What are you doing, what are you long term plans and how are you choosing to approach them? This isn’t a time to scatter your thoughts frivolously, but rather a chance to direct your actions towards a successful resolution. Saturn is a hard task-master. This isn’t a fun-filled aspect. It seeks realism and an honest perspective. With Mercury having just gone direct in Saturn-ruled Capricorn we are at a prominent cross-roads and the path we choose will have long-term effects that will be felt for months, or even years. We can’t always see what the results of a decision will be, and often when we look back we miss the importance of a choice made some time before. But with the current atmosphere and the events that require our attention this is most definitely one of those watershed moments. With 100,000 Russian troops amassed on Ukraine’s border and the West scrambling to solidify its response; with the soon to be vacant Supreme Court seat needing an imminent resolution; with voting rights a battle ground unguarded; with the pandemic, inflation and a looking mid-term election on the horizon there are just too many issues that are demanding and can no longer be swept under the rug. And in our personal lives we are all experiencing a time of great stress when the day-to-day problems we all face can be so overwhelming that the bigger issues of the nation and the world seem out of reach even on an intellectual level. Be brave, be strong, and be realistic. There is no single cure for the ills of your life or the troubles of a harried world. But the peacock still gets eaten even if it sticks its head into the ground for salvation.



On Tuesday February 8th at 9:57 A.M. EST there will be a jolt of extra energy in the air. This is a very positive aspect, although it still can cause some disruptions as all Mars-Uranus connection will. This requires that you make use of this and use the power it creates in a constructive and pro-active manner. Continue to look for innovative ways of expressing yourself and projects that move you forward towards your goals. This isn’t a time for reflection, but one of action and productivity. If you use this well you can accomplish a lot in a short period. But don’t overdo it. There is a tendency to reach beyond your means only to fall short when you realize that you are overstretched. Balance and focus will help you make the most of this.



On Friday February 11th at 9:04 A.M. EST we will see this aspect complete once more. Because of the retrograde motion of Mercury this past month we experienced this on December 29th and January 28th and this will complete the third pass. This is a moment when serious ideas are presented. Normally this would be a single pass and it’s a day or so when you should pay attention to what’s being said and recognize that people are delving deeply into any subject. But with this occurring three times in a matter of 6 weeks there is a more profound sense to what’s being said and examined. In world events this shows that some situations that have been discussed for weeks are finally coming to a head and will demand that we find a solution. This is true in our personal lives and in the collective, as usual. But because of some events that have been building to a peak we may hear some startling news and be forced to complete the circle that began in December. This might involve some world situations, such as Ukraine, or in our national political situation where there are a slew of issues being negotiated. The soon to be vacant Supreme Court seat is another area of contention; and after much hand-wringing and worry Justice Breyer has decided to retire, opening the first slot available for Biden to fill. The conversation has been ongoing, but certainly over the past month or so it has heated up and the push for Breyer to retire has been strong. Now on this pass of the square we will see the beginning of the process of filling that vacancy with all of the vitriol it will likely produce in the Senate.



On Monday February 14th at 4:54 P.M. EST the atmosphere will shift. With Mercury joining the Sun and Saturn in this sign we can expect some radical events and ideas to come to us. Keep an open mind and don’t allow preconceived concepts or perceptions to blind you to the potential you may not have considered. There will be some drastic and fundamental changes in our world over the coming weeks. Whatever the resolution in Ukraine, it will shift the forces of the world in ways we cannot yet imagine. Whoever Biden puts on the Supreme Court will change the nature of that hallowed institution – perhaps not in the way that you personally would like to see, and not immediately as fundamental as some would hope, but radically and far-reaching in ways that we may not realize for years. This is a time of big changes and they will play out on the world stage. In your personal life you must take care to ensure continuity and stability, even as you make some serious alterations in your goals and path.



This month lunar peak falls on Wednesday February 16th at 11:56 A.M. EST at 27 degrees Leo 60 minutes. This tends to be a showy Full Moon. Leo rules acting and the stage and we have seen big winter storms hit on this aspect a number of times. Will we get hit with another monster mash? Personally I hope not. I’m not a fan of winter, as I have mentioned frequently in this newsletter. But there is something to be said for nature reminding us of just how frail our sense of control is. There is nothing like a huge storm to make us feel puny and vulnerable. And that isn’t a useless endeavor. Sometimes we must be shown the limitations of our massive species ego.

In any case, this is a time when many things will come to a head. With the Sun in erratic Aquarius and the lunar peak in Leo you can expect some radical and explosive events. With the world on edge on the Russian – Ukraine border and things heating up on the political stage don’t be surprised if something major is announced. In your personal life it would be a good idea to take some precautions and look for a way of mitigating any situations that look like they could become overwhelming. In some ways we will all be on stage and what your say and do may be magnified beyond your intent. Try to keep things in perspective and don’t let things get out of hand or become overly dramatic. Sometimes a problem can be solved with little effort if it isn’t blown out of proportion.



