May – June 2021
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
We are at an important point in our history. While I tend to focus on American society (I do live in this country, after all) and I will often discuss the American system, its Pluto return, Neptune opposition and other astrological aspects, this is really a period when some problems are truly worldwide, and if we can’t find a way of addressing them, our time on this little blue ball flying through space will be limited. We cannot hide our heads in the sand or build walls of isolation. What happens upstream affects us, and we all live on the same river’s edge. The environment is a shared commodity. Climate change isn’t a local problem; it’s an issue that affects us all and if we don’t work together to prepare for it, the ultimate results will be catastrophic. In the 1920s farmers in the U.S. knew very little about crop rotation or soil rejuvenation. Over several years, drought and high temperatures combined to create a situation that was one of the causes of the Great Depression of the 1930s. It resulted in food shortages and once the depression began, in massive deflation. In April 1935 the worst dust bowl ever recorded occurred in the Midwest. But it didn’t happen overnight, it was years in the making. Today California is the largest agricultural state in the union. It grows nuts, berries, figs, dates, lettuce, olives, melons, the list goes on and on – more than 400 different commodities, and feeds a large percentage of people not only in America, but throughout the world. Imagine if the climate of California were to change radically in a short period of time. The whole world would feel the effects quickly and severely.
America is in desperate need of a massive infrastructure rebuild and that will lead to some inflation and economic realignments. We are also at a place where we need to repair our political foundation or we may see some very difficult times once Uranus enters Gemini in a few years. We are really in a period of opportunity. While it won’t be easy or without tension, it’s important that we face some of the problems that have been swept under the rug for way too long. With America’s Pluto return coming on stronger and stronger we must deal with the issues that planet represents. Pluto has to do with the removal of waste and repairing that which is worn out of outdated. That is exactly what infrastructure implies. If we don’t deal with it and enter the 21stcentury we will continue our current shrinkage in world leadership and become a lesser power, similarly to what happened to Britain after the 2nd World War. We all talk about how China is beginning to usurp our position in the world events. This is exactly what we are facing if we don’t catch up. In Europe, Japan, China and elsewhere there are trains that run at many times the speed of American rail. It should take a few hours to travel from Boston to Washington D.C. It takes most of a day. Our bridges, tunnels, highways, subways and many airports are antiquated. It’s either; fix it now or forget about it. We need the political and financial will to make this happen. We may not have a second chance.
We are seeing the beginnings of inflation as commodity prices rise and the cost of everything from bread and cereal to gasoline increase. But is it a cause of worry or just a blip on the screen? How severe will this inflationary period be? I don’t think we are going to see runaway increases in consume r goods in the next year or two. There will assuredly be a rise in prices and interest rates, and bonds will look more attractive than they have for a very long time. But it seems to be necessary to begin the realignment that we are addressing as the economy rises out of the pandemic mud. There will be an explosion of buying and spending that will heat up our economy. If the economic advisors in our government handle this well, it should be manageable. (Of course there’s always the possibility that they will screw it up!) I think we are going to see a period of expansion that will prop up some very oversold stocks and areas of our society. This includes theatres, restaurants, travel, and all sorts of discretionary spending. The S&Ps and DOW will rise, but the NASDAQ, which has been getting slammed of late may continue its downward spiral. Remember, people sat home for the last 18 months and ordered Netflix, Peloton, new computers, and many other things mostly online. Now that we can finally get out of the house there will be a strong desire to move about. Airlines, hotels, tourist attractions and even brick and mortar dinosaurs like Macy’s will see an upswing. It won’t be a sudden surge Roaring Twenties, at least not like the last post-pandemic era. What many don’t realize is that from 1920-22 America and much of Europe was in a deep depression as we tried to reinstate the returning troops and find ways of shrugging off the influenza that didn’t really get under control until late 1921. There were many reasons for that depression, which I will address in an upcoming webinar.
The New Moon falls on Tuesday May 11th at 3:00 P.M. EDT at 21 degrees Taurus 18 minutes. Each lunar cycle has its own personality based on the aspects during that month and somewhat on the sign of the New Moon. You can’t say that all New Moons in a sign will have the same influence year after year, any more than you can say all Geminis are one way or all Leos act the same. If that were the case we could all be master astrologers after a few months of studies. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. But there is some affinity within the signs, and Taurus, which rules the 2nd house, has much to do with money, our values and what we deem to be most important in life. This sign is ruled by Venus and it influences our attitude towards relationships and possessions. We are in an era when our collective attitude towards shared resources is being hotly debated. Biden is attempting to alter our approach to how money is raised, spent and distributed in our society in ways that haven’t been seen since LBJ or FDR did similar redistribution in their times. Of course neither was faced with such a hostile opposition or a nation divided along party lines with such intensity. So how this will play out over the coming years is a point of contention that only time will answer. I have my opinion based on history, astrology and common sense. And I will discuss that in my upcoming webinars.
