November 2021
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
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We are heading into the next Saturn – Uranus square that will complete at the end of December. For the next two months we will see the inner planets aspect both of these harsh planets. This month we will deal with Mercury and Mars in aspect to Saturn and Uranus from November 10th – 17th. You simply need to be careful and make sure that you aren’t in a dangerous situation. People will feel the intensity of these aspects and react accordingly. We can expect a few explosive situations that may be violent, possibly gun-related incidences. Accidents are quite possible. And in our personal lives this is going to be a time when you must try to find your inner peace and project that as much as possible. You will be angry at times. It might be a traffic jam, someone in Whole Foods cutting in from of the line, or your significant other demanding some compromise that you find unacceptable. On the world stage we are dealing with some tremendously complicated issues that will come to a head very soon. Stay alert and don’t walk into the saloon when you hear shouting and gunfire.
These transits are all adding to the underlying effects of America’s Pluto return. I have heard from a number of readers who live in other countries and have asked that I address their issues as well as America’s. I understand, and I will try to make this a world-wide newsletter. But keep in mind that “as America goes, so goes the world” isn’t just a marketing meme, it’s a very real concept that has been true since the Second World War, and while Europe and Asia are distancing themselves from the U.S. more and more, still the apron strings are strong and without American force Taiwan will soon be in China’s control, Europe will lean further and further to the right, Russia will hold great sway over Europe with its pipeline, the Middle East will grow even more explosive. Do I think that America has done a great job holding the world together? Hardly. We are a selfish, greedy, racist country with more guns than people. We have so many serious internal problems that are decaying our society it would behoove us to fix our own home before attempting to dictate to other nations. But our economy remains the strongest, and the U.S. dollar is still the go-to currency worldwide. So as we go through our Pluto Return I will focus on our situation only as the starting point in discussing the world’s future. If we continue to decay and lose our place in world politics I seriously doubt that the global situation will remain stable or that compromise in those areas of the world will be possible.
Our nation and the world at large are facing some of the most dangerous and divisive choices we have ever faced. Climate change isn’t going to wait until the world decides it’s important enough to confront in a clear and forceful manner. If the events of the past decade aren’t sufficient to convince the large majority of people, governments and corporations that difficult and decisive action must occur immediately, it will be too late to reverse of even slow the alteration of weather patterns and the effects they will have on our coastlines, economy and food supplies. Will we make those choices in time? Well, look around you. The climate deniers, the anti-vaxxers, the huge number of people with their heads in the sand continue to thwart all efforts at change. The Supreme Court, which no longer represents the majority of America’s population is about to make some startling and potentially horrifying decisions. They will decide if legal abortion and a woman’s right to choose what to do with your own body is constitutional. They are hearing a challenge to New York State’s strict gun laws that prevent all citizenry from carrying concealed weapons everywhere is against their interpretation of the 2nd amendment of our constitution. If that law is overturned, there will be millions of New Yorkers carrying guns on the subways, in their cars, to baseball games, bars and anywhere they choose. These are the same New Yorkers who can’t figure out alternate side of the street parking rules. God help the United States of America. And God help the world.
The New Moon falls on Thursday November 4th at 5:15 P.M. EDT at 12 degrees Scorpio 40 minutes. Ch…ch…ch…changes. The Sun and Mars are already traveling through this fixed water sign, and Mercury will join them tomorrow November 5th. As we have seen this past month, Scorpio isn’t satisfied with superficial answers. It reaches deep into things and needs to understand and strip away the layers that cover the truth. The Scorpio New Moon each year in November represents a chance to dig into a subject and reveal much that has been hidden. This isn’t always a pleasant process and it can stir the waters in a very profound way. Saturn will be in square to the midpoint of the Sun, Moon and Mars, and there will be a restrictive feeling as this month begins. We are already seeing the results in our politics, our economy and in our personal lives. Because of the upcoming square to Saturn, Uranus will be in opposition to the New Moon creating an unstable and potentially explosive period. This is not going to be a gentle or passive month. It will challenge and prod us all to make some important decisions.
