On Thursday September 2nd at 1:43 P.M. EDT this opposition completes and as we look on in horror at wonderful New Orleans, once again the epicenter of a massive weather event with horrific results, here in the Northeast it has resulted in catastrophic flooding. New York and New Jersey have declared a state of emergency. In New York City the subways have been shut down, the roads have turned to rivers, basements are flooding and those who thought they were out of the direct line from climate change have been rudely awakened. In Central Park more than 3 inches of rain were recorded in one hour, a new record, but one that will inevitably be broken in the near future as we face hurricane after hurricane, tornadoes, and violent weather patterns. This is a global crisis, but not one that began recently nor as a result of this quick moving transit. We have been aware of this growing disaster for half a century or longer. “Look at mother nature on the run in the 1970s” Neil Young, After the Gold Rush released in1970.
By now most intelligent people (whatever that means these days) are aware of the problem. Still there are millions who, for political or financial reasons refuse to believe or face the issue. What would be a wakeup call that would lead to actual functional change sufficient to address this continuing catastrophe? Would 40 million people being forced to relocate from the southwest as the Colorado River dries up be enough? Would the evacuation of Las Vegas and its trillions of dollars in revenue with the depletion of Lake Mead do it? How about the total destruction of the forests on the west coast by fire? The disappearance of the coast lines, Miami, the Jersey shore, Long Island, Cape Cod, the Caribbean islands, the Low Countries that lie below sea level, the ruination of Italy, France’s wine industry, more massive flooding in Germany, what would force our destructive species to finally change? Would anything? I wonder.
Yes, astrologers like to look at events and seek direct correlation to transits. And Mars opposite Neptune is an excellent example of this phenomenon, but this problem is far more complex and long lasting than any one aspect. It is a collective dysfunction that is in the DNA of our society and will continue to be set off again and again, and while it can be timed periodically to astrological aspects it is so much deeper and more perverse than any one transit or event. It is a deep rooted neurosis and an intervention is required or the patient will self-destruct.
There was a very short story written by James Thurber in the 1940s called interview with a lemming:
“I don’t understand,” said the scientist, “why you lemmings all rush down to the sea and drown yourselves.” “How curious,” said the lemming. “The one thing I don’t understand is why you human beings don’t.”
Perhaps the story needs an update.

What worries me is people believe theres something that can be done about global warming once enough people are convinced of the problem. Man has never tried to cool a planet before. What if they make it worse? what if they cause a worse weather disaster? Experts often f**k things up worse than they were . Really no one knows how to stop warming. What if its a natural cycle still coming out of the last ice age? What if Bill Gates blocks the sun to cool the planet and it dominoes into a chain reaction killing species that depend on sunlight? Opps, sorry . How do we plant more trees, stop de forestation and stop burning oil? Taking on the oil industry, the airlines , logging in brazil? we’ve got our work cut out for us.