And what occurs this month under this Taurus New Moon, with Uranus transiting this sign and Saturn in square to Uranus, will set the stage for some vital future decisions. There are some important issues being raised about values that will have a long term effect on our society. The recent cyber-attack on the oil pipeline, the infighting in the GOP, the Biden administration’s attempt at a bipartisan approach to the infrastructure bill are just a few of the examples. And some of these will come to a head this month, as one would expect in a Taurus lunar cycle. At the very least I believe that some radical ideas are being presented and over the coming months we are going to see some fundamental changes in how we view money. One way is the explosion of cryptocurrencies and their tiptoe into the mainstream. This will be a contentious subject to say the least. Also how the stock markets are envisioned and who will become active in this new world of online brokerage accounts and internet power plays. While we can no longer ignore their intrusion into our world, I am not a big fan of Bitcoin or cryptos in general. I think the way they are being used at the moment is fraught with potential problems. Certainly buying Bitcoin a year ago would have been a terrific trade, and if you took profits you would be very happy with the results. But in the long run I am still suspicious. They are not regulated or insured, there is no way to follow the money, and because they are trading like a bubble, if they collapse they could bring down the markets the way that any bubble throughout history has done. If you like the risk and hope to ride this roller coaster up, then have fun and I hope you make a bundle. Just don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose. How will all of this change as congress begins to regulate the market? That’s the big question.
Under this New Moon we will all be asking ourselves: what’s most important to me? What do I need to make my life successful and fulfilling? For many it’s a matter of financial security. We live in a material capitalistic society, and there’s no getting around that. But there are many issues we deal with on a regular basis. I wouldn’t give up my good health for all the money in the world. And I guard my integrity closely for fear that a large enough carrot in front of this jackass would lead me off a cliff. But issues of security and stability are very real, and with Uranus traveling through Taurus for the next few years the potential for sudden unexpected changes in our financial circumstances is present in our personal and collective unconscious. Now is a moment when these factors will come to the forefront and demand our attention. Look over your investments, your budgets and your plans for the coming year. See if there are ways you can improve your approach and ensure a strong financial foundation. It’s just so much easier to deal with life’s problems if money isn’t one of them.
On Tuesday May 11th at 10:48 P.M. EDT this jolt of energy can do a lot of good as long as you are aware of it and project it into a useful and creative direction. The combination of Mars and Uranus can be explosive, even in a positive aspect such as this one, but it is much more malleable in sextile and you can more easily direct its force where you want it to go. This is a chance to make some serious changes in your plans and projects. Although this transit completes on Tuesday, because this is the first aspect that follows the New Moon it will have some effect on the underlying energy throughout this lunar cycle. With Uranus traveling through Taurus, the sign of the New Moon, expect an unsettling month for the financial markets. Volatility with ups and downs should be the flow, and with inflation beginning to raise its specter it may be a bumpy ride for a few months. Find positive ways to express this energy and you can make very good use of it. But don’t assume that things will be calm or consistent. Try to relax and take things in stride. That isn’t an easy thing to do when Mars and Uranus are in aspect, but with a little bit of self-control you may find that you have the ability to create your own reality and to make use of that unpredictability. It’s all a matter of focus and allowing your thoughts to bend with the prevailing wind.
On Wednesday May 12th at 2:34 P.M. EDT this positive energy will give us a day or so when we can accomplish much. If you focus your attention on your projects you can move things forward. It isn’t a day to lounge around and just waste time. Get to work and use this aspect to your advantage. Otherwise it will just slip away and you will miss a good opportunity. Finish up any work that has been bugging you. Clean up your desk and put things in order. It’s a good day to look over budgets and plans. While this isn’t really a financial aspect, any issues involving structure and responsibilities are a good focal point. It’s also a good time to have an important conversation and for clearing the air if there have been misunderstandings. You both will be able to see the underlying ideas and can express them without anger or tension. Talk it out and you may find that you aren’t as far apart in your concepts as you thought.
