On Wednesday December 1st at 8:22 A.M. EST Neptune begins its yearly trek forward. This is an important aspect. It always is of note when a planet reverses direction. All of the outer ones are retrograde almost half a year, and then begin to move forward once again. And when they do they bring out into the world the essence of what that planet represents. Neptune is all about spirituality and the need to help individuals and the collective. And lord knows we need some assistance right now. As we complete this lunar cycle and prepare for another New Moon on December 4th we are heading into the Solar Eclipse in expansive Sagittarius. As I have noted, this past month saw a lot of Sag energy, as the Sun and Mercury moved from Scorpio and began traveling through Sag, and a number of planets aspected Jupiter. Legal matters have come to the forefront in several highly intense cases. The Rittenhouse trail and the murder trial in Georgia both held us in suspense for some time. Now the Supreme Court is about to hear what could result in life-changing decisions that will alter the landscape of America for a long time to come. While Neptune is transiting through Pisces and not Sagittarius, Jupiter is about to enter Pisces and begin its approach to the conjunct to Neptune that will complete in April. So in fact we are going to see an enormously important shift in our consciousness by spring. This reversal of direction of Neptune implements the start of those changes.
With Neptune turning around, many issues that had been subtle and subdued, especially in matters of compassion and aid will begin to come to the forefront and demand our attention. This is often a very positive aspect for artists, many of whom have been working on projects for many months that will now be ready to show the outside world. We don’t write a book in a day, we write it every day, sometimes for years. But there comes a time when you must publish or perish, as the old saying goes. And this is a time when many will choose to do just that. But our sense of compassion and fair play will be severely tested in the coming months, and as we head towards the all-important mid-term elections our faith will be tested. Remember, Neptune rules Pisces, but the ancient ruler was Jupiter. When these two combine in this sign there will be some incredibly important issues regarding faith, hope, charity and how we will define what our society is supposed to be. It will not be an easy path, and many might feel discouraged and find that their faith is, in fact, being tested to its limits. But that is when we must find our inner strength and stand together to face what is to come. Covid, inflation, political strife and an uncertain future are what we are being called upon to deal with. Stand tall and strong and your faith will get you through it all. 🙏❤