Newsletter: January 2022

Newsletter: January 2022

ISSUE # 270

January 2022

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.

Mitchell has been a professional astrologer in New York City for more than three decades specializing in financial astrology and medical chart interpretation as well as relationships, elective astrology, life direction. Mitchell works with natal charts, transits, solar arc direction, secondary progressions and composite charts.

If you’re interested in a personal reading, please click here.


What can I say as we enter 2022? Of course I wish for a better year, one with a receding, weakening pandemic and a more robust sense of moral, political and social responsibility. While I am always as optimistic as possible and look for the silver lining (everybody sing!) to satisfy my Sagittarius Moon and rising sign, I’m a Cancer with an equally powerful sense of realistic and solid belief in what my lying eyes tell me. So let’s put things in perspective:

This nation and, in fact, the world are on shaky ground. Turkey is crumbling, Brazil is tearing up the Amazon, Eastern Europe is on edge, and Taiwan is holding its breath. Misinformation, conspiracy theories and political chicanery are rampant. The mixed blessing that is social media and the internet has grown out of proportion and is now fodder to anyone who wishes to make a statement, whether that view is based at all on facts. That is a dangerous perspective. Can we believe the media? Or for that matter could we ever completely trust what we have been told? Not since Walter Cronkite went off the air. There have always been spin doctors. When Moses came down from the mountain holding two tablets upon which much of Western civilization has been founded how do we know what went on up in wilderness of Mt. Sinai? Was there a negotiation during which he argued not to include adultery? Or perhaps there was an 11th commandment – “thou shall not get caught”? I don’t mean to be flippant or to upset anyone’s religious beliefs, so please don’t be offended. I’m just using some humor to offset what is a very unfunny period in our history as we see our collective views being skewered by the courts, world governments, the demise of our environment, and the massing of troops on the border of Ukraine. I thought we had left all of that saber rattling in the past. Well, as they say history is doomed to repeat itself like a stale pastrami sandwich.

So, a New Year is upon us and we must make some painful decisions. Do we fight as hard as we can to support our democracy? Or do we listlessly accept that it was a good run, and now we’re heading towards a less free society? I have lived a while by our standards. And in that time I have marched, protested, been tear-gassed, beaten with clubs and arrested for what I believe in. (I was actually on the front page of the Washington Post getting arrested in D.C. many years ago. My mother was not as proud as I had hoped she would be. LOL) And I’m prepared to go through it all again if it would make the slightest difference in the outcome of the coming period. There is a dire sense of lethargy and discouragement that has fallen upon many who are fatigued by an endless virus and an equally endless barrage of falsehoods and manipulation. But I believe that most people are good and honest in their hearts. They may be swayed by rhetoric or fear, but eventually they come to their senses. We have been here before. In the 1950s a junior senator from Wisconsin named Joe McCarthy took hold of the public through fearmongering and held seemingly unbreakable power over this nation for several years. He destroyed countless careers, marriages and lives with nothing more than innuendo. And America was held hostage, until finally during the Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954 his power and support faded. On December 2nd of that year the Senate voted 67-22 to censure him, making him one of the few Senators to be so disciplined. It took a large majority of people from both parties to accomplish the feat. It will take an equally gallant and brave movement in our near future to restore anything resembling trust in our government and our courts. Will we see such a movement? There are some indicators that some are moving in that direction.

Michigan voters just approved Proposal 2 with about 61% of voters in favor. The initiative will create a 13-member independent bi-partisan and non-partisan citizen’s redistricting commission that will end gerrymandering as a political weapon. It is only one example of what needs to be done. And while I’m not swinging from the chandeliers over it, it is a striking example of what can be done when people from both parties are willing to work together.

While I am not a Pollyanna and hesitate to jump on bandwagons and embrace every little bit of good news, I am by nature optimistic and I’m entering this New Year with hope and faith. We have survived many trials through my lifetime, and some seemed insurmountable. But we got past them and continue to learn as a culture. Will we overcome the tremendous challenges we are facing – climate change, polarizing political divide, financial inequality, hunger, and fear? Only time will tell. But if we can find common ground and stand shoulder to shoulder, we can do amazing things. If we don’t, we will face the decay of our world in ways only science fiction writers beginning with the brilliant H.G. Wells could have imagined.

Peace and love to you, my brothers and sisters. And find the compassion in your hearts and the courage in your souls to stand up for a better, safer, saner world.

HAPPY NEW YEAR. Here’s hoping for a great 2022 and a new beginning in our collective consciousness.


