August 2021
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
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This month we have the 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius in a row. This occurs sometimes due to the degree of the first Full Moon. In this case the July lunar peak was at 1 degree, and this one is at 29 degrees, so we are essentially seeing an extended period of two months when we have the opportunity to complete a project that we began last month. Try to take advantage of this and look back at what you were starting in July. You may be able to finish it now.
As America pushes towards the completion of its Pluto Return we are seeing more and more issues that involve that Pluto energy. That planet rules all things that are worn out, require repair, or expulsion, including the parts of the body that eliminate waste. Our congress is finally seemingly heading to a successful bipartisan (look it up, it’s an old English phrase outdated for many years) infrastructure bill that directly addresses exactly what Pluto entails. All things that are worn out need to be replaced periodically. So much of America’s roads, bridges, subways, trains, etc. are outdated. They simply must be fixed. And that is what Pluto is all about. It’s an example of just how powerful this mini-planet is that its force can push the two sides of our political farce to a common conclusion and get the work done. Both parties know the need for this bill, and each is hoping that its passage will help their party’s chances in upcoming elections. Maybe now you know why the scientific community decided to reinstate it as a planet after all. Yea Pluto!!!
The New Moon falls on Sunday August 8th at 9:50 A.M. EDT at 16 degrees Leo 14 minutes. Here we are in the second half of summer. This season is always too short and goes by way too quickly for this Cancer baby. The days are growing shorter as we head full steam towards autumn with all its warning signs. But for now, while the Sun travels through Leo I will run barefoot on the beach and remember the sweet and bittersweet memories of summers past with all the hopes and dreams and love affairs with their promising beginnings and tearful ends. The friends long gone, I will never forget and can never replace, run alongside of me as I push against the waves knowing they will always win. But victory comes from the play not the outcome. I love August, second only to July.
Leo rules the stage, as I have mentioned many times in my posts. In some ways it is the showiest of all the signs. Yes, Aries is louder and brasher, and Sagittarius pushes everything over the top. But Leo, being the fixed fire sign, approaches our human comedy with wit and form and with a control few can see. It is always the greatest actors who make it seem so easy and natural never letting us see the struggle and pains they endured to come to this place of mastery. So let the Leo within you have its say. Remember, we are all made up of the 12 signs, and Leo falls somewhere in your chart. In some respects that is the place where you have your strongest voice in the public arena. Whether there are planets in this sign, or in the 5th house, or just the cusp of one of your houses that represents this energy, there is a place in us all that speaks the actor’s lines and cries out for recognition. Leos make the best of friends. They can be easily hurt if betrayed, and they have long memories. But they will be there when you need them, strong and sturdy so you can lean upon their faith and friendship. Let us all try to be more Leo-like and find that true spirit of giving and loving. The summer will be gone way too soon and then we will have only the memories to enjoy. Try to make as many wonderful ones as you can.
On Monday August 9th at 8:20 P.M. EDT this will be a few days of compassion, illusion and fantasy. Venus is the lower octave of the love chakra, while Neptune is the higher octave. This combination will give us all the chance to express the poet within and to reach a place of higher consciousness, especially in all forms of love. This does come with a warning. Things may not be as they seem, especially in relationships. So try to push through the fog and see what is real and what is illusion. This is a time to give freely and to enjoy the fantasy of summer and friendship. After all, what is life isn’t a bit of an illusion? I have written some of my best songs and poems under this type of aspect, and I hope to continue to do so for as long as I can. Reach out to those who need you and be there for them in any way you can.
On Tuesday August 10th at 9:20 P.M. EDT we will all be quite expressive and expansive in our communications. This tends to be a very optimistic and outgoing energy and if it hits your chart just right you may be able to express things that have been difficult to say. This certainly is a day for socializing and for any important conversation. Just try to keep things in perspective and don’t make too many promises or you may not be able to fulfill them all. This is a great time for travel. A day trip would be wonderful, or starting a longer one on this aspect usually implies a successful trek. The key here is to expand your consciousness in any way you can. With Mercury about to leave dramatic Leo and enter Virgo tomorrow this may be the last chance for a while to act out the role you wish to play. Remember, all the world’s a stage and we are all just underpaid, frustrated actors. So grab that applause and cherish your minute of greatness. You deserve it and you will remember these moments all your life.
