ISSUE # 262
May – June 2021
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We are at an important point in our history. While I tend to focus on American society (I do live in this country, after all) and I will often discuss the American system, its Pluto return, Neptune opposition and other astrological aspect, this is really a period when some problems are truly worldwide, and if we can’t find a way of addressing them, our time on this little blue ball flying through space will be limited. We cannot hide our heads in the sand or build walls of isolation. What happens upstream affects us, and we all live on the same river’s edge. The environment is a shared commodity. Climate change isn’t a local problem; it’s an issue that affects us all and if we don’t work together to prepare for it, the ultimate results will be catastrophic. In the 1920s farmers in the U.S. knew very little about crop rotation or soil rejuvenation. Over several years, drought and high temperatures combined to create a situation that was one of the causes of the Great Depression of the 1930s. It resulted in food shortages and once the depression began, in massive deflation. In April 1935 the worst dust bowl ever recorded occurred in the Midwest. But it didn’t happen overnight, it was years in the making. Today California is the largest agricultural state in the union. It grows nuts, berries, figs, dates, lettuce, olives, melons, the list goes on and on – more than 400 different commodities, and feeds a large percentage of people not only in America, but throughout the world. Imagine if the climate of California were to change radically in a short period of time. The whole world would feel the effects quickly and severely.
America is in desperate need of a massive infrastructure rebuild and that will lead to some inflation and economic realignments. We are also at a place where we need to repair our political foundation or we may see some very difficult times once Uranus enters Gemini in a few years. We are really in a period of opportunity. While it won’t be easy or without tension, it’s important that we face some of the problems that have been swept under the rug for way too long. With America’s Pluto return coming on stronger and stronger we must deal with the issues that planet represents. Pluto has to do with the removal of waste and repairing that which is worn out of outdated. That is exactly what infrastructure implies. If we don’t deal with it and enter the 21st century we will continue our current shrinkage in world leadership and become a lesser power, similarly to what happened to Britain after the 2nd World War. We all talk about how China is beginning to usurp our position in the world events. This is exactly what we are facing if we don’t catch up. In Europe, Japan, China and elsewhere there are trains that run at many times the speed of American rail. It should take a few hours to travel from Boston to Washington D.C. It takes most of a day. Our bridges, tunnels, highways, subways and many airports are antiquated. It’s either; fix it now or forget about it. We need the political and financial will to make this happen. We may not have a second chance.
We are seeing the beginnings of inflation as commodity prices rise and the cost of everything from bread and cereal to gasoline increase. But is it a cause of worry or just a blip on the screen? How severe will this inflationary period be? I don’t think we are going to see runaway increases in consume r goods in the next year or two. There will assuredly be a rise in prices and interest rates, and bonds will look more attractive than they have for a very long time. But it seems to be necessary to begin the realignment that we are addressing as the economy rises out of the pandemic mud. There will be an explosion of buying and spending that will heat up our economy. If the economic advisors in our government handle this well, it should be manageable. (Of course there’s always the possibility that they will screw it up!) I think we are going to see a period of expansion that will prop up some very oversold stocks and areas of our society. This includes theatres, restaurants, travel, and all sorts of discretionary spending. The S&Ps and DOW will rise, but the NASDAQ, which has been getting slammed of late may continue its downward spiral. Remember, people sat home for the last 18 months and ordered Netflix, Peloton, new computers, and many other things mostly online. Now that we can finally get out of the house there will be a strong desire to move about. Airlines, hotels, tourist attractions and even brick and mortar dinosaurs like Macy’s will see an upswing. It won’t be a sudden surge Roaring Twenties, at least not like the last post-pandemic era. What many don’t realize is that from 1920-22 America and much of Europe was in a deep depression as we tried to reinstate the returning troops and find ways of shrugging off the influenza that didn’t really get under control until late 1921. There were many reasons for that depression, which I will address in an upcoming webinar.
Oh, and by the way, Bitcoin and crypto is all a lot of bullshit. It’s a bubble that will pop and if it’s allowed to grow big enough first, it could bring down the whole house of cards, just the way the mortgage con game did in 2008. So invest in it at your own peril. I wouldn’t touch it with a fork.