On Thursday May 13th at 6:36 P.M. EDT the planet of expansion enters this last sign of the zodiac. This transit will last a year until May 2022, with a retrograde back into Aquarius from late July until December 2021. This is an important period when we will all be concerned with faith and our deeper purpose in life. Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces, and while the discovery of Neptune in 1846 has mostly redirected our perspective towards the last sign of the zodiac, there is still a strong affinity between religion and spirituality, and that is the link of Jupiter to Pisces. Jupiter/Sagittarius rules religion as a physical and philosophical presence. Neptune/Pisces rules spirituality, faith, the ethereal world. These are two different concepts. We can be highly religious but have little regard for the spiritual world, and one can be extremely spiritual and attached to the desire to serve compassionately with no connection to formalize religion. But as Jupiter travels through this sign we will sense a bridge connecting the two that will have some deep effects on our society and may challenge our concepts of what each means.
The world has a deep need for some faith at the moment. We have all been beaten up by our isolation from the pandemic, but also the isolation created from the chasm that has engulfed our nation and the world through political and social confrontations. We can see the results all around us. There is war or the potential for it in Israel, Crimea, Taiwan, and Washington D.C. If we don’t find something to believe in soon we may be facing far more severe conflicts with little end in sight. Over the coming year we must confront the underlying problems and find some sort of solution, or else when Jupiter begins its journey through Aries in 2022 all hell could break loose.
As Jupiter, the planet of expansion travels through this sign we will see a number of events and issues develop. One thing that could be worrisome is that Pisces rules infectious diseases and the potential for a continuation or expansion of the current wave of Covid-19 throughout India and the world. This could be particularly troubling next April 2022 when Jupiter conjuncts Neptune. (That could also herald a spike in inflation, as is sometimes the case.) But Pisces also rules medicine, drugs, (legal an illegal) and I believe there is the potential for improvements in our approach to this and other medical issues. We could see some breakthroughs in our treatment of infections, new anti-biotics, ways of curing cancer and other long-term ailments. While the pandemic has been horrible and something we would all like to forget as soon as possible, it also sped up research and development to an accelerated pace rarely seen in human history. Remember, many things can come about at the same time. Science has been forced by this pandemic to direct its collective attention to new ways of viewing and treating the body and how it defends itself. I think we will see some startling innovations and ways of curing some diseases that have been plaguing mankind for a very long time. It will include physical and spiritual healing and could open our collective minds to the connection between the body and the soul.
This sign also rules music, film, photography and much that is hidden in the unconscious. We are about to see a huge explosion in the creative arts. Theatre and Movies are ripe and ready for a big comeback. Certainly this implies a return to theatres and a reopening of live performances. But it will also manifest as an expansion in the kind of work being produced. There has been stagnation for many years in movies and theatre. Much of cinema has become Marvel Comics blockbusters and the like. There has been little room or regard for the type of films that are considered classic story telling. Broadway, while it has been producing some very creative and human tales, has also been about gigantic blockbusters, this time with Disney controlling many of the projects. Well, Jupiter is certainly about gigantic things, and you can expect to continue seeing some outrageously overblown productions. There will be blockbusters with ticket sales as outlandish as before. But hopefully there will also be a Jupitarian desire to feed the 9th house of philosophy and higher education. There was a time when movies and theatre were teachers of humanity. Spectacles like Lawrence of Arabia, Spartacus, The Ten Commandments, to mention just a few were big pictures costing millions of dollars and making huge profits, while also presenting stories of morality and human relationships. These have been mostly replaced by Star Wars, X Men, Captain America, Iron Man, The Avengers etc. With Jupiter in the signs that rules movies there will be no shortage of these. But hopefully there will be room for more human, earthbound films that used to be blockbusters. Oh, one more thing. I am investing much into the stocks that are involved in the reopening of in-person entertainment, including AMC, Disney, etc.
So open your heart and mind to the potential this transit offers. Don’t be afraid to embrace something new or intangible. You just may be on the verge of a spiritual awakening that could change your life. Peace. Mitch. ❤🙏