On Thursday May 13th at 6:36 P.M. EDT. This transit will last a year and is an important period when we will all be concerned with faith and our deeper purpose in life. Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces, and while I don’t personally feel it belongs in this sign and the discovery of Neptune has mostly redirected our attention towards the last sign of the zodiac, there is still a strong affinity between religion and spirituality, and that is the link of Jupiter to Pisces. Jupiter/Sagittarius rules religion as a physical presence. Neptune/Pisces rules spirituality, faith, the ethereal world. These are two different concepts. One can be highly religious but have little regard for the spiritual world, and one can be extremely spiritual and attached to the ethereal and compassionate with no attachment to formalize religion. But as Jupiter travels through this sign we will sense a bridge connecting the two that will have some deep effects on our society and may challenge our concepts of what each means.
On Monday May 17th at 5:49 A.M. EDT we have an opportunity to uncover some issues that have been festering. Bring things to light today and don’t be afraid to dig into something that needs to be resolved. The trines give us a chance to be more proactive and to use the energy of the two planets in tandem. Anything that has been hidden or is weighing on your mind might be resolved if you approach it directly and without fear. This is also a good time to discuss finances or anything you hold jointly with others. If there is a disagreement or just some cloudiness about a partnership you can clear it up and move forward. If you ignore it you may be forced to deal with it under harsher circumstances when the aspects are more demanding. So get to it and repair that which is worn out, in your home, your finances and your relationships.
On Wednesday May 19th at 9:58 P.M. we will all be more realistic and focused in our interactions. Relationships are one of the main areas of interest for Venus, and with Saturn giving support you may be able to rebuild or strengthen you connection with someone. In any case, it’s a good day for seeing just what you need from a relationship and for laying the foundation upon which you can continue to grow. If there is an underlying problem in the connection it will be clear today. But because this is a trine it won’t force the issue. It’s up to you to make use of the information you are receiving. If it’s a good relationship and can be repaired, then do it. But if it’s really counter-productive and may cause some serious problems perhaps it’s time to let it go. You must decide. But be realistic about it and don’t be swayed by a passing mood or a few hours of compatibility if the foundation isn’t solid enough to carry you through. Saturn really only wants you to see the truth.
On Thursday May 20th at 3:37 P.M. EDT we enter the mutable part of spring. This is when the weather starts to lean towards summer more and more, and we will begin to sense the transition of seasons in many ways. While we are no longer forced to eat foods grown in a particular time of year because of globalization, and we can get blueberries all year long, there is a feeling of summer through our supermarket shelves as well as in the clothes we wear, the outdoor activities and the strut in our walk. Once we enter Cancer and summer officially begins there will be no looking back. But now we will have those days when it’s cool in the morning and we may need an extra blanket on those chilly nights.
Gemini is all about communication and relating to each other. This sign has much to do with our close associations. It rules the 3rd house, which we give domain over siblings, relatives, neighbors and our day-to-day conversations. For the next month much of our attention will be aimed at saying what’s on our minds. While there are time when a “serious” or deep conversation is necessary, most of the time we are relating on a surface level and it is through that form of chatting that we express ourselves and often in a more honest and open manner.
On Friday May 21st at 11:03 A.M. EDT this very positive and optimistic square will give us all a few days of enthusiasm and hope. Remember that Jupiter has no sense of boundaries or limitations and it’s easy to overdo things or take on more than you can handle. This is especially true with a hard aspect (conjunct, opposition or square) as the energy is more difficult to control. While this is in orb it would be wise to use some discipline and restrain the desire to overdo it. With Mercury about to square Neptune tomorrow this is a time to be as realistic as possible or pay the price for being overly enthusiastic and not respect boundaries and common sense limitations. Today is a good day to travel, even if it’s a long walk by the river. It’s your higher consciousness that needs to move, and that can be accomplished any of a number of ways. Certainly physical motion and a short trip out of town, a drive in the country or other direct motion will be pleasant and help you remove the blinders and see more of the world. But if you can’t get away for whatever reason, let your mind do the traveling. That’s why we inventing books, videos and more recently, the internet. Expand your ideas and look at your life from a new perspective. You may be quite surprised at what you discover.
