The New Moon falls on Monday September 6th at 8:52 P.M. EDT at 14 degrees Virgo 38 minutes. Summer is fading into the background; the memories of hot sand and cool drinks, long breezy nights and the early morning sun blasting through the shades. While it is officially summer until September 22nd we all know that the weather begins its shift right after Labor Day and it’s with a tearful eye that I bid farewell to this brief and most precious of seasons. Now as the energy shifts from arrogant, showy Leo into focused, serious Virgo it’s time to settle in and look over our plans and projects and decide which are worth continuing and have a good chance of success and which don’t. Virgo is well known for its critical eye. This sign has a more realistic approach to things, and while it can at times be a little overly critical, as they say: “To everything there is a season”. Ecclesiastes (or, if you prefer, The Byrds). And this is the season of Virgo, the month when we deal with the details, begin the school year and put away the summer toys until next June. This has been a hellish year in so many ways. The raging pandemic, the insane weather events, the brutish exit from Afghanistan, and the ongoing political traumas our nation and the world are experiencing. But humankind has this remarkably resilient nature and the ability to push through the worst of times in hopes that we may ultimately find the best of times.
And to answer some of your unspoken questions, no I’m no Pollyanna, far from it and I have serious doubts about our future. If we don’t make some important decisions soon we will be facing a world I would rather at the moment not look too closely at. We are at a crossroads. There are issues that are so severe they cannot be ignored and they will not go away on their own. Which path we choose is a matter for the collective to decide. For now just focus on the immediate and get your own life in order. You can only have so much effect on the world, but you can have a major influence on your own situation and the lives of those around you. You can change a mind more easily with an idea than with a gun, or so my generation once believed. Are all of those dreams dead? So many need a helping healing hand right now and Virgo rules nursing and healing. This is a time to extend support to those who rely on you and who are struggling just to get by. Save a single child and you save the world, so they say. Whether it’s friends in New Orleans, New York, New Jersey, in the fire line of the western states, the droughts in the wild west, or just giving a small donation to help the homeless, refugees or lifting a hand to help a friend move or paint their new apartment, this is a chance to do humankind a service no matter how slight it may feel. You never know how much that little bit of aid can help and make someone feel important and loved. So, happy New Moon and Happy New Year to all my friends whether you are Jewish or not. There are times when it’s important to celebrate if only to remind us of the potential joy the future may hold. Remember, it’s better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness. ❤🙏♍️