On Saturday January 29th at 3:46 A.M. EST Venus will finally turn around. This has been a rather lengthy journey through Capricorn for the planet of love and possessions. And while it will remain in that earth sign until March 6th at 1:30 A.M. EST at least it will leave its retrograde period and allow us to express ourselves in a more open and succinct manner. Many of us have gone through a reevaluation over the past few months, and during that period we have been forced to see our sense of values from a different perspective. That’s a good thing, but it hasn’t always been pleasant or easy. The acceptance that some of your ideas have been askew or counter-productive may not sit well with your ego. But the underlying purpose of this long transit has been to lay down a foundation both realistic and long-term upon which we can build a sturdier and more secure structure. It is only on such a footing that we can successfully move forward and address the most pressing issues we face. This is true on a personal level and on the national or world stage. In our personal lives this has been a time of serious evaluation of what our relationships mean. Some have not made the cut and were left on the sideline. Others have strengthened as a result of this examination. You may also note that there have been some important changes in the political landscape. I don’t think everyone if going to hold hands around the campfire – probably not for a very long time, if ever. But there has been a subtle but noticeable shift in the way the courts and some political figures have been directing their energy and attention. I will be discussing all of this in my upcoming webinar on February 5th.
The nation and the world need a solid structure, perhaps now more than ever, or we will continue to slide into the demise of all that we have built. The stock markets have suffered from this transit. Although retrograde Venus doesn’t always lead to a bear market, its lengthy journey through restrictive Capricorn has added some extra force. The economy is in pretty good shape no matter what some would like you to believe. There is of course an underlying political agenda to almost everything now, and pointing to financial matters as a means of expressing one’s dissatisfaction is clearly a way of upsetting the applecart. Let’s see what the markets look like in a few weeks before we all get hysterical. Panic selling is a dangerous thing. Last week the DOW dropped 1,100 points during the trading day and ended up for the day. So use some intelligence when making decisions. If this market is too volatile for you, maybe you’d be better off selling your holdings and sitting on the sidelines until it finds its footing. Whatever you do, don’t let sentiment or angst drive your decisions.
It is interesting that we in the northeast are experiencing a major winter storm as this takes place. Although I tend to put the impetus more on the Sun square Uranus which completes Sunday afternoon and is known for creating upsetting events. Be careful and stock up on food and stuff. Many people respond to a snowstorm as a world ending event, so the stores will be very busy. Be safe, stay warm and enjoy the show from a safe place.
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