Newsletter: June-July 2021

Newsletter: June-July 2021

ISSUE # 263

June – July 2021

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.


We are in the middle of the Eclipse season. The New Moon eclipse in Gemini is conjunct retrograde Mercury and this month will be all about communication and our attempts to express what we feel. We are seeing some of it play out on the world stage. Biden has taken his first foreign trip to meet with European leaders, and the ongoing debates in Congress are now shifting into a different perspective with small groups of Senators encamping in an attempt to find compromise. That makes sense. It seems impossible to put deals together on a big scale with the political and partisan tug of war blocking every move either party attempts. But a small group from each of the two parties may be able to put something forth that will be difficult to ignore. One can only hope.

Mars enters Leo, Saturn will square Uranus, and Mercury goes direct this month. They are all important transits, and the combination will give our society a push forward that it so very badly needs. We cannot stay stuck in this quagmire or atrophy will become deadening. We can no longer assume that our values are the same as they were when we were younger. The world is changing and we must change with it. No single aspect will alter the collective, but a string of them can create an atmosphere of potential, good or bad, and it’s up to us to do our best to make it productive.

Around the July 4th holiday Mars will oppose Saturn and then square Uranus. We need to pay close attention and avoid any difficult or dangerous situations. While this may just be an exciting and adventurous week (I hope) it would be wise to take precautions and ensure your safety. Mars square Uranus is notorious for being difficult and overly excitable. It does not mean that there will be trouble, astrology just points out possibilities and we should use it as the tool that it is. Double check all your plans and have a backup in mind. Remember, Mercury is in retrograde, and you don’t want to find yourself lost in the woods with no cell phone service. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the start of summer. It’s my favorite season and while I don’t have the luxury of playing as I did in my 20s and could go on the road with my band and seek the thrill of childhood and young love, I still find time for some adventures and can grasp a bit of youth in the whisper of the wind. And just maybe catch the eye of a pretty woman as she strolls though the city looking for her own adventure.



The New Moon falls on Thursday June 10th at 6:53 A.M. EDT at 19 degrees Gemini 47 minutes and it’s a Solar Eclipse. While all Eclipses demand our attention and should be viewed with the widest perspective, this one has the added intensity of being exactly conjunct the retrograde Mercury at 19 degrees Gemini. This month will be all about communication and how we express ourselves, as one would expect with so much Gemini energy. But the level of intensity will be tremendous. Many issues will be brought to light now. Some will affect us personally, and some on the collective scale. Where this falls in your personal chart in terms of house placement and coinciding aspects to your planets will help determine what you can expect in the coming weeks. If this sits in one of your angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th 10th) it will be more predominant. And if it closely aspects one of your planets you can assume that there will be some important matters you will have to address. Because this is a Solar Eclipse (New Moon) it offers us an opportunity to begin something new or restart a project or relationship that seems to have stalled. This should be looked at with optimism and hope, while also keeping a realistic attitude. As with all eclipses, there may be some things that require a redirection, or that bring up hitherto unprocessed information. In some cases you must end things near a New Moon in order to allow for the development of newer ideas and direction. Don’t be afraid to look at your work, relationship and ideas with an open mind. If it turns out that something has outlived its usefulness on the last lunar cycle, it’s better to know that than waste time trying to beat a dead horse. This is a chance to embrace new ideas and to examine just how you have been approaching your plans. Take off the blinders and look at the situation from a different perspective. You may be surprised at the opportunities presented.

On a collective level, this is a pivotal moment in our history. The Lunar Eclipse on May 26th was very close to America’s Uranus, an erratic and potentially dangerous aspect that demanded radical change. Now the Eclipse season completes with this Solar Eclipse exactly conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini very close to America’s Mars and squaring its Neptune. Well, Mars is the god of war, and one of the recurring themes that we are facing repeatedly is the violence that has long been a concern for our citizens. While we have unfortunately become used to the countless mass shootings that occur in America on a regular basis, the number has been steadily increasing and long ago reached epidemic proportions. That isn’t accidental or separate from the ongoing political strife. We are on the verge of a potential collapse in our democracy, and if the widening gyre continues unabated we will reach a point where the divide is unbreachable and the chasm that exists will change our way of life for a long time. We are close the precipice, but still have a chance to bridge the gap. I believe these eclipses are showing us that very point. The voter repression laws being enacted in dozens of states, the recent Texas law allowing for any gun to be purchased without a registration or license, the inability for the two sides to find any common ground all point to the coming troubles. We can no longer ignore the signs. Either we act collectively now and find some sort of resolution or we will head into a very dark period in history. The problems are clear. The solution isn’t.



