On Sunday June 20th at 11:32 P.M. EDT summer officially begins. This moon-ruled sign is about emotions, the past, the attachment to what was and the ongoing cycles of life. For the next month family and memories will take precedent. It’s a time to look back and reconnect with some people, projects and ideas that may have gone unnoticed for some time. Dig into that box of memorabilia – you may find something that you hadn’t thought of for a long time that could stir you emotionally, and possible remind you of a part of you left in the attic of your mind gathering dust. Brush off the cobwebs and look at it with fresh eyes. Maybe it still has meaning. Our connection to the past is strong. We stand upon the shoulders of who we were in our youth, and it was then that we formulated the foundation of our personality and our values. And it is in the examination of those times that we can often find the answers to our current problems and shrug off the clouds and weight of middle years. And it is in the eyes of the child that we uncover the truth. Seek that truth, both in the child within you and in the children around you, and you have the capacity for understanding, compassion and faith.
Every year this date marks the start of the brief 3 months when sand, surf, and adolescent mayhem take over no matter how old you are chronologically. We are all children within. Even the most stoic and dour of us respond to the thrill of a day at the beach, if we allow it. We have been taught to keep that child restrained. But in the summer they should be allowed to run barefoot and fancy free, to coin a phrase. Each of the four seasons has its own charm, and there are those who prefer each for its unique flavor. But for me it’s always been about this brief period of the year when the temperature rises and we can run around half naked in child-like freedom. I love to feel the great sense of relief when entering a cool swimming pool, the ocean or an air conditioned room. So for now that little boy within me is going to frolic and play in the memories of summers past when the excitement of the future was in front of me with all the hope of falling in love. Now I wish for that opportunity one more time as I meander on the beach or in the “Hot Town Summer in the City”… Thank you, John Sebastian for penning one of the most endearing summer songs to ever hit the radio. Enjoy, you all. Much summer love, Mitch. ❤😎♋️