This month lunar peak falls on Monday September 20th at 7:55 P.M. EDT at 28 degrees Pisces 14 minutes. Every year this Full Moon poses questions. What do you believe, how strong is your faith and where do you draw your line between reality and illusion? Wise men say if your faith is strong you can move mountains. But if the collective has lost its faith how can we expect to make shifts in resolving the problems we face? I believe that mankind is at a place of crisis when it is more urgent to discover something to believe in than to hold on to the decaying foundation of a society that has lost its way. This is a moment of spirituality, and an awakening is certainly possible. Sometimes we must have our feet to the fire before we will accept a higher truth. We have certainly experienced enough over the past few years to qualify as a test of our beliefs. Just what lessons we have, and what we will learn from this only time will tell.
Pisces rules medicine and all drugs, I make no distinction between legal and illegal. That is for lawyers, not astrologers. How well the body absorbs chemicals is shown by the placement and aspects to Neptune in the natal chart. They can be in the form of a pill, an herb or a mist, it doesn’t matter. If there is an imbalance in your system or if you aren’t reacting well to something you are ingesting, this may be the time when it will become obvious, especially if this Full Moon sets off your chart. Use caution with all chemicals you are consuming, including alcohol, OTC drugs or prescriptions. If you are prone to it, you could have a negative reaction, even if it’s something you have taken in the past. And be very careful what you agree to. The fog that this may create can cloud your mind and you may agree to something that you will regret later.
Storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, high wind, etc. are all possible with the Neptune ruled Pisces housing this lunar event. Luckily it isn’t an eclipse, but I would still recommend some caution. Keep an eye on weather reports for the next 2 weeks, and if there is a front approaching where you live, be smart and find a place to honker down.
Besides that word of warning, this can be a very spiritual and deep moment in our personal and collective consciousness when we explore some important issues and try to find our common empathy at a time when the world is rather harsh and intense. Neptune rules infectious diseases, and with the pandemic raging the way that it has been this summer this may either be a moment of trauma or the peak of this surge. My wish of course is for the latter. Perhaps between now and the next New Moon this will represent the very top of the infections and we will see the numbers drop appreciatively over the coming few weeks. We can only hope. But it appears as though we continue to head in the opposite direction, as more deaths, hospitalizations and infections are counted. Covid isn’t going away. It will be with humanity for a very long time in one form or another. But as viruses mutate they sometimes become more virulent and sometimes they become benign. How something so very small can have such a large impact on the world. Like how a single sentence of hate or of love can change a person’s life forever. Dig deeply into your soul under this lunar aspect and see what you can do to aid anyone around you who could use a helping hand. Peace and love to you all.