On Thursday June 10th at 9:13 P.M. EDT this aspect coincides with the New Moon Eclipse, which conjuncts the retrograde Mercury almost exactly and heightens the difficulties in conversing our ideas we are facing. The conjunct of the Sun and Mercury is a common occurrence that takes place several times a year. But this one is more prominent and will have a much more serious affect. Communications on a personal and collective level will take on a more meaningful tone and we could hear some uncomfortable or disturbing news. On a personal side you should take this opportunity to express yourself in new and adventurous ways. Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. Everyone else will be, so why shouldn’t you? But remember that on a Rx Mercury sometimes people hear what they want to. Try to make your statements succinct and direct. Leave the frills for your creative writing class. Just get the point across and make sure you are understood.



On Friday June 11th at 9:34 A.M. EDT until July 29th at 4:32 P.M. EDT the god of war travels through this powerful fire sign. Egos will be very pronounced and you can expect many people to find it difficult to compromise or step away from a confrontation. In your personal life it would behoove you to keep this in mind and if necessary take that first step to deescalate a situation that might become violent or blown out of proportion. An assertive attitude can be very productive and sometimes it takes a forceful approach to get things done. But you must keep it in proportion or you could easily turn assertion into aggression and step over a line. While this placement is actually quite good for individuality and for expressing your sense of who you are and what you wish to accomplish, the main problems occur when the sense of self butts heads with the collective’s goals and expression. If you can find good strong boundaries between what’s yours and what belongs to everyone you can avoid many difficulties. This includes attitudes, opinions and values. You can believe whatever you wish as long as you allow the other guy to do the same. Because of the times we are living in at the moment that may be more difficult than usual.

Because this takes almost two months to complete, this summer will be a hot and volatile one, and I’m not just talking about the weather. Tempers will be frail and confrontations will take place frequently. Think before you respond to someone’s aggression. Is it worth your energy to confront them? What do you hope to gain and what is at stake?



On Sunday June 13th at 1:38 A.M. EDT we will all be looking for something exciting and unusual. This is a time to explore things you may normally shy away from. Because the Sun is in square to Neptune tonight you would be wise to use some caution and ensure that you know exactly what you are getting into. But with a little care and self-protection you could experience something adventurous. It doesn’t mean you have to fly to Mars. I understand the tickets are quite expensive. But you may choose to drive somewhere you have been meaning to visit, or step outside of your usual comfort zone.



On Sunday June 13th at 7:40 P.M. EDT this very confusing and at times debilitating aspect might feel a bit draining, especially if it hits your chart. Neptune tends to take the wind out of your sails. It can make you feel lethargic or even a bit ill. But usually it’s just a passing phase that goes by quickly. If there’s something wrong in your body and this hits your chart you may become aware of the problem. But don’t blow things out of proportion. If you’re still feeling ill after this passes then have it checked out. This is often an aspect that is very bearish in the markets. The weakening nature of Neptune will affect all parts of our society, including relationships, financial matters, plans and self-confidence. So try to put things I perspective before you overreact to a small issue.



On Monday June 14th at 6:01 P.M. this important square returns. We are experiencing this three times in 2021. The first time was February 17th. It will return for the final pass December 23rd. While each completion of this transit has its own personality, any ongoing aspect involving outer planets is really just several examples of the same energy. We are undergoing the conflict between stability (Saturn) and radical change (Uranus). That should be quite obvious to anyone who is paying attention to our culture. How well we handle it as individuals and as a collective will have much to do with how much we will learn from one pass to the next. Are we more stable than we were in February? On some levels, yes. The pandemic is subsiding, the society is opening up more and more, and some radical and necessary changes are taking place. But on other levels we are moving in the opposite direction. The Great Divide in our society is widening, not shirking. There are more conspiracies and a deep rooted distrust that many people feel. The solution will not be found in a matter of weeks or months. It will take a number of years before any semblance of confidence and faith in where we are going can be established.

