On Tuesday January 18th at 12:52 P.M. EST this erratic and unstable planet begins its yearly forward dance. Uranus rules many things, including electricity, technology, revolutionary thoughts and elected government officials; as opposed to Kings, dictators, Tsars and the like, which are ruled by Saturn. Uranus rules Aquarius, (forgetting the ancient co-rulership of Saturn) and all the forward thinking that implies. So over the coming months this will be a time to embrace new concepts and to look for unique and untried solutions to what ails you. As I’ve said, Uranus rules elected officials, and we are rapidly heading deeper into an era when voting rights have become a major concern in our nation. I don’t care what side of the aisle you sit on, if there are not free, honest and clear elections we all lose. With Uranus turning around in the sign of values and stability, this issue will become so much more significant in the coming months as we head into the all-important mid-term elections. Expect continued volatility in the markets as we try to find our footing amid Covid, inflation, social and political unrest, etc. But it’s not just in America that political issues have become a beacon. France, Brazil, Hungary, The Philippines, to mention a few are all facing contested and incredibly decisive elections in a year when the veracity of the process is so very much in doubt. Expect some surprises. Things will not turn out as many suppose and the unpredictable energy of Uranus will stir the waters in ways we cannot foresee. One thing is certain: nothing is quite as it seems and you need to keep your eyes open and your head clear, both on a personal and a collective level.
As Uranus begins its forward motion we can expect pressure and animosity to heighten even more. There are a number of hot button issues that are just about to explode, and over the coming months they will become more tense. But as with all aspects this one has a positive side. Wherever there is a problem there is a potential solution. And if we don’t lose our heads and stay focused we may find a hitherto unconsidered path that may lead to success where failure is anticipated. See this as a chance to make some radical and opportunistic changes. Remember, things do not move on our time schedule. Sometimes they crawl at an alarmingly slow pace and there’s nothing we can do except wait. The dominoes fall as they will, and you cannot tell what the outcome will be. If we hadn’t had the Civil War slavery might still be the law of the land. If we hadn’t experienced the Second World War what would Europe have looked like? We will never know, expect in “what if” novels. So, don’t write off our society so fast. Perhaps we need to be pushed to the edge before we can find commonality and compassion. As Winston Churchill once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” ❤🙏👍