The recent off-year elections this past Tuesday certainly denote a retreat from the progressive energy many had expected after last year’s presidential contest. The widening chasm in America is making the Grand Canyon look tiny in comparison, and it’s just getting wider. As we approach the all-important mid-terms in 2022 the struggle will intensify, and what this New Moon and its surrounding aspects imply is just how deeply this is sitting in our collective consciousness. While the stock markets are doing well and it seems that despite the problems of the ongoing pandemic and the chain supply issues, the equities continue to move up. The bull market hasn’t waned, although at times the stocks are going sideways, which is what I would expect with this Saturn aspect. It’s not heading towards an eminent a crash (sorry to you doom’s day prophets), it isn’t even a correction yet. It’s just a slow moving meh market. However, there is no way this won’t become a potential if two things happen. First, if the Biden economic plans fail and the Democrats do not pass either or both of the bills they’ve been touting there will be a backlash in the stocks this year, which will have a devastating effect on next year’s elections. Second, if there is the explosive result in the mid-terms that I expect, with shouts of “theft and chicanery” resulting in a long drawn out series of legal battles, we will see the markets tumble in 2022.
On a more personal level I’ve heard from many people telling me that they are going through a rather difficult time as they are forced to confront issues that will not be turned away. With so many planets transiting Scorpio that’s what one would expect. Limitations and tension on all levels are quite profound and the first aspects after a New Moon set up the energy for the first half of the lunar cycle. Saturn in square to Uranus is strenuous at best, and with it settling on the New Moon we can expect this to be a difficult and changeable month. Don’t set your ambitions and goals too high or you will be disappointed. If you keep them in a realistic place they will do just fine.
This sign is known for its desire to transform things in a deep and probing way. It won’t allow us to sidestep things that truly need to be examined. We are all going to see some things we had relied on for some time begin to morph into something new. The Democratic Party is certainly being shown this reality. If they don’t change their message and approach, and quickly, they will pay a serious price in the mid-terms. But if they can alter their message they may prevail better than in most mid-terms. In your own life, this is a chance to purge and remove things that are no longer valid. You could probably throw out 80% of your stuff and not miss it much at all. But that’s up to you. The more clutter you have the less chance there is of sprouting new ideas or redecorating your life. Use this New Moon energy to set the stage for transformation and you will be very happy with the results. Try to hold onto the old and worn out and you will spend the next period tiptoeing through the past with no room for growth.
On Thursday November 4th at 7:58 P.M. EDT there will be electricity in the air –
a live wire ungrounded that will set off sparks and may explode at any moment. This is not a time to go skydiving, sit in the first car of a roller coaster, or bungie jump. It’s also not the best day to call up your ex and tell them that you’ve got some embarrassing pictures you’re going to post on the internet, and then go for a long walk unaccompanied by the shore. Now, of course we aren’t all going to be in danger under this aspect. It’s an energetic and exciting aspect, and if you are careful and can direct your energy into productive and positive events you can make some impressive headway on your path. But it can lead to accidents and erratic behavior. Because this completes right after the New Moon it will set the atmosphere for the month. This will be a time to use caution and look before you leap. There will be some surprising events and a lot of disagreements. The energy this opposition creates needs to be harnessed and directed in a constructive way or it will run roughshod over anyone in its path. Expect to face some sudden and surprising situations. How you handle them will decide whether this is a positive or a negative period. In any event it will be radical in its agenda and we will certainly see face some important and face decisions without a lot of time to react. This force will be in play for several weeks, so stay aware.
On Friday November 5th at 6:44 A.M. EDT until March 6th at 2:49 A.M. Venus will retrograde on December 19th 2021 at 5:36 A.M. EST in the sign of Capricorn where it will spend an extensive period of four months. That’s a long time for this ruler of money and love to be in one sign. And with that sign being Saturn-ruled Capricorn we can expect a certain amount of limitation and suppression in those areas. Does that mean that we are entering a bear market in love and in the stocks? Not necessarily. This may be a period when we shore up some necessary sense of foundation and move our projects from the expansive, somewhat illusionary Sagittarius stage into the more realistic and structured saturnine phase. Because this will last 4 months and take us through much of the winter there will be a certain perfunctory feeling about how we act and what decisions are made. It is more important to have a settled and strong structure than an ornate one. If the infrastructure and “build back better” bills are passed they will favor what is necessary to get the thing moving and accept the restrictions being force upon the more progressive members of Congress. They will not include all that is on the Democrats wish list, but a score at this point will be a win of great magnitude, necessary to continue the Biden presidency, nothing less.
In love we will all be more realistic as well. What a thing to say! Isn’t love all about fantasy, illusion and the dream of a couple riding off into the sunset without a care in the world? Only in storybooks. Life is more demanding and less an illusion than we might wish. As Mel Brooks once said, in the 2,000 year old man routines: “You know what you needed a woman for, in my time? To see if there was an animal behind you. You walked back to back, unless you were in a high ground. Then you could turn around and face each other.”
