October 2021
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
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This will be a month of some serious action in the sky. Pluto, Saturn & Jupiter will reverse direction and begin their forward motion. All of the planets, except the Sun and Moon retrograde. Most do it every year, except Mars which happens once every two years. While this is a common occurrence there are times when the energy builds up to a point of combustion and radical redirection. That is what we are facing now. Pluto will begin moving in a forward motion at 24 degrees as it races towards its return in America’s chart at 27 degrees Capricorn. It is followed by Saturn and Jupiter reversing direction, and the combination will alter our society in some profound ways.
In our personal lives we all must contend with some hard situations that will decide what direction we are going in. You may have an issue with your job, your marriage or your choices on life’s path. In any case, as these planets reverse course it will become obvious that you must make some difficult decisions that will have long term effects on your path and ultimate goals.
Some of the issues the collective is dealing with include the ongoing stress in our political arena and the battle within the Democratic Party. This will come to a head very soon and there will be a deal made to further the Biden agenda. The power struggles in Washington will, of course, continue and increase as we head towards the Pluto Return and the mid-term elections that will be a test of just how serious the rift in our culture has become. We can no longer consider this a tug-of-war, which has a childlike implication. This is becoming a full blown crisis that will not have a real resolution for a long time to come. The economy is teetering on the edge of either a resurging bull market or a deep correction and possible recession. We can’t tell which it will be until we see the results of the infighting in the Democratic Party.
The astrology is pointing towards some very harsh conflicts in the coming two years that will come to a head just about when the 2024 presidential election takes place. Pluto will have completed its Return and be entering Aquarius after its long journey through Capricorn. That will be a hallmark moment when our world will change in some radical ways. I will post my predictions for the mid-terms and for the 2024 elections in the coming months. For now, let’s just say that it’s imperative that we all find our footing and protect our security, both financially and emotionally. The coming few years will be stressful for our nation and for our sense of self and belonging. Take some time to review what your long term plans and goals are, and try to shore up your finances. This housing bubble will not last forever, and if you have property that has gained a lot of value, you may want to consider doing something with it. The stock markets are quite volatile at the moment. If there is an infrastructure deal struck, the equities will explode up for another 5% or more. If there isn’t, there will be a correction. Be careful and protect yourself.
The New Moon falls on Wednesday October 6th at 7:05 A.M. EDT at 13 degrees Libra 25 minutes. Libra is all about relationships, as I’ve said quite a bit over the past few months as we have seen a number of astrological events take place in this 7th sign. At the moment we have the Sun, Mercury and Mars in this cardinal air sign, and this New Moon is simply a trigger that will amplify the power of this season. Whether you are in a relationship, looking for one or purposely ignoring the urge to cuddle up to a warm body on the chilly nights, the individual and the collective are very aware of the need for partnerships. We see it in the political arena, in business, hell even in the stock market where many companies are considering mergers or redirection of their efforts into a new path crowded by others with a similar idea. The markets are extremely volatile at the moment, with daily moves of 600 points up and down as they try to measure exactly what is in store over the coming months. This is Libra trying to find balance. On a personal level this is a time to determine the same thing. What direction are you heading in, what do you want in the immediate future and in what direction is your personal market heading? Yes, this is the sign of the scales, and equilibrium is a measure of Libra’s power. But sometimes it takes a huge shift in our consciousness, a great imbalance to force the kind of changes we need in order to continue to grow as individuals. Both personally and collectively we are at a turning point that this New Moon and the direct motion of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter that all take place in the coming weeks infer. Make your choices carefully and reason out just what you need to feel fulfilled. Relationships have many different definitions and what works for someone else may not be what you require.