The New Moon falls on Sunday January 2nd at 1:33 P.M. EST at 12 degrees Capricorn 20 minutes. The Capricorn New Moon begins the calendar yearly cycle and it often starts on a somewhat somber and constraint note. Every January we have the New Moon in this sign. It’s a time of year when the energy and expectations are low. We are beginning winter when nature starts its hibernation and animals and plants retreat into their passive state. So what does this mean for us? Well, Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, are known for their restrictive and conservative nature. I don’t mean that term in a political way. These definitions change from generation to generation. But on a life path this is a time when we must slow down and examine what we are doing and where we are putting our energy and priorities. Well, we certainly are in a period of restriction with the most recent variant of Covid-19 exploding throughout the world. Some indicators show as many as a million new cases a day. Luckily this variety seems to be less lethal, but it’s still putting a huge strain on our society. I hope that it will be short-lived and subside very soon.

Capricorns do not tend to rush to judgment or leap into action without thinking things through. That is more the domain of the fire and air signs. This sign is very much a doer, and Capricorns are often very accomplished people who put down strong and secure roots, build great wealth and lasting projects. This sign rules real estate and banks. But they do it in a slow and methodical fashion. That’s a very important lesson for many of us to learn. If you tend to rush into a situation only to find yourself on thin ice, you could benefit greatly by the teachings of this sign.


On Wednesday January 5th at 11:03 A.M. EST this pleasant aspect gives us all a day of peace and creativity. This won’t set the world on fire, nor will you suddenly grasp the truth about life and the universe. But it will put you in touch with your inner self and the poet within will have a voice clearer, stronger and more intuitive. Your compassionate side will also be pronounced and anything you can do to help your friends, loved ones or strangers will bring you a sense of fulfillment. Try to make use of these quick moving aspects and learn the lessons they offer. It is the little things in life that matter most, and even a day of modest enlightenment can change your life.


On Saturday January 8th at 7:48 P.M. EST this gentle and loving energy will allow us all short respite from the trials of the world. This will be a short time when we can embrace the human side and reach out to each other. It won’t be a cure-all, but it might be a good evening for an intimate dinner with a lover or friend, a get-together of a small (masked) group, or a time to review your creative work and find some new ways of self-expression. Enjoy any form of creativity or art. You will gain a lot from the experience and it’s a wonderful way of releasing tension. This can be a bit of a lazy aspect, so don’t plan a strenuous work schedule. It’s a day to enjoy, indulge and share with your closest people. Have a little fun. It wouldn’t hurt.


On Tuesday January 11th at 4:43 P.M. EST this complicated and somewhat difficult square will force us all to reevaluate what we think is important. Mars is the ego, the maleness within us all and the energy we rely on to move forward and take on the challenges we face. Neptune isn’t interested in the material or physical world. It is mostly concerned with the ethereal and spiritual side of things. This square creates a conflict between these two diametrically opposite energies. How can you be forceful and egocentric and still be in touch with your empathetic and giving side? Well, that’s exactly the test that this aspect presents. Can you balance the two, stand with one foot in the material plane and one foot in the spiritual? Or will the two-step take away your equilibrium? That is the question we will be facing.

To put this in perspective, America has this square in its chart. It’s one of the reasons our nation has had such a difficult time finding its footing at times through our history. We are a society with the highest sense of moral and humanist purity, and at the same time a culture of degrading and callous disregard for our fellow man. And therein lies one of the most difficult parts of our nature. I will be discussing this and many other issues in my upcoming webinar scheduled for February 5th. This square will return in November 20220 when Mars, which is currently in Sagittarius in square to Neptune in Pisces transits into Gemini and once again squares Neptune in the mutable water sign. This test will repeat in the fall once again and challenge our ability to find a stable foundation.


On Friday January 14th at 6:41 A.M. EST until February 3rd at 11:13 P.M. EST Mercury begins running backwards. Part of this transit occurs in Aquarius, and part in Capricorn. We are being given the opportunity to see the difference between these two signs quite clearly. While ancient astrologers gave rulership of both signs to Saturn, today we lean towards Uranus ruling Aquarius. I hedge my bet, as I have known many Uranian Aquarians, and many Saturnine Aquarians. So I take both planets into account when viewing this erratic sign. With Mercury reversing direction in Aquarius we can expect some interesting reactions. This sign rules elected officials and government of and by the people. As such, with the political atmosphere as fraught with division and so many issues taking place in D.C., the courts and in local government settings I think a number of matters will come to a head over the coming weeks. There will be a powerful tug-of-war between the progressive side (Aquarius) and the conservative side (Capricorn) as Mercury teeters between these two signs. I don’t expect resolution in many cases, rather a more clear-cut sense of what each side is demanding. Some situations will come to a head and set us on a path that will most likely be decided later in the year. This includes abortion rights, voting rights, state’s rights and the movement towards the mid-term elections. These will be discussed and argued in many formats while Mercury is in retrograde. Remember, this planet turns around three times a year, and each time it is offering us an opportunity to slow down and take a look at some problems we are facing. If we can do so with a keen and honest perspective there is a chance to find at least some guidelines to follow once Mercury goes direct. Also, I believe that the Omnicom variant will peak and begin to wane. Whether this is the last go-round with Covid or not, I don’t know. But I think events are showing us that this runs up, and then diminishes rather quickly. We can only hope. Be careful during this retrograde and take the usual precautions of backing up your files, securing good communication devises and double checking your plans and your car, boat, plane or jetpack to ensure they are working well and are safe. See you on the other side of this aspect. J