Those who follow my work know that I am by nature an optimist, but no Pollyanna. We are not sailing into the sunset nor heading into a long period of peace and prosperity. There are serious problems that must be confronted and solutions have to be worked out, or we will just continue to see our world decay. While this is a difficult aspect that will affect us all in personal and collective ways, it is through the hard transits and events that we learn and grow. I think this will be a very important year in the development of our society. How well we handle it and what changes we make, well that’s for the future to show us. But no matter what path you choose you will be sharing it with many others. So don’t think you are so all important. You are just as significant as your neighbor, your friend, the stranger you pass on the street, the animals and the trees that inhabit just as prominent a place in our world.



On Sunday June 20th at 11:06 A.M. EDT until October 18th at 1:30 A.M. EDT the planet associated with growth, expansion and optimism begins its yearly trek backwards. Does this mean that things will be stifled or that there won’t be development and progress in your projects and plans? No. I haven’t found that to be true when Jupiter is in retrograde. It implies that some of the real growth you will experience will happen in the unconscious, and that certain projects will be in a period of preparation for future expansion. Remember, we grow in many ways, not just on the material plane. This is a time when we need to evolve our concepts and look at the future from a different perspective. You should plan out your projects carefully to ensure not only a successful endeavor but also to ensure that you are on the path you really wish to take. Sometimes we are motivated by inertia and continue to move ahead with something just because it’s an ongoing project. Now you have a chance to reexamine what you’ve been aiming your energy and attention towards and if it isn’t a true representation of your desires, to alter the direction of it or to go in a completely different direction.



On Sunday June 20th at 11:32 P.M. EDT summer officially begins. Every year this date marks the start of the brief 3 months when sand, surf, and adolescent mayhem take over no matter how old you are chronologically. We are all children within. Even the most stoic and dour of us respond to the thrill of a day at the beach, if we allow it. We have been taught to keep that child restrained. But in the summer they should be allowed to run barefoot and fancy free, to coin a phrase. Each of the four seasons has its own charm, and there are those who prefer each for its own unique flavor. But for me it’s always been about this brief period of the year when the temperature rises and we can run around half naked in child-like freedom. I love to feel the great sense of relief when entering a cool swimming pool, the ocean or an air conditioned room. So for now that little boy within me is going to frolic and play in the memories of summers past when the excitement of the future was all in front of me with all the hope of falling in love. Now I hope for that opportunity one more time as I meander on the beach or in the Hot Town Summer in the City… Thank you John Sebastian for penning one of the most endearing summer songs to ever hit the radio.



On Tuesday June 22nd at 6:00 P.M. EDT the trouble maker returns to his normal pace. Yes, we will be in what is called the “shadow phase” for some time, and caution will continue to be advised, but I have found that once Mercury turns around the energy changes rather quickly. For a few days you should be extra careful. When this planet reverses direction either way there is a period of confusion and misdirection that can create all sorts of problems. You need to double check things, make sure you are communicating what you intended, and pay attention to what’s going on around you. It only takes a moment of misdirection to change a perfectly fine day into a visit to the E.R. Keep your ears open. You may hear some unexpected news or secrets that seem to have a way of seeping out during these periods.



On Wednesday June 23rd at 6:11 A.M. EDT we will experience an interesting day of changing moods. In the early daytime this wonderful trine will give us all a boost of optimism and an enthusiastic approach to things. This is a time to expand your ideas and to socialize with others. Anything that expands your consciousness will be productive. This is a good time to seek out new information or to look at things from a new perspective. Expand your mind and your ideas and don’t be afraid to look at things from a broader viewpoint than you might usually employ.

This evening we will have Venus in opposition to Pluto, a more serious aspect, so expect to see a change in attitude later in the afternoon. This positive trine will give us all a day of hopefulness and confidence, which will help us deal with the intensity of the Pluto aspect mentioned below.



