On Monday April 26th at 11:32 P.M. EDT at 7 degrees Scorpio 06 minutes the lunar peak occurs. We are in an era of great change, and this sign has much to do with deep-rooted changes. In our personal lives this is a moment when we can alter our direction and choose a different path. This is an opportunity to rebuild that which is worn out, including relationships, career pursuits, our physical health and even our self-image. Try to see where you can improve yourself and put some effort into doing so.

We call Scorpio and its ruler, Pluto “transformative” energy, which implies altering the very foundation of things, not just the surface. When we deal with Pluto transits we often see the restructuring of the very basis of what we are viewing. For example, America is going through its Pluto Return for the next number of years. And one of the main topics of conversation is the impending Infrastructure Bill that Biden is trying to push. Our nation is crumbling; from our roads, bridges, tunnels, subways, water supplies, to our ability to complete in a 21st century world with other nations who are far ahead of us in reimagining their transportation and shared sustainability. If we don’t do something soon we will certainly become a failed empire, destined to join the Roman, British, Ottoman and others that went before us. A nation or empire usually crumbles from within, not from outside attacks. While the fall of Rome can be viewed from many different angles and the final blow came from the Germanic tribes, it was a century of decay and infighting that weakened the city and its empire enough to allow its final sacking. America is at a crossroads now where we can either move into an era of rebuilding, stabilizing and growing with new ideas and fortitude, or we can continue to flail at each other and tear down the very foundation that has led us to be the economic leader of the world. Which will we choose?