The center of any sign represents equidistance between both sides. It’s the place when we seek steadiness, power, and karma. It is a time when you are forced to make some difficult and long term decisions about your obligations. The 15th of every month is the ides, we only hear about the ides of March because of Julius Caesar’s little problem that day. But the middle of the calendar month has long been associated with important events. Astrologers use the zodiac calendar, but the idea is similar. When a major astrological or even a lunar event takes place near the center of a sign between 13-17 degrees it is a crossroads between what was and what will be, not closer to the beginning or the end. And it’s a time when important choices must be made. That is what we are dealing with now. With Pluto going direct today as well, we are at a serious moment in history. It might not be looked upon as such right now, but we feel the intensity and the tension. And when we look back in the near future we will see just how pertinent this instant was. This is the moment when the Biden presidency will either come to fruition or begin a rapid decay. If the Democrats can come to terms and move the agenda forward, this may be the turning point when the policies are implemented and many people recognize that there was, in fact, a plan all along. If not, the nation will turn its back on the progressive movement and there is little doubt that we will move a giant step to the right. No matter how it goes, this is the time when it will become clear. That is the often underrated power of Libra.
On Wednesday October 6th at 2:29 P.M. EDT we begin the watch as three planets start their reversal and begin direct motion. Oh no! Must be the season of the witch! Pluto’s reversal each year has a deep effect on the collective. It’s a time when what is going on in the unconscious makes itself known and we are often forced to examine some issues that have been ignored or buried for some time. This isn’t a negative event. In fact, it’s a very powerful moment when we can purge a lot of stuff that has been slowing us down. Remember, Pluto rules the elimination of waste and its transits demand that we clean up any mess we have created or let fester. Now as America begins its Pluto Return in earnest we are heading into the most prominent time when many things will come to light and anything that has outlived its usefulness will be obvious. Unfortunately that doesn’t necessarily mean that we will eliminate those worn out ideas, attitudes, project or relationships. Only that they will be brought into the daylight where we will be forced to view them without filters or cover. And isn’t that what’s happening in our nation right now? There are so many topics being discussed that have been shied away from for years. But we can no longer ignore them.
Pluto is the transformer, the mini-me that reflects that greater society and the hidden agendas and power struggles that are going on in the underworld. It’s volcanos, smoldering for decades before spewing their collective dust and lava into the atmosphere. It’s the buried anger and frustration that exists within the individual and the collective, often whispered of but rarely shouted out until that time when the emotional and political volcano erupts. It has erupted over the past years vomiting out the angst and pressure that has been building for a very long time. Now with Pluto not only going direct but rushing towards its completion of the cycle in America’s chart we will be dealing with some very powerful and often destressing events. We see it in Congress, in the Supreme Court, in the gerrymandering of congressional districts and even within the Democratic Party as it struggles with its own internal power struggles. It is apparent in the ongoing battle over Covid vaccines, mask mandates, abortion rights and many other divisive issues. We saw a glimpse of it over the past few days as the Facebook whistle blower sent a chilling warning out to the world about the power, control and hidden agenda of social media. And if you look, you will see it in your personal relationships and your day-to-day interactions with those around you, whether it is in a close connection or a superficial contact in a store or a passing exchange.
This is a serious time in our world, and there is no ignoring the signs. How you respond to it and what you do to protect yourself or engage in the collective conversation will decide how it affects you. But you cannot successfully hide your head in the sand. Those days are over. It is a matter of degree how much you will be involved, but don’t kid yourself. We are all in this together and it will be a different world in a short time. Which way will things go? I have my personal and astrological opinion that I will make known soon in my writings and webinar. But for now let me just say that this is a time when we need those we are close to as much as ever and the faith and love of your closest and dearest may be the glue that holds it all together. Have faith and share your love wherever you can. The simplest of gestures can often be enough to help someone get through the toughest of times.