On Saturday May 22nd at 10:43 P.M. EDT an air of confusion and fogginess will encompass our decisions. This is not a good day to make permanent choices or to demand an answer from someone regarding an important matter. There will be some fogginess about your conversations and you may not be hearing things as astutely as you think. It’s a good aspect for creative beginnings. A new song, poem or idea can be germinated now, but it will take more structured aspects to complete it. Jot down your thoughts and keep them readily available so you can look them over in a more structured way a little later. Sometimes I have written a song title or a single line under this type of aspect and developed it later into a story or song. But without that seed of an idea it never would have come to be.
On Sunday May 23rd at 5:21 A.M. EDT until Sunday October 10th at 10:17 P.M. EDT this most dominant planet will be running backwards. Many issues of business, obligations and foundation will be brought up and you may find it difficult to make a final decision. This is a time every year when you should be reviewing your long term plans and analyzing your financial decisions. Despite some common misinformation, you can open a new business or put things into action while Saturn is retrograde. Remember, lasts almost half of the year, so stalling the start of something that long just doesn’t make sense. There are many extremely successful companies and projects that have begun with a Rx Saturn in their chart. It just implies that you must be vigilant and cautious when making important choices. Sometimes a planet going backwards will actually prevent you from making mistakes. Saturn is all about the foundation we are laying down upon which we can expand and move forward. If that foundation isn’t secure there can be serious problems down the line. When Saturn is in retrograde we tend to be more thoughtful and alert to any weakness in the structure.
In our personal lives this aspect has much to do with our relationship to the past. Capricorn (Saturn) and Cancer (Moon) are the two signs that are most attached to family and the decisions we made years ago. Because the Moon never retrogrades (if it did it might fall out of the sky and land in New Jersey, which would be very messy) we deal with the Cancer approach to the past on a daily and monthly level as the lunar cycles progress. But Saturn can bring up some very important and, at times, difficult issues that require us to look back and see what has or hasn’t been completed. Now is the time to do just that. If there are relationships, plans, career choices, psychological issues or any other situations that reverberate deep within our psyche stemming from our childhood or younger self, they may present themselves and require that you deal with them once and for all. This can be a very positive and growth oriented transit as long as you can see the bigger picture and not expect sudden or quick resolutions.
On Wednesday May 26th at 7:14 A.M EDT at 5 degrees Sagittarius 26 minutes we hit the lunar peak for this month. This sign is all about growth and development, sometimes at the cost of structure and stability. While Sagittarius isn’t as erratic as Aquarius or as changeable as its opposite Gemini, it is one of the most freedom loving of signs and is more interested in adventures and possibilities than in continuity or organization. It would be wise to find a good compromise between expansion and foundation. For a few days leading up this aspect we will all be tempted to jump at any adventure that comes along, and there’s no reason not to have some fun and seek something new and enlarging in outlook. But if you take on too much or try to grow too quickly, as is Sagittarius’ potential, you could find yourself trying to juggle way too many balls at the same time. Keep things in perspective and have realistic boundaries and you can experience some wonderful things.
I personally love this sign. I do have several important planets and points there. And I adhere to the qualities of excitement and optimism that it implies. But I also recognize that there are times when Jupiter and Sagittarius can overdo it and lead us down a path of folly. This sign is very active in the charts of many risk takers, gamblers and fanatics. But it is also quite prominent in many visionaries and entrepreneurs who are willing to try something no one else was willing to attempt. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes not. But there are always those who wish to live in comfort and security, and those who prefer to walk along the edge and sense the excitement and challenge of potential failure or ultimate reward. Where do you fit in that scenario? This Full Moon may show you just what pushes your buttons. Hang on. It could be a very thrilling ride.
On Thursday May 27th at 3:25 P.M. EDT you need to be conscience of how you are acting and take responsibility for everyone’s feelings. This can be a few days of misunderstanding or overly emotional reactions. I suggest that you think before you make promises. You may not be aware of how much the other person feels at the moment. With Venus getting ready to enter emotional Cancer in a few days this will be a test of how well you can communicate exactly that you mean. There may be some misinterpretations and someone might take your off the cuff response more to heart than you intended.
