The New Moon falls on Tuesday February 1st at 12:46 A.M. EST at 17 degrees Aquarius 20 minutes. The month begins on an exciting note. Aquarius is known for its unpredictability and desire for unusual things. This is the sign most likely to seek out something unique and it offers us an opportunity to explore new horizons. Step outside the box and look at the world from a different perspective. You might be surprised at what you discover. This sign represents the higher octave of the mental facilities and it is able to connect things without the usual linear approach. You may come upon a concept that is completely original or find a new solution to an old problem.
There is so much that is unsettled in our world at the moment what could be better than a New Moon in this most erratic and unpredictable sign? This is a time to look for revolutionary ways of changing your situation. It’s not a time for the tried and true, but for seeking a new path. The changes we are facing on the world stage are quite challenging, to say the least. Will Russia invade Ukraine? Will Covid finally subside? Is Turkey heading towards collapse? Are we entering a period of massive inflation similar to the 70s when you could get 12% interest on your savings account, or is the economy basically solid and this will all settle down? And how about the state of the Great American Experiment – is democracy as we have known it an endangered system flailing in its death throes, or will we find a way to stop the decaying chasm that has engulfed our nation? There will not be easy or quick solutions to many of these questions. It’s going to take time, patience and a lot of effort to avoid what could be an even more serious mess. Of course humanity always seems on the verge of destruction, and I’m not one to be a doomsday prophet. We may find a course of action that will lead us to the next level of awareness. Still, there are powers at work now that are different from anything we have considered for a very long time. It is through innovative reasoning and our ability to leap frog over normal channels that may help us find the way.
We say that Aquarius rules humanity. I believe that is an over simplification. All 12 of the signs represent different facets of our consciousness and together they represent the layers of human experience. But we are certainly at a crossroads that will require all of our facilities to lead us down the right trail. It is a time for bravery, for fortitude and for reaching out to the heavens to find the answers we will need. In other words, it’s a time for astrology and all it implies. Through our deeper understanding of the times we live in and the challenges we face we can repair the damages that have been inflicted upon us over the past years and help us to upright that which has become askew. You must use your imagination and your faith to guide you to a better future. And that is what Aquarius is all about. For the next month use your higher mind in thought, conversation and plans and open your consciousness to concepts you may not have considered. It might be the only solution to the barriers we face. ♒️❤🙏