On Thursday October 7th at 7:21 A.M. EDT until November 5th at 6:44 A.M. EDT Venus enters this Jupiter ruled sign and romance is certainly in the air. We call Venus the planet of love, but of course love is expressed so many different ways that all of the planets, (even stogy ole Saturn) have their way of showing their feelings. Still, Venus is a very sociable and gentle energy that is often associated with intimacy and can represent the receptivity of feelings. Sagittarius, which can be rather overbearing at times and needs a great deal of independence and space, none the less can be extremely romantic, though not always in the traditional way. It has little regard for boundaries and may show its feelings in a manner that can feel standoffish or distant. But when push comes to shove I have found Sags to be very deep in their feelings and while they may require a lot of room to roam, they still have a depth of emotions that can be misunderstood. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius is exalted in Cancer, after all. It tends to expand beyond common limitations and resents anything that feels confining. So while Venus is traveling through this sign it would be wise to give your paramour as much freedom as you can comfortably allow. Don’t be too possessive or demanding. Remember, Sag is half horse. If you tie a horse too tightly he will try his best to break free. If you allow it to roam in the fields it will always return home for dinner and a warm place to sleep. Travel is one of the best ways of sharing your love either with a Sag or when this sign is prominent. Get out and do something fun and exciting. Sometimes there is more intimacy in the outside world than in a bedroom. Venus in this sign wants adventure, so give her some. Expand your concept of what romance and love can mean and you may be pleasantly surprised in ways you hadn’t even considered.
THE SUN CONJUNCT MARS: On Friday October 8th at 12:01 A.M. EDT there will be a lot of energy in the air. If it’s put to good use this can be a day of great accomplishments and robust physical activity. But there is a warning that comes with this conjunct. We are experiencing a Sun, Mercury Mars conjunct in Libra and it will be a doozy of a few days, so watch yourself. Tempers will be raw and there is a good possibility of some discourse and angry flair ups. If you aren’t pushing the excessive force this can produce into positive areas it will seep out and can cause all sorts of mischief. Accidents are quite common, especially if this sets off your chart. There is a fire brewing, and while it may simmer for some it can be quite explosive for others. It may not be you that respond to this, but the other person. No matter who is the initiator it’s important to pay attention and sidestep any unnecessary disputes. Use this energy to your advantage and it can help you get a lot of work done. You need to do physical things, not just sit in front of the computer. Mars’ influence is more physical than mental, and you must work your muscles and sweat a bit, even if it’s just a long walk. Otherwise you may feel the frustration this combination can produce.
On Saturday October 9th at 12:18 P.M. EDT we will all have a lot to say and will express it strongly. The fact that Mars is applying to this conjunct as well implies that patience will be limited and it will be easy to overreact to a small slight or a misunderstanding without giving things time to be resolved. If you act without thinking you could find yourself in a real mess.
On Saturday October 9th at 6:48 P.M. EDT this conjunct is completing the plethora of energy with a real bang. Because Mercury is in retrograde now as well, the potential for mistakes, miscommunication and disruptions is strong. Expect some difficulties with travel and all of your technological toys. Cell phones, computers, cars, and all sorts of things relating to communication and travel will be subject to problems. This is when astrology really can come to your aid. Forewarned, and all of that… Back up your files. Double check your packages before they are sent, and generally pay attention to these issues and you can avoid most serious complications. Ignore this advice and you walk a perilous road. But remember, if you can handle this and rein in the massive amount of force this creates you can do some amazing things. “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves…”
On Sunday October 10th at 10:17 P.M. EDT we experience the second planet changing directions. This is a powerful month and the energy is going to be altered enormously. Expect some radical changes in our society as the reversal of these planets redirect our energy. Some issues that have been delayed will probably begin to show motion, though many won’t be resolved until Mercury goes direct. Saturn is all about the foundation of things. It rules banks and the housing markets, it is the structure of most corporations and it is a major player in the equity markets. Trading itself is actually more Pluto’s domain. But it is the hard aspects to Saturn that often result in market weakness, crashes and corrections.