On Wednesday June 23rd at 7:39 P.M. EDT this aspect will demand that we look at our relationship to people and money from a more serious point of view. Issues that have been pushed aside or ignores will become prominent and require our attention. This opposition can create some power struggles and it’s easy to get caught up in useless disputes. Pick and choose your battles carefully and make sure they are worth your effort. You will not accept superficial answers to your problems. They must be dealt with on a deep and prodding level to ensure that there is a complete and final solution. Otherwise they will return on another Pluto aspect with a new layer of intensity and be that much more difficult to resolve. The purpose of this transit it to give you an opportunity to clean out that which is decayed and no longer valid. If you can do that with a clear and open heart you will be making space for some new input, concepts and relationships that will allow you to grow anew.



On Thursday June 24th at 2:40 P.M EDT at 3 degrees Capricorn 28 minutes we hit the lunar peak for this month. This is a rather contained and realistic Full Moon. There will be a surge of energy as there always is on the Sun-Moon opposition, but because Capricorn tends to be reserved and focused we will be more interested in finding ways to direct that energy into projects. This is a good time to consolidate and prepare for the completion of any plan or activity that has been ongoing. You may not finish it until the Dark of the Moon in about 2 ½ weeks, but you will probably begin to lay down the foundation now. Issues regarding finances, property or long range goals may come up now, and it’s important to deal with them directly and honestly. If there is a problem with something you cannot hide from it. Capricorn usually won’t let you do that. But if you confront the situation you will be able to find a satisfactory solution.



On Friday June 25th at 3:21 P.M. EDT until December 1st at 8:22 A.M. EDT this planet begins its backward yearly drive. This is a period when our spirituality will be more internalized. I know that seems like a contradiction – isn’t spirituality always internal? Well, yes and no. While it is more of a soul’s journey and less about the ego, there are times when we direct our interest in the ethereal outward and try to change the world’s point of view. This is a time to take Tolstoy’s quote very much to heart: “Everyone talks about changing the world. Nobody talks about changing themselves.” This is a good time to consider changing your perspective and how you communicate with your inner self. We only really have a little bit of influence over the world or others. If you’re a famous writer, musician or personality you may have more of an impact on the collective. But for most of us it’s a matter of altering others through our actions and interactions.



On Sunday June 27th at 12:27 A.M. EDT until Wednesday July 21st at 8:37 P.M. EDT love and finance will be very assertive and willful. Leo is a great sign (well, they all are). It’s a bit arrogant at times, and can be stubborn. It is a fixed sign after all. But there is a sense of loyalty about Leos that I find quite endearing. They take their friendships very seriously and can be easily hurt is someone seems to turn against them. They are quite unchangeable at times, and that can be annoying, especially to the mutable signs. But the continuity and steadfastness they display can create long lasting relationships. I find that Leos don’t really like to let friends go unless it becomes obvious that the person cannot be trusted. So while Venus, the planet of love (romantic and friendship) travels through this fire sign you can rely on your steady relationships and shouldn’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. Just do it in a clear, honest and caring way.



On Thursday July 1st at 9:08 A.M. EDT this restrictive aspect will be in orb for a few days before and after this completion. Mars wants no limitations. It’s the ego, the maleness in us all and the desire for fun, fights and games. Saturn couldn’t care less. It’s all about responsibility and restrictions and when these two come into play together there is a need for compromise. If that can be accomplished, you can get a great deal done in a short time. The focusing of Mars’ energy can be aimed into projects and the possibilities are tremendous. But if there cannot be conciliation and the two sides of the personality are in battle, the frustration it can produce will be counter-productive. The best way to handle this is to find ways to direct your force and to accept some limitations without giving up all of your assertiveness.