On Saturday May 29th at 6:34 P.M. EDT until June 22nd at 6:00 P.M. EDT our favorite mischief maker will be doing its best to disrupt our plans. I don’t look at Rx Mercury as evil or purposely upsetting things. It isn’t about causing problems so much as ensuring that we keep an open mind and not assume that things will work out a certain way. Because this is occurring in Gemini, one of the signs Mercury rules, it will have a greater effect than many retrograde periods. Most issues regarding communication and travel will have to be carefully examined with extra preparation to ensure a successful result. Gemini has much to do with relationships and the way that we communicate with each other. While Mercury is running backwards it would be smart to try and restrain your desire for quick answers. This transit often implies a time when we should be more patient and allow for things to unwind in their own time. The worst thing you can do under Rx Mercury is to rush to judgment. You may not be hearing all of the information necessary to come to a successful conclusion and you may regret acting out without all the knowledge you need. This can be a very positive and productive time and if you can stay calm you will see that things have a way of working out. Yes, you may have problems with the car, cell phone, etc. Papers, emails and other forms of communication may get lost or sent to spam, and there will probably be a few distracting problems. But in the long run there is a purpose to all that occurs. And you may not see that purpose until after the fact. I know of many instances when an event or decision was postponed during Rx Mercury and in the end I was truly grateful for the delay. It allowed me to see things in a different light and the results proved much more positive than they would have otherwise.
On Wednesday June 2nd at 9:19 A.M. EDT until Sunday June 27th at 12:27 A.M. EDT we will all be a bit more emotional especially in relationships. This is actually a very nice placement and will bring to the surface a lot of feelings and a deep sense of compassion. Because Cancer is one of the most sensitive signs and often will take things very much to heart, it won’t be easy to shrug off any slights or misunderstandings. You may be forced to handle some things with kid gloves that you normally would just let go. But you may find that you or the other person is more invested in the outcome than you might assume.
On Thursday June 3rd at 3:05 P.M. EDT this very clear and focused aspect will help us all as we review what we are doing just as Mercury begins its retrograde period. Today you should be paying attention to your work and the order of how things are set up in your life. It’s a good day to reorganize your office, respond to a backlog of communiques or make plans for the near future. It isn’t a day to rush to judgment or to push others to do so. Have patience with Saturn and it will reward you. Push it too hard and it will smack you in the nose. With Venus about to trine Jupiter in a few hours there will be a good underlying sense of stability followed by a pleasant evening of social interaction and fun.
On Thursday June 3rd at 7:33 P.M. EDT this wonderful transit gives up a few hours of ease and calm. You may feel a bit lazy and overly comfortable, and you might wish to just lounge around this evening. While that isn’t a bad thing, it would be more fulfilling if you interacted with others. Any sort of social activity, a dinner with friends, a date, or tickets to the theatre will be very enjoyable and help you smooth over any rough spot you may have encounters of late.
On Saturday June 5th at 3:45 P.M. EDT we are ending this lunar cycle with a bang. This opposition can at times imply some rather deep and angry feelings that need to be expressed or they may fester and result in a more difficult or even dangerous result. If you bring things to the surface you can express them and find a solution. But if you hide behind a curtain of indifference or insincerity any hidden agendas or anger may be conveyed in an underhanded manner. You cannot avoid the issues this opposition will bring up. You may have some confrontations with people in your life, or have to contend with a power struggle either in a personal situation or when dealing with the collective. There could be a situation, such as the shutdown of the pipeline that affected most of the East coast this past month, or some violent or unstable situation, and you may be affected even though you are not personally involved. That is how the karma of the collective supersedes that individual. I know many people who are caught up in something that has very harsh results, even though their personal transits are fine. So just keep your eyes open for a few days and avoid any dangerous or shaky situations.
The next New Moon falls on Thursday June 10th at 6:53 A.M. EDT at 19 degrees Gemini 47 minutes and it’s a Solar Eclipse. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:
May 12th 8:23 A.M. – 8:43 A.M.
May 14th 6:51 A.M. – 9:30 P.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours
May 17th 2:23 A.M. – 8:44 A.M.
May 19th 3:13 P.M. – 4:49 P.M.
May 21st 3:56 P.M. – 9:35 P.M.
May 23rd 5:36 P.M. – 11:00 P.M.
May 25th 5:20 P.M. – 10:39 P.M.
May 27th 1:35 P.M. – 10:39 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
May 29th 6:15 P.M. – May 30th 12:04 A.M.
June 1st 2:14 A.M. – 5:07 A.M.
June 3rd 7:10 A.M. – 1:59 P.M.
June 5th 6:47 P.M. – June 6th 1:46 A.M.
June 8th 11:07 A.M. – 2:47 P.M.
June 10th 1:38 P.M. – June 11th 3:23 A.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
June 13th 7:16 A.M. – 2:22 P.M.
June 15th 1:27 P.M. – 11:22 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
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