On Thursday February 17th at 7:13 P.M. EST this extremely important aspect completes for the only pass. Because of Jupiter’s recent retrograde it is moving rather quickly through Pisces and will create this sextile only once, so try to take advantage of it. This can be a “lucky” aspect, although I have always felt that luck is more a matter of timing and using what’s in front of you. Jupiter wants growth and expansion. Uranus wants new and innovative ideas and plans. When in positive sextile they can work well together and create an atmosphere of revolutionary advancement and untried options. Keep an open mind and seek out new ways of solving your issues. There may be something you haven’t considered or perhaps rejected in the past that could work to your advantage.



On Friday February 18th at 11:43 A.M. EST we enter the mutable part of winter and very slowly we will edge our way towards spring. This has already been a difficult and repressive winter. For the next month or more we will continue to see stressful weather events all across the world. With the melting of the arctic ice the jet stream has been pushed lower, which can create massively extreme winter weather across the northern hemisphere.

Pisces is all about spirit and compassion. It’s the sign most associated with medicine, religion and the ethereal side of life. Are you in touch with your soul and aiming your energies towards advancing that part of your being? Or are you so caught up in the material world that you have lost touch with the inner child? These aren’t easy questions to answer. They require an honesty many have lost through the years of struggle and fear. While we aren’t going to go through a massive spiritual awakening in a few weeks, there is a place within us that can connect to the deepest part of ourselves. Be kind and gentle. Help those who need you and will help yourself even more. I don’t believe in letting others run roughshod over you. That isn’t the way to salvation on this plane, but there is a place where you can be understanding and receptive without giving up you strength and control.



On Thursday February 24th at 9:22 P.M. EST this potentially dangerous accident prone transit will put us all in harm’s way. You need to be careful. If you’re traveling you should take extra precautions and ensure that your mode of transportation is secured, you have good connections through communications and that you are prepared for whatever the universe might throw at you. Dress properly, have a backup battery and know exactly where you are going. This is not an aspect under which you want to be stranded in a snow storm or lost without a clear path to safety. This can be a very accident prone transit and you need to use common sense. This is a day when communications between people will be strenuous and arguments are certainly possible. Try to avoid any unnecessary disputes and think before you speak. It is very easy to overreact or say something you hadn’t plan on expressing. With Mercury traveling through erratic Aquarius in square to the ruler of that sign, anything is possible.



On Wednesday March 2nd at 12:05 A.M. EST we have another few days when innovation is the call. This is a moment to look at ongoing situations and seek a different solution. Have you been too close-minded? If so, it’s time to take off those blinders and see what’s available for you. This is an energetic transit and there will be a feeling of power. Because it falls on the Dark of the Moon, right before a New Moon there will be a limit to the amount of oomph it can produce. But ending a lunar cycle with such a strong and creative aspect is a very positive thing. This is a chance to complete some issues with a view to the future. You can reinvent your ideas in preparation for the next month. Use this wisely and you can be creative and prepare for new beginnings.



On Wednesday March 2nd at 11:33 A.M. EST we will all be more realistic and reserved in our thoughts and communications. But because this takes place in Aquarius it will not be as confined as this conjunct normally is in other signs. This is a moment to find structure and stability in your thinking while still looking for innovative solutions. This also falls on the Dark of the Moon, and its nature tends to be somewhat restrictive and low energy. This will certainly be the case now. The end of the lunar cycle is very sedate and it’s often difficult to rise to the level of force needed for new beginnings. That takes place after the New Moon. So use this to carefully go over any details, reexamine your projects and plans, and prepare yourself for the next month when you will be more apt to instigate changes and start new ventures. Try not to be too dour in your communications. If you find it difficult to discuss certain things, or you have a problem relating to someone, you might be better off leaving it until the New Moon. You won’t be terribly open-minded and it could lead to some misunderstandings that are easy to avoid just by waiting a few days.



The next New Moon falls on Wednesday March 2nd at 12:35 P.M. EDT at 12 degrees Pisces 07 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

February 1st 6:01 A.M. – February 2nd 6:00 A.M. ***Moon is void 24 hours

February 4th 4:41 A.M. – 9:57 A.M.

February 6th 12:21 P.M. – 5:52 P.M.

February 8th 11:48 P.M. – February 9th 5:27 A.M.

February 11th 3:23 A.M. – 6:27 P.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours

February 14th  5:27 A.M. –  6:17 A.M.

February  16th 11:56 A.M. – 3:42 P.M.

February 18th 6:20 P.M. – 10:51 P.M.

February 21st 12:02 A.M. – 4:19 A.M.

February 23rd 4:24 A.M. – 8:29 A.M.

February 24th 10:24 P.M. – February 25th 11:27 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

February 27th 9:49 A.M. – 1:36 P.M.

February 28th 9:01 P.M. – March 1st 3:53 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

March 3rd 4:45 P.M. – 7:52 P.M.

March 5th 11:02 P.M. – March 6th 3:00 A.M.

March 8th 9:35 A.M. – 1:40 P.M.

January 2022

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