The New Moon falls on Sunday April 11th at 10:31 P.M. EDT at 22 degrees Aries 25 minutes. So we begin the cycle anew. That’s what spring is all about, the revitalization of life, optimism, change and new beginnings. Aries is the start of all things. It has a well-earned reputation for jumping first and then seeing where its feet will land. This can cause problems and at times lead to issues that the precociousness of this sign can exacerbate. But it also allows for advancement and fresh ideas. Sometimes you have to take chances if you want innovation. This is the time of year when we are shaking off the remains of winter and its harsh reality. Usually it is a cleansing of the past 4 or 5 months. But this time we are all trying to sweep up the pandemic dust that has accumulated for more than a year. It may take several cleanings and a whole lot Swiffers to do the job. Try to have some patience. We aren’t out of the woods or really out of the pandemic winter quite yet and frustration has reached a boiling point for many. The weather is getting better and at least we can take a long walk without the half dozen layers of clothing that has become our norm. Get outside. See the trees as they struggle to bring their buds to the surface. And hear the sweet songs of the birds as they too reveal their angst at the long dreary season, and chirp their hope for a fresh beginning.
We are going into a period when many things will come to the surface, not just the flowers and plants. Our society has been locked in a harsh battle for direction and purpose for a long time; much longer than Covid-19. But it all seems to have culminated as we sat locked inside this past 15 months staring out onto a surreal stage where “Waiting for Godot” seemed to morph into a “Twilight Zone” episode. The economy is tiptoeing into a new year and seems unstable and unsure of its footing. Are we heading into an inflationary period, a post-pandemic “roaring twenties” or a potential correction that could set many agendas on their ass? Personally I feel that we are on fairly solid ground and that there will be continued growth in many sectors. The vaccines seem to be doing their job for the most part, and there is some good news on the employment front and on the potential for reopening many cities. But we need to move our society forward quickly or we will find ourselves once again shackled to a political gridlock and we could miss a great opportunity to catch up to some ideas and projects that much of the rest of the world has already embraced. There is Biden’s desire for big projects and changes that will require a great deal of money and support that may or may not be there when push comes to shove. And while no single aspect, certainly not a lunar one, will be sufficient to shake the world to its core, this is a moment when the ideals and the differences the two parties in this country hold will become more obvious and, most likely, more confrontational. I hope that we can all see the need for big changes and not get caught up in the pettiness of our tribalism and mutual anger. Well, Aries is one of the most optimistic of signs, and I guess I share that sense of hope. So Happy New Moon and welcome to the start of our yearly journey. May your path be well lit and smooth, and your hopes and dreams move your forward in a realistic and optimistic way. 🙏❤🎁