On Friday November 5th at 6:35 P.M. EDT until November 24th at 10:36 A.M. EST Mercury joins the Sun and Mars in this fixed water sign and things will get even more intense. For the next few weeks it’s time to strip off the scab and expunge the infection once and for all. The enormous amount of Scorpio energy we are under at the moment will be forceful, passionate and penetrating. On a personal level this is a time to examine what’s happening in your life and to see if there was ways you can repair things or redirect your energy into a new path that will give you an opportunity to begin anew. Anything that feels worn out or decaying should be addressed, including projects, structures and relationships. There is so much happening in our society and this will be a time of serious contemplation and some rather complex decisions and resolutions. Scorpio and its ruler Pluto rule reconstruction and renovation, and the passing of the large infrastructure bill yesterday is one example of what this sign and energy are capable of accomplishing. This is a moment when we either rebuild America or watch as it falls to crap. I’m optimistic that this is the beginning of rejuvenation on some levels of our structure and self-image. But I don’t think it’s the end of our woes, merely one positive step towards some sort of salvation. We still have a very long way to go.
We say that Scorpio has a “black or white” approach to things. I know many people with the Sun, Moon or Ascendant in this sign who actually dress in black and white much of the time. But the issues we are dealing with are more profound than our wardrobe. We have a Supreme Court whose attitude is antithetical to the wishes of a large majority of Americans. Over the coming months they will make decisions regarding abortion rights, gun rights, voting rights, racial and social laws and so many issues that are at the core of our political divide. As we head into the mid-term elections that will decide the remainder of the Biden presidency as well as the direction our nation will go for a very long time, this judicial body that was created for the purpose of remaining non-partisan has become anything but. By allowing the minority to rule over the desires of the majority, by definition we no longer will have a democracy. All of these quick moving Scorpio transits aren’t enough to forge such a radical change in America. However, as most of you know we are going through our Pluto return, a once every 240 year event. Pluto rules Scorpio and the undercurrent of this planet’s energy is as powerful as anything we have felt in our history. Having a plethora of inner planets transiting through this sign is simply pushing the envelope and forcing our hand to confront the problems in a direct and realistic manner. Supreme Court judges should not be a lifetime appointment. Times change, attitudes change, and to assume that someone who is put on the bench will still be pertinent in their decisions after 30 years is a foolish notion. Oh well, I can’t make that decisions alone. But the population of a democracy can. In the meantime we will have several life-changing issues come to a head very soon. This isn’t just happening in America. Throughout the world people are dealing with similar issues about the balance of power, the rights of the individual and the salvation of the planet on the edge of destruction. Wherever you live try to have a voice in what is happening and see if you can have an effect on the outcome. We only have one planet and unless Tesla is about to build a fleet of spaceships there is no place else to go. So let’s clean up our room and rebuild the house so it can weather another storm or two.
On Wednesday November 10th at 7:57 A.M. & 12:04 P.M. EST this pair of aspects will complete. Be careful how you speak to each other. The square to Mars is an argument waiting to happen and there’s no reason why it has to happen to you. There will be much vitriol in the air and people will be looking for a fight. Because Mars is in square to Saturn now, they will each be squared by Mercury today, followed in a few days by Mercury square Uranus. The square to Saturn creates a sense of frustration and can be quite irritating. By adding Mars to the mix we will see a few days of tension and repressed anger. This can be what is called a “slow-burn” as the frustration builds to a breaking point and people explode in an uncontrollable barrage of anger. You must pay attention and think before you speak. You could be on line with someone in the supermarket who has just heard some very disturbing news and has no way to assimilate it. That might easily manifest by pushing that angst out towards anyone in their vicinity.
On Wednesday November 10th at 6:14 P.M. EST this square completes the triangle for today. This is a very frustrating and repressive energy that can easily create tense and even violent results. Mars is the ego and it demands a free reign to act out as it wishes. Saturn is the great repressor. When these two come into a hard aspect there is often some tension and unavoidable conflicts. But remember, Mars is exalted in Saturn-ruled Capricorn and if these energies are used well and in tandem you can accomplish a great deal. Allow Saturn to help focus your attention where it is most productive and you can get a lot of work done. But don’t kid yourself. This will be a few days of stress, and on Saturday Mercury will oppose Uranus, another tense transit.
On Saturday November 13th at 10:57 A.M. EST this powerful opposition completes and people will speak without thinking as a harsh and uncompromising energy will continue for another day or two. Until the Full Moon Eclipse on November 19th we are under the cloud of this enormous pressure. This aspect can be accident prone, so you must pay close attention to what you’re doing. If this sets off your personal chart you are prone to arguments, accidents and events seemingly out of your control. Now, as always there is a positive side to this. If you can focus your attention and aim your thoughts in a constructive manner you can see things in a new light and reach beyond your normal parameters to a wider and clearer understanding of how things work.
