On Sunday May 23rd at 5:21 A.M. EDT until Sunday October 10th at 10:17 P.M. EDT this most dominant planet will be running backwards. Many issues of business, obligations and foundation will be brought up and you may find it difficult to make a final decision. This is a time every year when you should be reviewing your long term plans and analyzing your financial decisions. Despite some common misinformation, you can open a new business or put things into action while Saturn is retrograde. Remember, this aspect lasts almost half of the year, so stalling the start of something that long just doesn’t make sense. There are many extremely successful companies and projects that have begun with a Rx Saturn in their chart. It just implies that you must be vigilant and cautious when making important choices. Sometimes a planet going backwards will actually prevent you from making mistakes. Saturn is all about the foundation we are laying down upon which we can expand and move forward. If that foundation isn’t secure there can be serious problems down the line. When Saturn is in retrograde we tend to be more thoughtful and alert to any weakness in the structure.
In our personal lives this aspect has much to do with our relationship to the past. Capricorn (Saturn) and Cancer (Moon) are the two signs that are most attached to family and the decisions we made years ago. Because the Moon never retrogrades (if it did it might fall out of the sky and land in New Jersey, which would be very messy) we deal with the Cancer approach to the past on a daily and monthly level as the lunar cycles progress. But Saturn can bring up some very important and, at times, difficult issues that require us to look back and see what has or hasn’t been completed. Now is the time to do just that. If there are relationships, plans, career choices, psychological issues or any other situations that reverberate deep within our psyche stemming from our childhood or younger self, they may present themselves and require that you deal with them once and for all. This can be a very positive and growth oriented transit as long as you can see the bigger picture and not expect sudden or quick resolutions. This is a time to think things through and double check your ideas before putting them into action. Slow and steady wins the race. Though I know there are many who still bet on the Hare and not the tortoise no matter how many times they have heard the parable. Oh well, maybe that’s why Bitcoin ran up to 60,000. Where is it trading now? Have patience and most things will become clear in time. That’s the lesson of Saturn.