On Friday November 5th at 6:35 P.M. EDT until November 24th at 10:36 A.M. EST Mercury joins the Sun and Mars in this fixed water sign and things will get even more intense. For the next few weeks it’s time to strip off the scab and expunge the infection once and for all. The enormous amount of Scorpio energy we are under at the moment will be forceful, passionate and penetrating. On a personal level this is a time to examine what’s happening in your life and to see if there was ways you can repair things or redirect your energy into a new path that will give you an opportunity to begin anew. Anything that feels worn out or decaying should be addressed, including projects, structures and relationships. There is so much happening in our society and this will be a time of serious contemplation and some rather complex decisions and resolutions. Scorpio and its ruler Pluto rule reconstruction and renovation, and the passing of the large infrastructure bill yesterday is one example of what this sign and energy are capable of accomplishing. This is a moment when we either rebuild America or watch as it falls to crap. I’m optimistic that this is the beginning of rejuvenation on some levels of our structure and self-image. But I don’t think it’s the end of our woes, merely one positive step towards some sort of salvation. We still have a very long way to go.

We say that Scorpio has a “black or white” approach to things. I know many people with the Sun, Moon or Ascendant in this sign who actually dress in black and white much of the time. But the issues we are dealing with are more profound than our wardrobe. We have a Supreme Court whose attitude is antithetical to the wishes of a large majority of Americans. Over the coming months they will make decisions regarding abortion rights, gun rights, voting rights, racial and social laws and so many issues that are at the core of our political divide. As we head into the mid-term elections that will decide the remainder of the Biden presidency as well as the direction our nation will go for a very long time, this judicial body that was created for the purpose of remaining non-partisan has become anything but. By allowing the minority to rule over the desires of the majority, by definition we no longer will have a democracy. All of these quick moving Scorpio transits aren’t enough to forge such a radical change in America. However, as most of you know we are going through our Pluto return, a once every 240 year event. Pluto rules Scorpio and the undercurrent of this planet’s energy is as powerful as anything we have felt in our history. Having a plethora of inner planets transiting through this sign is simply pushing the envelope and forcing our hand to confront the problems in a direct and realistic manner. Supreme Court judges should not be a lifetime appointment. Times change, attitudes change, and to assume that someone who is put on the bench will still be pertinent in their decisions after 30 years is a foolish notion. Oh well, I can’t make that decisions alone. But the population of a democracy can. In the meantime we will have several life-changing issues come to a head very soon. This isn’t just happening in America. Throughout the world people are dealing with similar issues about the balance of power, the rights of the individual and the salvation of the planet on the edge of destruction. Wherever you live try to have a voice in what is happening and see if you can have an effect on the outcome. We only have one planet and unless Tesla is about to build a fleet of spaceships there is no place else to go. So let’s clean up our room and rebuild the house so it can weather another storm or two.