On Wednesday August 11th at 5:57 P.M. EDT until August 30th at 1:10 A.M. EDT Mercury will travel through this mutable earth sign. For the next few weeks details will be the main focus for many of us. Virgo is very good with dealing with the little things and it pays attention to stuff we often overlook. While Mercury is traveling here, our critical eye will be heightened. But so will our sharpened tongue. Be careful how you speak to others. Don’t be too critical. Remember, you may not know what the other person is going through, but chances are pretty good that they have some issues weighing on them too. This will be a very good time for cleaning up things, editing your book, song, poem or mailing list. Virgo is also one of the healing signs, so this will be a time when you can look at your diet and how you view your health and make some important changes. Sometimes it only takes a few small tweaks in our schedule to make important alterations in the outcome.
On Wednesday August 11th at 6:46 P.M. EDT we will have a day or so when we can aim our attention on the deeper parts of our relationships without stirring up too much opposition. The best part about trines and sextiles is that they allow us to use the combination of the two planets involved without creating much conflict. Venus is all about our connections to others, and our attitude towards money and values. If there are changes that you should be making in these areas they may be quite obvious now. Don’t ignore what your instincts tell you. This is a chance to make alterations and fix some problems. But you can only do so if you’re willing to face them head on. Because this is a trine you can do so more easily now than at other times. Take advantage of this and look for ways to improve your relationship to people and finances.
On Monday August 16th at 12:27 A.M. EDT until September 10th at 4:39 P.M. EDT Venus will travel through one of the two signs it rules. Interestingly both Venus and Mars each rule a male and a female sign. The Greeks, who put together much of what we use in western astrology, understood the duality within each of us. We are all made up of aggressive and receptive sides that can be called male and female. This has nothing to do with our sexual identity or our social actions. It’s about the yin and yang that makes up the two sides of humanity. Libra loves relationships of all sorts. They are happiest when interacting with others. So for the next month or so we will all seek ways of connecting and finding commonality.
On Wednesday August 16th at 11:28 P.M. EDT there will be a lot of energy and force behind our speech. This can be a combustible day when arguments and misunderstandings abound. If you let your ego control your thoughts you will be very defensive and might overreact to the smallest of issues. It would be wise to take a few moments before you respond to something. Mars is very assertive and often acts without forethought. If this sets off your chart you will most likely feel some anger and can act more aggressively than you realize. It’s a tough day for meditation and restraint, but that’s exactly what you need. Stay mentally busy and keep yourself occupied so this doesn’t have a chance to expand. The manifestation of the ego and the mind can be very productive or destructive depending on how it’s used. You can accomplish a lot today, especially in mental work, but only if you don’t allow yourself to be distracted by unnecessary disagreements. Remember, it’s not all about you. Sometimes the other person is also feeling pressure and can react accordingly. Be the big kid and try to defuse any explosive situation.
On Thursday August 19th at 8:29 P.M. EDT this extremely outgoing and optimistic aspect will allow us all to reach out and find the best in ourselves and in others. All oppositions work out through other people. And this one has the opportunity to create an expansive and enlightened environment. This is a good day for conversations, for studying any subject that interests you, or for any activity that enlarges your consciousness. Travel is very much favored as it can show us a new world that often eludes our mind when we stick to the usual routine. Get out and see things. And spend some time with your closest peeps. There’s a lot to say and see, and sharing it with others is the best way to use this. Because Uranus is about to retrograde immediately following this aspect you need to use some caution when traveling or dealing with your electronic devises. That shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying yourself or taking a trip, just be smart and prepare for all contingences.
On Thursday August 19th at 9:40 P.M. EDT this most erratic of planetary energy will begin its yearly backward run. This week is very important in personal and world events. Uranus begins its retrograde, it is then in trine to Mercury and Mars, followed closely by the Full Moon in Aquarius, the sign it rules. Uranus controls many things in our world. It is the higher octave of the mind; it controls all technological devices, as well as electricity and innovative thoughts. When it is moving backwards we will find much of that enlightenment within ourselves. Sometimes as this planet changes direction it can have a similar effect to a Retrograde Mercury. You may have some difficulties with your computer, cell phone, car or other technological toys. Back up your files, double check that your phone is charged, and use caution when traveling. From now until mid-January when Uranus turns back around many things will be worked out in the unconscious. This planet also rules government of and by the people – in other words what we call democracy, or something akin to it. This might further slowdown the process of governing, if that’s at all possible.