As Saturn reverses we will see a number of political and societal issues come to a head. The potential default of our government, which has momentarily been averted, will once again become the focal point of the power struggle in Washington. I don’t believe that either party will actually allow us to default. That would be a catastrophe that ultimately wouldn’t do either any good, and it could seriously damage our world standing. I also think that the combination of these three planets, Pluto, Saturn & Jupiter, reversing direction indicates that there will be a resolution to the logjam that has infiltrated the negotiations in the Democratic Party, and that there will be a compromise that will set in motion some of the plans the Biden administration is hoping for. Will this change the course of mighty rivers, bed steel in our bear hands? Probably not. But it may relax some of the angst that has become overwhelming and allow us to get back to the important problems our nation and the world face.
On Wednesday October 13th at 3:26 P.M. EDT we will all be more realistic and controlled in our relationships. This is a fast moving aspect and won’t resolve all of your problems. But if there is something in a close connection that needs to be discussed and reviewed in an honest and direct fashion you can do so today. Don’t be afraid to bring up some unpleasant notions. You are better able to handle them now than usual. And you may just find a solution to a long term issue. If one of you isn’t being rational and wants something that just can’t be, you may find that it is easier to discuss it than you feared.
On Friday October 15th at 7:46 A.M. EDT this wonderfully optimistic transit will give us a day of some light-hearted and enthusiastic energy. This is a very sociable aspect and you should try to engage with others. This completes early in the morning, and its effects will be felt the night before. But even after it passes there will be a few hours when its pleasant air will continue. This is a good day for looking ahead and making plans. You can see the bigger picture and have an open mind and heart. Travel is very good now as well. With Jupiter about to go direct in a few days this will give us a heads up on what to expect. That aspect will generate a lot of hope and confidence, so let’s be ready to embrace Jupiter when it reaches out to us.
On Sunday October 17th at 8:12 A.M. EDT this intense aspect may give many of us a day of discord and some uncomfortableness. This can often result in some power struggles and the need to strip away the band aids that are covering our wounds. If there is something buried beneath the surface it is time to bring it out into the light so it can heal. Leaving something festering when you know it requires cleaning out isn’t wise. It may not be pleasant to uncover some difficult situations, especially in relationships, but it is through this process that we continue to grow and see those connections strengthen. Try not to overreact today as the energy this square emits can be quite intense. But don’t pretend everything is fine when it isn’t. That is what often causes far more stressful situations down the line. Be open to examining what’s going on and look for ways to release the tension and move on.
On Monday October 18th at 1:30 A.M. EDT the third in this series of reversals makes it a trifecta (LOL). So just what does Jupiter imply? We call it the greater benefic, the expansive planets, the lucky and optimistic energy that is supposed to bring us all great prosperity and success. Well, sometimes it does. And I, along with most astrology students look forward to my Jupiter aspects and often find that they will bring good fortune my way. But astrology is far more complicated than just singling out one planet’s influence and expecting it to do the good, or evil we have been taught to expect. There is a holistic approach to this study that I have adhered to for many years. It is the inclusion of all the planetary influences combined that figure in the outcome of a situation or a plan, not one.
Jupiter will increase whatever it is in contact with. Sometimes it can indeed bring us luck or opportunities and at this time it will combine with Saturn & Pluto’s journey to enhance the expansion of our policies. I believe we will see a deal struck that will allow Biden and the Democrats to push forward their agenda and at least settle a few concerns that have been weighing on the nation. But Jupiter rules the law, and it can also exacerbate some of the problems we are facing in our body politics including election concerns, legal issues about personal right, abortion, and the real big (Jupiter) question of how balanced is the Supreme Court and what will that mean in the coming years.
