The New Moon falls on Thursday June 10th at 6:53 A.M. EDT at 19 degrees Gemini 47 minutes and it’s a Solar Eclipse. While all Eclipses demand our attention and should be viewed with the widest perspective, this one has the added intensity of being exactly conjunct the retrograde Mercury at 19 degrees Gemini. This month will be all about communication and how we express ourselves, as one would expect with so much Gemini energy. But the level of intensity will be tremendous. Many issues will be brought to light now. Some will affect us personally, and some on the collective scale. Where this falls in your personal chart in terms of house placement and coinciding aspects to your planets will help determine what you can expect in the coming weeks. If this sits in one of your angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th 10th) it will be more predominant. And if it closely aspects one of your planets you can assume that there will be some important matters you will have to address. Because this is a Solar Eclipse (New Moon) it offers us an opportunity to begin something new or restart a project or relationship that seems to have stalled. This should be looked at with optimism and hope, while also keeping a realistic attitude. As with all eclipses, there may be some things that require a redirection, or that bring up hitherto unprocessed information. In some cases you must end things near a New Moon in order to allow for the development of newer ideas and direction. Don’t be afraid to look at your work, relationship and ideas with an open mind. If it turns out that something has outlived its usefulness on the last lunar cycle, it’s better to know that than waste time trying to beat a dead horse. This is a chance to embrace new ideas and to examine just how you have been approaching your plans. Take off the blinders and look at the situation from a different perspective. You may be surprised at the opportunities presented.


On a collective level, this is a pivotal moment in our history. The Lunar Eclipse on May 26th was very close to America’s Uranus, an erratic and potentially dangerous aspect that demanded radical change. Now the Eclipse season completes with this Solar Eclipse exactly conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini very close to America’s Mars and squaring its Neptune. Well, Mars is the god of war, and one of the recurring themes that we are facing repeatedly is the violence that has long been a concern for our citizens. While we have unfortunately become used to the countless mass shootings that occur in America on a regular basis, the number has been steadily increasing and long ago reached epidemic proportions. That isn’t accidental or separate from the ongoing political strife. We are on the verge of a potential collapse in our democracy, and if the widening gyre continues unabated we will reach a point where the divide is unbreachable and the chasm that exists will change our way of life for a long time. We are close the precipice, but still have a chance to bridge the gap. I believe these eclipses are showing us that very point. The voter repression laws being enacted in dozens of states, the recent Texas law allowing for any gun to be purchased without a registration or license, the inability for the two sides to find any common ground all point to the coming troubles. We can no longer ignore the signs. Either we act collectively now and find some sort of resolution or we will head into a very dark period in history. The problems are clear. The solution isn’t.