On Friday August 20th at 4:06 A.M. EDT we have the ability to comprehend some complex ideas and to view the world from a more cerebral perspective. This could be a very important day because of the retrograde motion of Uranus. There are some concepts and plans that will require our close attention both personally and collectively, so try to figure out exactly what is going on before acting out. If you focus your attention you can set some things straight and use your reasoning powers to clarify anything that has been confusing. This combination allows us to express ourselves in concise and direct ways, and to deal with issues in an honest and clear manner. If you have something important to say, this would be a good day to say it. Travel will be very rewarding and could open your consciousness to some new ideas and ways of looking at the world. Even a short trip could be enlightening.
On Sunday August 22nd at 2:38 A.M. EDT Mars will also trine Uranus leading up to the Full Moon in Aquarius, the sign that Uranus rules. This trine will allow us to push things forward and make some changes without the usual pushback from the world. This is a very energetic few days and if you can focus your attention where it is needed you should be able to accomplish much. You can work through things that may have been difficult to understand and with the recent Mercury trine Uranus this week will give us an opportunity to look for innovative ways of expression and analysis. This can be a very energetic transit, and coming on the wave of the Full Moon I expect that some of us may be overly excited. Don’t be concerned if you have some insomnia or nervous energy for a day or so. It’s just the universe telling you to get moving. Don’t sit around in front of your computer. Get up, get out, get moving.
This month lunar peak falls on Sunday August 22nd at 8:02 A.M. EDT at 29 degrees Aquarius 37 minutes. This is the 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius in a row, the dual Full Moons in one sign is a rarity that happens every few years. Because the last Full Moon in July was at 1 degree 26 minutes it represented the beginning of some ideas and plans. Now with this aspect at the last degree of the sign we are focused on the completion of those projects and concepts. Look back at what you were involved in last month on the July Full Moon and see just how much this month seems like a continuation of that energy. What have you left unfinished from earlier in the summer? And what can you do to ensure that you bring the project to a successful conclusion?
This week is quite important on several levels. Some things will often come to a head on the Full Moon. We might see some major actions in our government. Which way those events will go is the question. The ongoing battle between the parties isn’t suddenly going to be resolved. But we are close a very significant infrastructure bill that is important to both parties as they try to take credit for any forward motion in American politics. Frankly I think it’s far more important that we come to a decision that will have a beneficial outcome for our nation.
On Sunday August 22nd at 5:35 P.M. EDT we enter the mutable part of summer. While it is still the season of sun and fun, the days are now dwindling as the light becomes more shade and shadow. Virgo is a bittersweet sign. It has a great sense of duty and is one of the healing signs, and while Virgo sometimes gets a bum rap in astrology it is a very caring and sensitive energy. But like all of the mutable signs it represents the month of change and transformation. The mutable signs all precede each of the cardinal signs that begin all four of the seasons. As such they are the signs most likely to feel a bit unbalanced or changeable. This is a month when we are bidding farewell to summer and starting the process of accepting autumn.
On Monday August 23rd at 8:48 A.M. EDT we will all be rather realistic about our relationships. This is a good day for analyzing your closest connections and making some changes in how you relate. It’s also a good day for financial matters. If you need to put together a budget this is a good time to do it. You will be realistic and focused, and you may be able to find ways of saving money or investing in something that will have a long term return.
On Tuesday August 24th at 9:14 P.M. EDT this rather perplexing and at times befuddling energy will make our thinking cloudy and unfocused. You need to be careful how you talk to others. It isn’t so much that you will argue or get into conflicts, but rather that one or both of you may not be hearing things clearly and could make decisions based on incomplete or wrong information. If you aren’t sure about something spend the effort clarifying the situation. Don’t assume that the other person understands what you said, even if you think you’ve been quite direct. Ask if they understand, and if not, take the time to go over things again. It will serve you well in the long run and help avoid misunderstandings and future conflicts.
On Thursday August 26th at 10:23 A.M. EDT we will all be able to discuss things in an open and honest fashion without feeling the tension that often accompanies this process. You will want to dig deeply into any subject and it’s important that you be clear and honest about your feelings. But you shouldn’t find too much resistance from others. They will be open to hearing what you have to say, and you should also be willing to acknowledge someone else’s right to their point of view. If used properly this can be a good day for clearing the air and setting some important boundaries.