On Monday November 15th at 2:58 P.M. EST this expansive aspect will blow things out of proportion, but that can be a good or a bad thing. The square to Jupiter can produce an atmosphere of optimism and at times over-blown enthusiasm when we can embrace things that aren’t quite as solid or realistic as we may think. Squares are always difficult in that they push themselves upon us and give little wiggle room. There seems to be less choice when a square is activated than with other aspects. But Jupiter isn’t like most planets. It can certainly expand beyond common sense and can make you feel like you can do almost anything, only to realize once the aspect has passed that you have bitten off a giant latke with no applesauce to help swallow it. But if you can keep thing in a good perspective and not overdo or make promises you can’t keep, this will be a day or two when you should be able to look at the bigger picture and move your projects and ideas forward. The only concern with Jupiter squares is that tendency to ignore limitations. There is also the potential to miss details, as this planet mostly sees the whole picture and not the intimate little things. That’s one reason why Sagittarians or those with massive Jupiter influence in their charts have some difficult in personal relationships. But more on that later. Enjoy this day and get out and travel, even if it’s just a long walk. That’s one way you can expand your consciousness and allow for the growth this implies.
On Wednesday November 17th at 12:23 P.M. EST this volatile and hot-tempered energy will complete the aspects to Saturn and Uranus. This has been one heck of a lively week. There may have been some serious issues. One that has come to light as I’m writing this is the horrible events in Texas (where else?) at the concert where at least 8 people were killed. Continue to be vigilant and walk away from any situation that seems explosive. This opposition will bring out anger and frustration in many. You may be feeling just fine, but the guy in line in front of you may be looking for a fight. Let him look somewhere else.
This month lunar peak falls on Friday November 19th at 3:57 A.M. EST at 27 degrees Taurus 14 minutes and it is an eclipse. As many of you know eclipses come in pairs. The next is a Solar Eclipse on Saturday December 4th at 2:43 A.M. EST at 12 degrees Sagittarius 22 minutes. Because this one falls in Taurus we can expect that issues about values will be prominent and there will be tests on what we believe is most important in our lives.
This Eclipse happens in Taurus, the 2nd sign of the zodiac, and one that is associated with money and values. We have seen the recent passage of the massive infrastructure bill, and now the Democrats are trying to pass the “build back better” legislation as well. Eclipses tend to be beginnings and endings of many issues. Their influence can last weeks, or decades depending upon what cycle you are looking at. It’s a fascinating study, but again not enough time in this newsletter to go into it. But for now, the events we are confronting in our society including the hesitantly optimistic actions in the equities markets belie the underlying fears of inflation, political unrest and climate change. While I don’t think that a single eclipse will spell doom for our planet, there may be a few issues that come up now and point a severe finger at where we are and where we must go in order to offset a catastrophe.
The next eclipse happens on December 3rd at 12 degrees Sagittarius 22 minutes, falling exactly on the rectified American natal chart. We are in the midst of a confrontation that is taking place on all levels of government, from the local school board right up to the Supreme Court, and it isn’t going away. These eclipses are harbingers of what’s to come as we head into the all-important 2022 mid-term elections. There’s trouble, right here in river city, and that starts with a “t” and that rhymes with “p” and that stands for politics.
On Saturday November 20th at 6:43 P.M. EST everyone will be talking. It’s a matter of whether or not they are saying anything worth listening to. When Jupiter is involved there is a lot of chatter but sometimes little substance. But don’t fret. There is something being said underneath the layers of B.S. It’s up to you to ferret it out. This can be a very active day or so when there is a lot of interaction and conversations either in person, through email and texts, or on social media. Mercury (and the Sun) will enter Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius over the next few days, so this will be a month of enlargement and new ideas. Keep an open mind and be prepared to embrace some different concepts and ways of looking at your issues.
