On Wednesday May 26th at 7:14 A.M EDT at 5 degrees Sagittarius 26 minutes we hit the lunar peak for this month and it’s a lunar eclipse. It will be followed on June 10th with the Solar eclipse at 19 degrees Gemini 47 minutes. “Must be the season of eclipse…” (Apologies to Donovan Leitch – look him up.) As many of you know eclipses come in pairs. I always say they’re afraid to travel in the dark alone. Well, it’s one of nature’s little quirks. It takes a full lunar cycle to even start to complete issues. They often begin or move to a new level on the New Moon, and then peak on the Full Moon, often completing their course near the Dark of the Moon. With eclipses that progression is heightened. Depending on the signs of the two eclipses and the aspects they will make, especially to the outer planets, we can make our prognostications and better prepare not only for what may occur, but how best to use the energy they produce to our advantage. You shouldn’t be afraid of any astrological aspects. Some require care and realistic preparation, and certainly there are some that give us pause and concern. But the transits are only here to teach us, sometimes with a harsh hand, but that is often the only way we will learn. Eclipses exacerbate the force of the sign and work within their own cycles. There are short eclipse periods where some issues will be resolved in a few months, and much longer periods that can last many years. Some astrologers work with these longer cycles to explain societal development and eras that can be decades, or even centuries long. Astrologer Bill Meridian, for example has presented some terrific lectures on the subject. So what can we anticipate, first with the Sagittarius Full Moon?
This sign is all about growth and development, sometimes at the cost of structure and stability. While Sagittarius isn’t as erratic as Aquarius or as changeable as its opposite Gemini, it is one of the most freedom loving of signs and is more interested in adventures and possibilities than in continuity or organization. It would be wise to find a good compromise between expansion and foundation. For a few days leading up this aspect we will all be tempted to jump at any adventure that comes along, and there’s no reason not to have some fun and seek something new and enlarging in outlook. But if you take on too much or try to grow too quickly, as is Sagittarius’ potential, you could find yourself trying to juggle way too many balls at the same time. Keep things in perspective and have realistic boundaries and you can experience some wonderful things.
I personally love this sign. I do have several important planets and points there. And I adhere to the qualities of excitement and optimism that it implies. But I also recognize that there are times when Jupiter and Sagittarius can overdo it and lead us down a path of folly. This sign is very active in the charts of many risk takers, gamblers and fanatics. But it is also quite prominent in many visionaries and entrepreneurs who are willing to try something no one else was willing to attempt. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes not. But there are always those who wish to live in comfort and security, and those who prefer to walk along the edge and sense the excitement and challenge of potential failure or ultimate reward. Where do you fit in that scenario? This Full Moon may show you just what pushes your buttons. Hang on. It could be a very thrilling ride.
This is a pivotal point for a number of things in our society, including the stock markets. We are seeing the massive volatility in Cryptocurrencies and I expect a very wild ride for the broader markets this month. I would buy the volatility so you can make money whichever way the stocks move. I’m cautiously bullish, but have seen eclipses represent a top in the markets before. And on our world stage there have already been some events leading up to this, especially in Israel/Gaza, but also in the ongoing voter fraud conspiracy theory that is expanding and taking a serious toll on our ability to have honest and accepted elections. What happens over the coming few months will be very important and may give us a good idea of where this is heading. Will this settle down, or expand beyond any sensible boundaries? And what will the ultimate results be a few years from now? That’s just a few of the questions these eclipses are bringing up. Whew… 🙏