The New Moon falls on Tuesday May 11th at 3:00 P.M. EDT at 21 degrees Taurus 18 minutes. Each lunar cycle has its own personality based on the aspects during that month and somewhat on the sign of the New Moon. You can’t say that all New Moons in a sign will have the same influence year after year, any more than you can say all Geminis are one way or all Leos act the same. If that were the case we could all be master astrologers after a few months of studies. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. But there is some affinity within the signs, and Taurus, which rules the 2nd house, has much to do with money, our values and what we deem to be most important in life. This sign is ruled by Venus and it influences our attitude towards relationships and possessions. We are in an era when our collective attitude towards shared resources is being hotly debated. Biden is attempting to alter our approach to how money is raised, spent and distributed in our society in ways that haven’t been seen since LBJ or FDR did similar redistribution in their times. Of course neither was faced with such a hostile opposition or a nation divided along party lines with such intensity. So how this will play out over the coming years is a point of contention that only time will answer. I have my opinion based on history, astrology and common sense. And I will discuss that in my upcoming webinars.
And what occurs this month under this Taurus New Moon, with Uranus transiting this sign and Saturn in square to Uranus, will set the stage for some vital future decisions. There are some important issues being raised about values that will have a long term effect on our society. The recent cyber-attack on the oil pipeline, the infighting in the GOP, the Biden administration’s attempt at a bipartisan approach to the infrastructure bill are just a few of the examples. And some of these will come to a head this month, as one would expect in a Taurus lunar cycle. At the very least I believe that some radical ideas are being presented and over the coming months we are going to see some fundamental changes in how we view money. One way is the explosion of cryptocurrencies and their tiptoe into the mainstream. This will be a contentious subject to say the least. Also how the stock markets are envisioned and who will become active in this new world of online brokerage accounts and internet power plays. While we can no longer ignore their intrusion into our world, I am not a big fan of Bitcoin or cryptos in general. I think the way they are being used at the moment is fraught with potential problems. Certainly buying Bitcoin a year ago would have been a terrific trade, and if you took profits you would be very happy with the results. But in the long run I am still suspicious. They are not regulated or insured, there is no way to follow the money, and because they are trading like a bubble, if they collapse they could bring down the markets the way that any bubble throughout history has done. If you like the risk and hope to ride this roller coaster up, then have fun and I hope you make a bundle. Just don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose. How will all of this change as congress begins to regulate the market? That’s the big question.
Under this New Moon we will all be asking ourselves: what’s most important to me? What do I need to make my life successful and fulfilling? For many it’s a matter of financial security. We live in a material capitalistic society, and there’s no getting around that. But there are many issues we deal with on a regular basis. I wouldn’t give up my good health for all the money in the world. And I guard my integrity closely for fear that a large enough carrot in front of this jackass would lead me off a cliff. But issues of security and stability are very real, and with Uranus traveling through Taurus for the next few years the potential for sudden unexpected changes in our financial circumstances is present in our personal and collective unconscious. Now is a moment when these factors will come to the forefront and demand our attention. Look over your investments, your budgets and your plans for the coming year. See if there are ways you can improve your approach and ensure a strong financial foundation. It’s just so much easier to deal with life’s problems if money isn’t one of them.