On Tuesday January 11th at 4:43 P.M. EST this complicated and somewhat difficult square will force us all to reevaluate what we think is important. Mars is the ego, the maleness within us all and the energy we rely on to move forward and take on the challenges we face. Neptune isn’t interested in the material or physical world. It is mostly concerned with the ethereal and spiritual side of things. This square creates a conflict between these two diametrically opposite energies. How can you be forceful and egocentric and still be in touch with your empathetic and giving side? Well, that’s exactly the test that this aspect presents. Can you balance the two, stand with one foot in the material plane and one foot in the spiritual? Or will the two-step take away your equilibrium? That is the question we will be facing. This is a question of great magnitude in both our personal and collective identity. I know many people with this square in their natal chart. Some use the conflicting energies to expand their consciousness and grow from the challenges it implies. Others are befuddled and never quite seem to grasp its purpose. There isn’t any hidden agenda or unfathomable conflict. It’s just a matter of opening one’s heart and accepting the duality of our being. You can be a successful, powerful individual and a spiritual guide at the same time.


To put this in perspective, America has this square in its chart. It’s one of the reasons our nation has had such a difficult time finding its footing at times through our history. We are a society seemingly with the highest sense of moral and humanist purity, and at the same time a culture of degrading and callous disregard for our fellow man. And therein lies one of the most difficult parts of our collective nature. It is truly one of the greatest challenges America, as an entity, faces. I will be discussing this and many other issues in my upcoming webinar scheduled for February 5th. This square will return in November 2022 when Mars, which is currently in Sagittarius in square to Neptune in Pisces transits into Gemini and once again squares Neptune in the mutable water sign. This test will repeat in the fall once again just in time for the all-important mid-term elections and challenge our ability to find a stable foundation.