On Sunday November 21st at 9:34 P.M. EST we enter the most expansive of signs. This is one of my favorites. I have my moon and ascendant in Sagittarius and tend to be drawn to this energy. I love Sags and all that Jupiter expansiveness, but I’m well aware of how it can get out of hand. Ask a Sag how many people were at the club last night. “Five hundred.” Really? “Well, 80, but it was a small club and looked like a lot more.” It isn’t the Sag’s fault nor are they trying to encourage exaggeration. It’s the nature of the sign to want to enlarge everything and to take in as much of life as possible. So look for ways to do that. This is one reason why travel, especially long journeys is said to fall under its influence. When we move long distances our consciousness grows and we can begin to see the world from a whole new point of view. Also the optimism this sign embraces is a heart-felt warmth and desire for success and closeness. While Sagittarius is known for its desire for freedom and unrestricted movement, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, and for many people the way they expand their ideas and their dreams is through family and the enlargement with children, in-laws and the feeling of belonging. So while Sag wants to roam free, like nay horse would, it always returns to the barn for food, shelter and comfort. Interestingly enough, in-laws fit into the 9th house in a horoscope, and that is Sag’s house, as it is the 9th sign of the zodiac. So go out and seek new and interesting ideas, people and events. But drop bread crumbs on the path so you can find your way home.
On Wednesday November 24th at 10:36 A.M. EST until December 13th at 12:52 P.M. EST Mercury joins the Sun in this mutable fire sign and we will all be seeking even more expansion in our perspective. People will be chatty and conversations will take on an interesting air. All topics are fair game with this sign, and you may be surprised at some of the things your friends bring up.
On Sunday November 28th at 11:39 P.M. EST this energy will reach a peak. For the past week we have been dealing with a lot of Sag dynamism with lively conversations and new ideas being introduced. Now we have a day or so when most people will be very willful and you may find it difficult to get a word in edgewise. Based on your natal chart if you have a strong voice you will be heard. If not, you need to pick and choose your moments and be a pithy and succinct as possible. Often when people are shouting it’s the whispers that grab more attention. Well, today most people will be screaming their lungs out. But much of what’s being said will just be hot air (Sag is a fire sign, after all) and it’s those little moments that can grab attention. Remember, the Gettysburg Address was only 272 words, and it followed a speech of more than 2 hours by former secretary of State Edward Everett. How much of that speech does anyone remember? So, as they say, sometimes less is more. And while everyone will be vying for attention now, be the one who says fewer words but has more content.
On Tuesday November 30th at 2:19 A.M. & 6:14 P.M. EST the Sun and Mercury will make positive aspects to this down-to-earth planet. This is a day to consolidate what’s been said over the past few weeks and to pare it down to the essential content. The message is the important part, not the noise surrounding it. If only our politicians could learn that lesson. Today you should be focusing your attention on the message and tuning out as much of the background as possible.
On Wednesday December 1st at 8:22 A.M. EST Neptune begins its yearly trek forward. This is an important aspect. It always is of note when a planet reverses direction. All of the outer ones are retrograde almost half a year, and then being to move forward once again. And when they do they bring with them the essence of what that planet represents. Neptune is all about spirituality and the need to help individuals and the collective. And lord knows we need some assistance right now. As we complete this lunar cycle and prepare for another New Moon on December 4th we are heading into the Solar Eclipse in expansive Sagittarius. As we have noted, this past month saw a lot of Sag energy, as the Sun and Mercury moved from Scorpio and began traveling through Sag, and a number of planets aspected Jupiter.
With Neptune turning around, many issues that had been subtle and subdued, especially in matters of compassion and aid will begin to come to the forefront and demand our attention. This is often a very positive aspect for artists, many of whom have been working on projects for many months that will now be ready to show the outside world. We don’t write a book in a day, we write it every day, sometimes for years. But there comes a time when you must publish or perish, as the old saying goes. And this is a time when many will choose to do just that.
The next New Moon falls on Saturday December 4th at 2:43 A.M. EDT at 12 degrees Sagittarius 2 minutes and it is a Solar Eclipse. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:
November 5th 12:10 P.M. – 8:52 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
November 7th 8:44 A.M. – 8:03 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours
November 9th 12:51 P.M. – 10:03 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
November 11th 2:52 P.M. – November 12th 2:54 A.M. *Moon is void 12 hours
November 14th 12:40 A.M. – 7:48 A.M. ***Moon is void 6 hours
November 16th 10:51 A.M. – 9:18 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
November 19th 3:57 A.M. – 9:33 A.M.
November 21st 10:52 A.M. – 10:33 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
November 24th 12:46 A.M. – 10:59 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
November 26th 11:24 A.M. – 9:12 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
November 28th 7:02 P.M. – November 29th 3:55 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
November 30th 11:20 P.M. – December 1st 6:55 A.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
December 3rd 12:22 A.M. – 7:13 A.M.
December 5th 12:08 A.M. – 6:31 A.M.
December 6th 11:42 P.M. – December 7th 6:49 A.M.
December 9th 5:00 A.M. – 9:53 A.M.
November 2021
New York City
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