On Sunday January 16th at 9:51 A.M. EST the intensity of our choices will be very clear today. There is little middle ground and you will be asked to pick a side in many issues. Try not to bother with the petty stuff. If something is important enough to battle over, then go in with your full force and stand up for what you believe. Wasting your time and efforts on silly or mundane spats will just weaken you and you won’t have enough oomph to handle the important ones. This can be a powerful and even violent aspect under certain circumstances. We won’t all be in danger, nor should you hide under the bed. Just pay attention to what’s going on around you and don’t get drawn into disputes that aren’t your concerned or important enough to deal with.


On Monday January 17th this month’s lunar peak occurs at 6:48 P.M. EST at 27 degrees Cancer 51 minutes. The Moon rules this sign and it tends to be overly emotional when traveling here. When the yearly Full Moon falls in January we often feel a tug from the past. Don’t be surprised if you hear from someone you have lost touch with for some time; or if your thoughts and dreams take you back to younger years. That’s a common effect when the lunar energy is intensified. Look back and learn, but don’t get lost in what was. I often dream of my old friends and lovers, or my beloved dog Goldie at this time. They come to visit, sometimes to say hello, sometimes to reprimand me for some slight I have forgotten. This is a moment to reach out to those you love and expose your emotions without fear of consequences. If you have an open heart no one can hurt it. That happens when we close it off and try to protect that which is most human and vulnerable from the very feelings it needs to survive. Love is immortal. Our egos are not. I have never stopped loving those I have loved. Sometimes it isn’t easy or productive to continue the relationship or to step back into the quicksand I have pulled myself out of. But that’s not the same thing as turning away from my feelings. You can step back into the past of a love affair or a close friendship without exposing yourself to future pain. If you can find that path, follow it.

Because of the overly emotional energy this Full Moon can produce we may see some unsettling events occur with those who do not have the solid footing necessary to experience such an episode. Try to be understanding. Others may not have the inner strength you have and compassion could help them cope. Issues of the home and security will come up; this includes some of the financial difficulties many people are facing. The child tax credit that many Americans have relied on for the past year has expired and there will be repercussions throughout the nation. Other issues of value and support will arise and how they are dealt with will have a long term effect.


On Tuesday January 18th at 12:52 P.M. EST this erratic and unstable planet begins its yearly forward dance. Uranus rules many things, including electricity, technology, revolutionary thoughts and elected government officials; as opposed to Kings, dictators, Tsars and the like, which are ruled by Saturn. Uranus rules Aquarius, (forgetting the ancient co-rulership of Saturn) and all the forward thinking that implies. So this is a time to embrace new concepts and to look for unique and untried solutions to what ails you. As I’ve said earlier in this newsletter, Uranus rules elected officials, and we are rapidly heading deeper into an era when voting rights have become a major concern in our nation. I don’t care what side of the aisle you sit on, if there are not free, honest and clear elections we all lose. With Uranus turning around in the sign of values and stability, this issue will become so much more important in the coming months as we head into the all-important mid-term elections. But it’s not just in America that this issue has become a beacon. Russia, China, Brazil, Hungary, The Philippines, to mention a few are all facing contested and incredibly decisive elections in a year when the veracity of the process is so very much in doubt.


On Wednesday January 19th at 9:39 P.M. EST we enter the fixed air sign and the energy will take on an unpredictable and quickly changing atmosphere. For the next month it will be the higher mind that in in control, especially with Mercury still in this fixed air sign for another few days. Take advantage of this energy and open your mind to new concepts and ways of dealing with ongoing problems. You may find a new solution that you hadn’t considered. This will be obvious in some of the ways that the collective contends with its ongoing issues. In your personal life you should try to make use of this energy and explore new paths and seek our new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where… oops, sorry. Star Trek snuck in there. But you get the point. It’s a time of changeability and new ideas and horizons. With Uranus just going direct yesterday, and Mercury in retrograde in this sign we have a lot of Uranian energy to contend with. Keep an open mind. Try to see things from a bigger perspective. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fight for your beliefs. Just the opposite. If you can see both sides of an issue and still feel confident in your opinion you will have a better way of expressing it and hopefully help find solutions that aid everyone.


On Sunday January 23rd at 5:28 A.M. EST the Sun will conjoin retrograde Mercury and give a boost of power to that tiny, but highly influential heavenly body. This is a few days when you need to pay close attention to what is being said, and to carefully review the content. Because of the retrograde it’s easy to misinterpret or hear what you want to hear, not what is said. Expect some important information to be brought up and don’t assume you know the truth. Take a little time to examine the facts and make your own decisions.