On Monday August 30th at 1:10 A.M. EDT until November 5th at 6:35 P.M. EDT Mercury will spend a very long time in this sign of the scales because of its retrograde motion. Libra is all about relationships, and for the few months we will all be thinking about them, whether they are romantic, business oriented or friendships. How we relate to each other has a powerful effect on our moods, plans and decisions. We are basically a social species – why else would we have invented big cities except to meet each other for coffee or wine? But we often get caught up in our own private lives and resist the desire to mingle. With Mercury in this sign for more than 2 months we will have a period when it will be more difficult to ignore each other. Libra is not a passive sign, as some astrologers would have you believe. It is passive-aggressive. I have found that Libras are very capable of getting what they need and achieving their goals. They just don’t do it by hitting you over the head. They circumvent and at times convince you that the idea or plan they wish to achieve was yours. Only later do you realize that you were coerced into being an unwilling partner. Oh well, such are relationships.
On Thursday September 2nd at 1:43 P.M. EDT this rather debilitating transit will complete. Mars is the ego, the energy and testosterone in us all. It prefers to act uninhibited and with much assertive power. But Neptune often has the opposite effect. It isn’t interested in your worldly ambitions or your all-important schemes. Its purpose is spiritual and ethereal. While both planets have their place in our lives, and each needs to be expressed, the combination will sometimes result in the disillusion of Mars’ powers in favor of the more influential outer planet. This isn’t a good day to face up to challenges or make demands that require a strong unyielding persona. You may not have the push you need. This only lasts a day, so don’t give it more sway than it deserves. But for a few days leading up to this you shouldn’t expect to have your usual oomph. Take things in stride and relax. If this hits your chart you may feel some tiredness or lethargy. It will pass quickly and you will gain your usual force once again.
On Saturday September 4th at 9:30 P.M. EDT our thinking will be realistic and focused. This is a good day to get your work done, complete unfinished projects or clean up your office. If you have an important conversation that needs to be worked through this will be a good day to do it. You are clear headed and can say what’s on your mind without too much emotional baggage. There will be a tendency to be rather blunt and stark in your presentation, so try to find your gentle voice, especially if you have something important or difficult to discuss. You will be direct and forceful, and that’s fine. But even though this is a positive trine and gives you the ability to say what must be said, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do so with compassion and understanding. The trine allows us the opportunity to do just that. It’s up to us to use it properly. So be prepared to speak your mind but do so with a little humor or heart. It might make all the difference in how things work out in the long run.
On Sunday September 5th at 11:07 P.M. EDT we will all be a bit compulsive and demanding in our relationships. This is a day or so when you may find it difficult to achieve compromise as you or the other person might be very unbending. There’s a purpose to this energy. It will bring things to the surface that you may not have been willing to look at in the open light. This is a time when the undercurrent will be more the focus and anything that is worn out or decaying will demand our attention. This will be true in many areas of life, but especially in our personal connections. It will be very difficult to ignore what’s going on, and if something isn’t working out it will be obvious. This isn’t a time to hide your head in the sand, but rather to face the facts and make some arduous decisions about what is and isn’t still vital.
On Monday September 6th at 8:20 A.M. EDT & 9:05 A.M. EDT we end this lunar cycle with these very positive aspects. This is a day of optimism and social energy. Spend time with close people and let your good feelings come out. Because this is the dark of the moon you may not be as energetic as you may want, but within the confines of the lessening force that occurs before any New Moon you should be able to enjoy yourself and share some good moments with those close to you. Some deep conversations can occur, but without the usual trepidations that can accompany them. You will be easy going and can reach across the great divide to each other.
The next New Moon falls on Monday September 6th at 8:52 P.M. EDT at 14 degrees Virgo 38 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:
August 9th 8:23 A.M. – 10:56 A.M.
August 11th 7:22 A.M. – 4:08 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
August 13th 4:39 P.M. – 8:01 P.M.
August 15th 11:05 P.M. – 11:12 P.M.
August 17th 9:43 P.M. – August 18th 1:58 A.M.
August 19th 7:59 P.M. – August 20th 4:49 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
August 22nd 8:02 A.M. – 8:43 A.M.
August 24th 5:12 A.M. – 2:57 P.M.
August 26th 5:14 P.M. – August 27th 12:27 A.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours
August 29th 10:59 A.M. – 12:42 P.M.
August 31st 4:48 P.M. – September 1st 1:26 A.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
September 3rd 1:37 A.M. – 11:58 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
September 5th 10:22 A.M. – 7:06 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
September 7th 3:24 P.M. – 11:20 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours
September 10th 12:48 A.M. – 2:05 A.M.
September 12th 1:33 A.M. – 4:34 A.M.
August 2021
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