On Sunday March 28th at 2:48 P.M. EDT at 8 degrees Libra 18 minutes the lunar peak occurs. Every Full Moon represents the peak of energy in that monthly cycle. Where it falls by sign has much to do with where our attention should be aimed and what we can do as individuals and a collective to help move the karma of our society forward just a bit. Libra is all about relationships. It is the sign that rules the house of marriage and partnerships, and it is how we relate to each other that is being brought into question. Are you reaching out to those in your life and trying to strengthen your connections? Or are you ignoring the needs of others and hiding behind your ego? These aren’t easy questions to answer honestly. It takes some soul searching and the ability to look in the mirror and clearly see the reflection that is looking back.
Libra is one of the signs that really doesn’t like to be alone all that much. This doesn’t mean that you are going to meet the love of your life this month, although I hope some of you do. But it does imply that in general people are looking for interaction and conversation. You may get into a discussion in a store that takes on a more meaningful purpose than you had anticipated. At the very least we should all try to reach out and engage in some thoughtful conversations. From now until the next New Moon on Sunday April 11th we will be under the influence of this energy, and after a year of isolation and limited interaction it would be good to share thoughts, ideas and even our fears and pains with someone who might empathize. Sometimes a receptive ear can help the healing process more than you realize.
What makes this Full Moon far more poignant than most is that it is Passover. For those who don’t know the correct story of this holiday I suggest you learn it. It’s a tale of repression, struggle, hope and determination and, yes, freedom. It’s actually a terribly harsh and painful story with a vengeful God, much suffering on all sides, and a long period of redemption for an entire generation of Hebrews who must learn what it means to be free before they will be allowed the fruits of their efforts. While it’s a Jewish story, it has had a massively important effect on people of all faiths. Remember, Christians and Muslims also study and believe in the Old Testament and the exodus from Egypt.
This is a moment when people can come together in the celebration of liberty and the deep suffering that often comes before that liberation. We are at a time in human history when people are subject to discrimination and injustice in dozens of places on this tiny blue/green rock we share. The hatred, suppression and bigotry we are witnessing in America, the supposed bastion of freedom and justice can only make a thinking person wonder when and at what cost will we finally get it. While this and so many other tales of the struggle for freedom are repeated generation after generation that it seems we need to constantly relearn the lessons our forefathers experienced until, perhaps, humanity will finally get it right.
So I wish you all a happy and healthy Passover, no matter where your ancestry is from and how you worship. There are some things that are universal and reach us all on a personal level. Blessings to you all and may the heavens smile upon you and your loved ones.