On Sunday November 21st at 9:34 P.M. EST we enter the most capacious of signs. This is one of my favorites. I have my moon and ascendant in Sagittarius and tend to be drawn to this energy. I love Sags and all that Jupiter expansiveness, but I’m well aware of how it can get out of hand. Ask a Sag how many people were at the club last night. “Five hundred.” Really? “Well, 80, but it was a small club and looked like a lot more.” It isn’t the Sag’s fault nor are they trying to encourage exaggeration. It’s the nature of the sign to want to enlarge everything and to take in as much of life as possible. So look for ways to do that. This is one reason why travel, especially long journeys is said to fall under its influence. When we move long distances our consciousness grows and we can begin to see the world from a whole new point of view.
Also the optimism this sign embraces is a heart-felt warmth and desire for success and closeness. While Sagittarius is known for its need for freedom and unrestricted movement, its ruler, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, and for many people the way they expand their ideas and their dreams is through family and the enlargement of family with children, in-laws and the feeling of belonging. So while Sag wants to roam free, like any horse would, it always returns to the barn for food, shelter and comfort. Interestingly enough, in-laws fit into the 9th house in a horoscope, and that is Sag’s house, as it is the 9th sign of the zodiac. So for the next month go out and seek new and interesting ideas, people and events. But drop bread crumbs on the path so you can find your way home. I always find it interesting that while Christmas Day falls in the stoic and traditionally conservative sign of Capricorn, the shopping season is mostly in this fun-loving and social sign. And Hanukkah, the holiday of lights, when supposedly one day’s worth of oil burned for eight days, (what a Sag’s thing to consider) also usually is celebrated during the Sag season. So enjoy the shopping, the eating, the socializing and watching your favorite holiday movies. But remember, that this is also the sign of higher consciousness, generosity and religion, and keep in mind just what all of the season’s holidays represent. Be of good cheer and try to make the world a little better for those around you. That is very much what Sags try to do.
This sign also rules the courts, and between the recent trial, the ongoing ones and the constant conversation of what the courts in this nation and in the world truly represent. Will we be a people of laws, or of vigilantism? Will there be boundaries in place that uphold our legal system or will there be chaos and a breakdown of that system? These are the questions that are on many minds at the moment. And as we approach the Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse on December 3rd some of these issues will come to a peak and demand an answer. ♐️

Love your insights. I’m an Aquarian but my sun is in the 9th. I love horses and in many ways identify with their independence and love of freedom to roam. Now I know why