On Sunday June 20th at 11:06 A.M. EDT until October 18th at 1:30 A.M. EDT the planet associated with growth, expansion and optimism begins its yearly trek backwards. Does this mean that things will be stifled or that there won’t be development and progress in your projects and plans? No. I haven’t found that to be true when Jupiter is in retrograde. It implies that some of the real growth you will experience will happen in the unconscious, and that certain projects will be in a period of preparation for future expansion. Remember, we grow in many ways, not just on the material plane. This is a time when we need to evolve our concepts and look at the future from a different perspective. You should plan out your projects carefully to ensure not only a successful endeavor but also be certain that you are on the path you really wish to take. Sometimes we are motivated by inertia and continue to move ahead with something just because it’s an ongoing project. Now you have a chance to reexamine what you’ve been aiming your energy and attention towards and, if it isn’t a true representation of your desires, to alter the course or to go in a completely different direction.
The change of direction of Jupiter as well as the hard aspects between Saturn & Uranus is often an indicator of a reversal in the stock markets. We are experiencing both conjointly. Those who are paying attention saw the DOW drop more than 500 points on Friday. Is this a blip in the markets or a harbinger of what the summer holds? Inflation is racing up, sentiment is turning bearish and this very overpriced market is due for a correction. Trade carefully.