The New Moon falls on Thursday November 4th at 5:15 P.M. EDT at 12 degrees Scorpio 40 minutes. Ch…ch…ch…changes. The Sun and Mars are already traveling through this fixed water sign, and Mercury will join them tomorrow November 5th. As we have seen this past month, Scorpio isn’t satisfied with superficial answers. It reaches deep into things and needs to understand and strip away the layers that cover the truth. The Scorpio New Moon each year in November represents a chance to dig into a subject and reveal much that has been hidden. This isn’t always a pleasant process and it can stir the waters in a very profound way. Saturn will be in square to the midpoint of the Sun, Moon and Mars, and there will be a restrictive feeling as this month begins. We are already seeing the results in our politics, our economy and in our personal lives. Because of the upcoming square to Saturn, Uranus will be in opposition to the New Moon creating an unstable and potentially explosive period. This is not going to be a gentle or passive month. It will challenge and prod us all to make some important decisions.
The recent off-year elections this past Tuesday certainly denote a retreat from the progressive energy many had expected after last year’s presidential contest. The widening chasm in America is making the Grand Canyon look tiny in comparison, and it’s just getting wider. As we approach the all-important mid-terms in 2022 the struggle will intensify, and what this New Moon and its surrounding aspects imply is just how deeply this is sitting in our collective consciousness. While the stock markets are doing well and it seems that despite the problems of the ongoing pandemic and the chain supply issues, the equities continue to move up. The bull market hasn’t waned, although at times the stocks are going sideways, which is what I would expect with this Saturn aspect. It’s not heading towards an eminent a crash (sorry to you doom’s day prophets), it isn’t even a correction yet. It’s just a slow moving meh market. However, there is no way this won’t become a potential if two things happen. First, if the Biden economic plans fail and the Democrats do not pass either or both of the bills they’ve been touting there will be a backlash in the stocks this year, which will have a devastating effect on next year’s elections. Second, if there is the explosive result in the mid-terms that I expect, with shouts of “theft and chicanery” resulting in a long drawn out series of legal battles, we will see the markets tumble in 2022.
On a more personal level I’ve heard from many people telling me that they are going through a rather difficult time as they are forced to confront issues that will not be turned away. With so many planets transiting Scorpio that’s what one would expect. Limitations and tension on all levels are quite profound and the first aspects after a New Moon set up the energy for the first half of the lunar cycle. Saturn in square to Uranus is strenuous at best, and with it settling on the New Moon we can expect this to be a difficult and changeable month. Don’t set your ambitions and goals too high or you will be disappointed. If you keep them in a realistic place they will do just fine.
This sign is known for its desire to transform things in a deep and probing way. It won’t allow us to sidestep things that truly need to be examined. We are all going to see some things we had relied on for some time begin to morph into something new. The Democratic Party is certainly being shown this reality. If they don’t change their message and approach, and quickly, they will pay a serious price in the mid-terms. But if they can alter their message they may prevail better than in most mid-terms. In your own life, this is a chance to purge and remove things that are no longer valid. You could probably throw out 80% of your stuff and not miss it much at all. But that’s up to you. The more clutter you have the less chance there is of sprouting new ideas or redecorating your life. Use this New Moon energy to set the stage for transformation and you will be very happy with the results. Try to hold onto the old and worn out and you will spend the next period tiptoeing through the past with no room for growth. 🙏♏️