This month lunar peak falls on Wednesday October 20th at 10:57 A.M. EDT at 27 degrees Aries 26 minutes. This Full Moon demands our respect and attention. Aries often leaps without looking either before or after. It is the initiator of the zodiac, the first born, so to speak, and when the Full Moon falls here each October it represents a moment of some exuberance and excitement, but also a need to put up necessary boundaries and restrictions. Mars-ruled Aries doesn’t do well with limitations. It is rebellious by nature and can be impulsive and act out in a rash and unbridled manner. While this can be very useful at times as it will allow the onset of ideas and events that may be held back too long, it does require some temperance and therein lies the difficulty with this sign. How do you find the proper balance between uninhibited exuberance and common sense?
Be careful for a few days and recognize that some issues that are taking place are not as well thought out as they may seem. If you can find patience and take the time to review what you are getting into before you commit to it, this will be a very exciting and productive time. Mars rules Aries, and the purpose of that Martian energy is to get things done. And that is what we wish to do now. So don’t overly restrict the process, but also don’t go off half-cocked. Focus your energy and aim your attention where it will do you the most good. With Mars about to square Pluto in a few days this is a week when some caution is called for and self-control will make the difference between great achievement and a total mess.
On Friday October 22nd at 12:20 A.M. EDT we have another day of some tension and difficulty relating in a calm and balanced fashion. This square can easily set off disagreements and arguments, and if something is bothering you unconsciously you will feel it. There is no easy way to contend with this combination. You must face whatever comes up and direct your inner strength to find compromise exactly when that seems the least likely solution. All the planets and transits are really doing is giving us the opportunity to make changes and to aim in the direction our free-will offers. How we respond to the energy in the universe is our doing. Blaming astrology because of something that you did will only work for a short while. If you can learn how to work with the forces being released, you can accomplish great things. This is a chance to examine some areas that are under pressure and find ways to release that tension and clean up some problems once and for all. It isn’t always pleasant, but it is most definitely productive if you can use it properly.
On Saturday October 23rd at 12:51 A.M. EDT we enter the fixed part of autumn. Scorpio isn’t winter, although there will be days when it feel like it. It’s still the fall and as we enter November that taste of what’s to come lingers on our minds as we try to determine just which jacket is best and do you really need that scarf and gloves quite yet? This sign is well known for its serious side and it often will keep things very close to the vest. We must accept that there are some issues that are either too private or just personal in nature and cannot be forced out into the public. Pluto rules this sign, and that planet is known for its ability to dig up what’s been buried and bring it to the surface. That’s a lot of what Scorpio is all about. It will keep secrets and hide some very personal things, but in fact it is all about releasing what has been festering in the undercurrent. It rules the elimination of waste and hidden agendas. But you can’t force the issue. It must do it at its own pace and when the timing seems right. Never push a Scorpio.
This truly is the Season of the Witch (that’s the second time I’ve made the reference in this newsletter. I guess I have Donovan on my mind.) Scorpio is the sign that rules transformation. I give Mars and Pluto co-rulership as they are the lower and higher octave of this energy. And while modern astrology indicates Pluto as the supreme god of the underworld, there is a lot of ego involved in this sign. But where Aries is out front and boisterous in its Mars energy, Scorpio tends to be more subtle and even a bit repressed. But it certainly has a strong presence and a powerful persona. You see, without Scorpio and the 8th house it controls we wouldn’t have the ability to make the kind of deep rooted and necessary changes we periodically must employ. There are times when the superficial alterations, like a new coat of paint or wallpaper simply won’t do. Not if the foundation is crumbling and the walls have mold and decay. That’s when Scorpio is most needed and no other sign can get the job done.
On Tuesday October 26th at 9:06 P.M. EDT today there will be a lot of confusion about what we need from each other. It may not be easy to express your desires or confront something that isn’t working in a relationship. Disappointment may be obvious, but you might not understand the cause or even really be sure if it is the other person who is creating these feelings. It might be something within you that seems lacking, and if that’s the case how can you confront the other person? Try to
On Thursday October 28th at 3:15 P.M. EDT this very pleasant aspect will give us all a day of peace and relaxation, if you’re willing to take it. This combination is gentle and optimistic. It’s extremely sociable and you should try to spend some time with your close people. Try to enjoy the pleasures of life and have a little fun. There is a tendency to overindulge when Venus and Jupiter are playing together. But with some self-control you can have a terrific day and interact with your close peeps without stirring up the waters. This favors travel and all forms of art and entertainment. Take in a concert, museum or a dinner at a fine restaurant. You will enjoy the hell out of it as well as the company of others.