On Saturday July 3rd at 9:40 P.M. EDT this excitable and potentially explosive aspect will create a volatility that can generate some erratic or even dangerous situations. But that doesn’t have to be the case. All these two planets really want is some expression of individuality and the freedom to shake off the restrictions of the recent Mars – Saturn opposition. Because Saturn is in square to Uranus now, any aspect by another planet to one will produce an aspect to the other. So what is really happening this week is that Mars is creating hard aspects to both Saturn and Uranus. That makes this a very difficult few days that require close scrutiny and care. This is the Fourth of July weekend, and with the underlying atmosphere in America it could result in some difficult or angry reactions. There is the possibility of some violence. I hope that isn’t the case. I would rather see us celebrate the birth of this marvelous nation and enjoy the hell out of this holiday. It certainly won’t be a boring weekend. The energy level will remain high and the beaches, parks and pools will be teeming with activity. So enjoy yourself and share the moment with those close to you.



On Monday July 5th at 3:14 P.M. EDT an electric jolt will be in the air. Sextiles are more manageable than squares or oppositions, and the Mars square Uranus that completed a few days ago may have left a lingering sense of excitement in the air. That aspect is gone, but the some of the energy is still there and a bit of caution is advised. Even though this is Monday and the long weekend has passed, you should get out and find ways of expressing your independence and if you can get away for another day or so, continue the celebration.



On Tuesday July 6th at 3:39 A.M. EDT this aspect comes along again. We experienced this on June 5th and because of the reversal of Mercury it has come back again. When aspects repeat, either in the sky or in our personal charts, it’s a reminder of what we have left unfinished and another chance to get things right. There are some issues that have been confusing and may have caused you some angst over the past month. Misunderstandings that haven’t been cleared up will become prominent now and you can either ignore them or bring them out into the open and try to clarify things. Venus will oppose Saturn tonight, so this probably isn’t a very high energy day. Don’t push things. Life is much easier if you go with the flow of the river and don’t swim against the current.



On Tuesday July 6th at 10:36 P.M. EDT we will have a day of some restraint and some of us will feel a bit down. This isn’t the most exciting or sociable of aspects. It usually implies a moment when we are more concerned about work and obligations than play. Because we have just experienced the July 4th holiday there may be a few things we have pushed aside in favor of some fun. That’s fine, but now you will be faced with those bills you didn’t pay, the projects that are unfinished and the task of getting yourself back on track. We are close to the Dark of the Moon, so there will be a desire to complete things. And that’s just what Saturn wants.



On Thursday July 8th at 3:25 P.M. EDT as this lunar cycle comes to an end we will all be looking for some excitement and adventure. This is not a time to stick to your usual routine. If you do you will feel bored, which could produce tension in a relationship. Try to shake things up a bit. Uranus wants new and exhilarating ideas and events. Because this happens near the end of the lunar month it may not be as exhilarating as this square often is. But it still will give you an opportunity to experiment and try something new. Be careful with your money. This combination can easily result in an unwise purchase that you may look at in a few days wonderful “what the hell was I thinking?” This could also be a bad day or two for the markets. But even if it is, they may turn around on the New Moon on Monday.



The next New Moon falls on Friday July 9th at 9:17 P.M. EDT at 18 degrees Cancer 02 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

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Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition.

All times are Eastern Time:

June 10th 1:38 P.M. – June 11th 3:23 A.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours

June 13th 7:16 A.M. – 2:22 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

June 15th 1:27 P.M. – 11:02 P.M.

June 17th 11:54 P.M. – June 18th 4:54 A.M.

June 20th 6:52 A.M. – 7:58 A.M.

June 22nd  2:43 A.M. –  8:55 A.M.

June 23rd 10:09 P.M. – June 24th 9:05 A.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

June 26th  8:49 A.M. – 10:09 A.M.

June 27th 3:08 P.M. – June 28th 1:51 P.M. ***Moon is void 23 hours

June 30th 1:40 P.M. – 9:21 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

July 3rd 12:15 A.M. – 8:28 A.M.

July 5th 12:57 P.M. – 9:24 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

July 8th 12:20 A.M. – 9:51 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

July 10th 12:10 P.M. – 8:21 P.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

July 12th 8:29 A.M. – July 13th 4:30 A.M. ***Moon is void 20 hours

July 15th 2:46 A.M. – 10:32 A.M. ***Moon is void 8 hours

June 2021

New York City

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Bill Harron