On Thursday August 19th at 9:40 P.M. EDT this most erratic of planetary energy will begin its yearly backward run. This week is very important in personal and world events. Uranus begins its retrograde, it is then in trine to Mercury and Mars, followed closely by the Full Moon in Aquarius, the sign it rules. Uranus has domain over many things in our world. It is the higher octave of the mind; it controls all technological devices, as well as electricity and innovative thoughts. When it is moving backwards we will find much of that enlightenment occurring within ourselves. Sometimes as this planet changes direction it can have a similar effect to a Retrograde Mercury. You may have some difficulties with your computer, cell phone, car or other technological toys. Back up your files, double check that your phone is charged, and use caution when traveling. From now until mid-January when Uranus turns back around many things will be worked out in the unconscious. This planet also rules government of and by the people – in other words what we call democracy, or something akin to it. This might further slowdown the process of governing, if that’s at all possible. The recent chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan can easily be linked to this transit, and while there is a correlation, there were many issues, both astrological and political that went into that decision and the dangerous and difficult situation that has ensued in its wake. It can be comforting to assign a transit to severe world events, but these are issues that took years to come to a head, and assuming that any one aspect has created this is a mistake. We are entering a new phase in our collective consciousness, and the retrograde motion of Uranus implies that changes are inevitable and on the horizon. Some will be quite upsetting, as is this planet’s typical style. And we can expect some startling reversals on personal and collective levels, so keep your eyes and your mind open. And expect the unexpected.