On Saturday October 30th at 5:53 A.M. EDT low energy and a sense of discouragement may be the mood, and if so try not to take it too seriously. This can be a difficult day when you just can’t seem to get your enthusiasm up. But it passes quickly and if you overreact you could create a situation that has more power and longevity than it deserves. When Saturn is active the best thing to do is lower your expectations so there is less disappointment and just wait it out. If this were a long Saturn transit, as we all experience in our lives, it would require a greater effort and deep soul searching. But with a one day transit you can use this to your advantage by cleaning up any messes or plotting out the completion of a project. If you feel tired, just let it go for a while. Periodic rests are often necessary with Saturn, and if you push yourself too hard you will feel exhausted. Don’t expect to get too much done. Just do what is most pressing.
On Saturday October 30th at 10:21 A.M. EDT until December 13th at 4:53 A.M. EST Mars will travel through this fixed water sign creating an undercurrent of tension. While Mars is given co-rulership of this sign the presence of a planet in the sign it rules is often misunderstood my astrology students. It feels at home in the sign and can function well in many situations, but it can be overwrought. I’ll be dealing with this phenomenon in classes this winter. Mars in Scorpio can get things done and work long hours to achieve its goals. But it can also make the ego hyper-sensitive and create an atmosphere of distrust and anger, often buried in the unconscious. You need to express what’s on your mind and to
On Monday November 1st at 12:18 A.M. EDT the world will seem in mental harmony for a day. This is a great time to communicate and to express you inner thoughts. With Mercury about to square Pluto tomorrow because of the ongoing Jupiter – Pluto semi-sextile the mood will change quickly so try to take advantage of this energy Sunday night and Monday.
On Tuesday November 2nd at 5:39 A.M. EDT this powerful aspect comes back. We had this square on October 1st (see last month’s newsletter) and because of the change of direction of Mercury it has returned to offer us another chance at understanding the lessons it offers. This is a day when superficial answers will not suffice. You need to dig deeply into any subject you embrace and accept what it being revealed. You cannot hide when Pluto is involved. It will be relentless in its effort to uncover what has been buried and won’t stop until it has brought it to the surface. Because this is the Dark of the Moon there may be some things that will come to a conclusion now. If there is a problem in a relationship that simply cannot be worked out, you will know it and you may decide to alter that connection severely or even end it once and for all. Don’t fret. The stars do not take away what we truly need, only what has become outdated and is restricting our growth.
The next New Moon falls on Thursday November 4th at 7:58 P.M. EDT at 12 degrees Scorpio 40 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:
October 7th 1:03 A.M. – 10:22 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
October 9th 2:05 A.M. – 11:24 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
October 11th 12:30 A.M. – 1:15 P.M.
October 13th 6:53 A.M. – 4:47 P.M. *Moon is void 10 hours
October 15th 8:33 A.M. – 10:22 P.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours
October 17th 7:24 P.M. – October 18th 6:05 A.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours
October 20th 10:57 A.M. – 3:59 P.M.
October 22nd 4:35 P.M. – October 23rd 3:57 A.M.
October 25th 10:11 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
October 28th 2:02 A.M. – 5:07 A.M.
October 30th 3:05 A.M. – 2:09 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours
November 1st 1:00 P.M. – 7:11 P.M.
November 3rd 6:32 P.M. – 8:52 P.M.
November 5th 12:10 P.M. – 8:52 P.M.
November 7th 8:44 A.M. – 8:03 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
November 9th 12:51 P.M. – 10:03 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
October 2021
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