The New Moon falls on Wednesday October 6th at 7:05 A.M. EDT at 13 degrees Libra 25 minutes.
Libra is all about relationships, as I’ve said quite a bit over the past few months as we have seen a number of astrological events take place in this 7th sign. At the moment we have the Sun, Mercury and Mars in this cardinal air sign, and this New Moon is simply a trigger that will amplify the power of this season. Whether you are in a relationship, looking for one or purposely ignoring the urge to cuddle up to a warm body on the chilly nights, the individual and the collective are very aware of the need for partnerships. We see it in the political arena, in business, hell even in the stock market where many companies are considering mergers or redirection of their efforts into a new path crowded by others with a similar idea. The markets are extremely volatile at the moment, with daily moves of 600 points up and down as they try to measure exactly what is in store over the coming months. This is Libra trying to find balance. On a personal level this is a time to determine the same thing. What direction are you heading in, what do you want in the immediate future and in what direction is your personal market heading? Yes, this is the sign of the scales, and equilibrium is a measure of Libra’s power. But sometimes it takes a huge shift in our consciousness, a great imbalance to force the kind of changes we need in order to continue to grow as individuals. Both personally and collectively we are at a turning point that this New Moon and the direct motion of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter that all take place in the coming weeks infer. Make your choices carefully and reason out just what you need to feel fulfilled. Relationships have many different definitions and what works for someone else may not be what you require.
The center of any sign represents equidistance between both sides. It’s the place when we seek steadiness, power, and karma. It is a time when you are forced to make some difficult and long term decisions about your obligations. The 15th of every month is the ides, we only hear about the ides of March because of Julius Caesar’s little problem that day. But the middle of the calendar month has long been associated with important events. Astrologers use the zodiac calendar, but the idea is similar. When a major astrological or even a lunar event takes place near the center of a sign between 13-17 degrees it is a crossroads between what was and what will be, not closer to the beginning or the end. And it’s a time when important choices must be made. That is what we are dealing with now. With Pluto going direct today as well, we are at a serious moment in history. It might not be looked upon as such right now, but we feel the intensity and the tension. And when we look back in the near future we will see just how pertinent this instant was. This is the moment when the Biden presidency will either come to fruition or begin a rapid decay. If the Democrats can come to terms and move the agenda forward, this may be the turning point when the policies are implemented and many people recognize that there was, in fact, a plan all along. If not, the nation will turn its back on the progressive movement and there is little doubt that we will move a giant step to the right. No matter how it goes, this is the time when it will become clear. That is the often underrated power of Libra.