On Monday January 24th at 7:53 A.M. EST until March 6th at 1:23 A.M. EST Mars will enter this earth sign. While the combination of Mars and Saturn (Capricorn’s ruler) is known to be limiting and at times frustrating, it’s interesting to note that Mars is exalted in this sign and when the undisciplined energy of Mars is held to account by the somewhat restrictive and realistic force of Capricorn we can accomplish much and there will be a steady hand for the surgeon’s knife. That is why Mars is exalted here. If we can control our temper, our energy, our ego we can accomplish so much more than if it rums roughshod over our personality. With the steady hand of Capricorn, Mars can work with care and precision and aim its tremendous force where it can do the most good. Some will feel frustration and moments of doubt during this transit. And there will be times when it seems as though we are stuck in the mud. But in the long run this aspect will do us all good on a personal and collective level.


On Tuesday January 25th at 10:05 P.M. EST Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn until February 14th at 4:54 P.M. EST. This will be a few weeks when we will be thinking in a more concise and focused fashion. That isn’t a bad thing. In fact, if you use it properly this can be a time when you can create a foundation in your thought and communications that will serve you well in the coming months. Because we are in the midst of some rather important changes in society, this will force us all to slow down even more and to carefully and with concise precision make decisions that may have long term influence. Don’t rush to judgment. Listen to what the other person has to say and take into account the possibility that you aren’t completely aware of all of the information necessary to make a final decision. Can this be frustrating? Absolutely. But with some patience and faith in the outcome you may make a much better choice. This is not a good time to sign papers, especially in a real estate deal or with a bank. You might regret it in the end. I would suggest putting all important contracts on the sideline if at all possible.



On Friday January 28th at 11:16 P.M. EST we will all be apt to speak first and think second. This can be a very feisty and even belligerent aspect when you or the other person may say something you will regret later on. Take your time and delve into the issues with an open mind. But don’t let the words drop off your tongue like gumballs. Mull things over for a little while and choose your words carefully. You cannot unsay something once it’s out there.


On Saturday January 29th at 3:46 A.M. EST Venus will finally turn around. This has been a rather lengthy journey through Capricorn for the planet of love and possessions. And while it will remain in that earth sign until March 6th at 1:30 A.M. EST at least it will leave its retrograde period and allow us to express ourselves in a more open and succinct manner. Many of us have gone through a reevaluation over the past few months, and during that period we have been forced to see our sense of values from a different perspective. That’s a good thing, but it hasn’t always been pleasant or easy. The acceptance that some of your ideas have been askew or counter-productive may not sit well with your ego. But the underlying purpose of this long transit has been to lay down a foundation both realistic and long-term upon which we can build a sturdier and more secure structure. It is only on such a footing that we can successfully move forward and address the most pressing issues we face. The nation and the world need such a structure, perhaps now more than ever, or we will continue to slide into the demise of all that we have built.


On Sunday January 30th at 2:32 P.M. EST. we have a day of disruption and instability right at the end of the lunar cycle. This is a moment when we can readjust our perception and ready ourselves for the next month. This is potentially an upsetting day when accidents and mishaps are common. You need to pay attention and avoid any dangerous or unstable situations. This can be an accident or upsetting encounter, especially if it sets off your natal chart. It only takes a moment to turn a perfectly good day into a mess, so stay on top of things. Some issues will be out of our control and there’s little we can do about that, except pay attention and be ready to react.


The next New Moon falls on Tuesday February 1st at 12:46 A.M. EDT at 12 degrees Aquarius 20 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:

January 3rd 11:21 A.M. – 5:44 P.M.

January 4th 7:45 P.M. – January 5th 7:17 P.M. ***Moon is void 24 hours

January 7th 5:23 P.M. – January 8th 12:26 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

January 10th 2:23 A.M. – 9:47 A.M.

January 12th 2:39 P.M. – 10:08 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

January 14th  9:22 P.M. –  January 15th 11:11 A.M.

January  17th 6:48 P.M. – 11:03 P.M.

January 20th 3:15 A.M. – 9:02 A.M.

January 22nd 2:46 P.M. – 5:03 P.M.

January 24th 5:10 P.M. – 10:57 P.M.

January 27th 12:28 A.M. – 2:34 A.M.

January 28th 2:00 P.M. – January 29th 4:09 A.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours

January 30th 11:44 P.M. – January 31st 4:43 A.M.

February 1st 6:01 A.M. – February 2nd 6:00 A.M.***Moon is void 24 hours

February 4th 4:41 A.M. – 9:57 A.M.

February 6th 12:21 P.M. – 5:52 P.M.

January 2022

New York City

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