Hag Sameach!
On Saturday March 20th at 5:37 A.M. EDT we begin the trip through the zodiac anew. This is the day that I celebrate as the true New Year. It is also the Persian New Year. Yes, I also toast at midnight on December 31st, and acknowledge the Jewish, Chinese, Muslim and other New Years as well. In secular terms January 1st is an arbitrary date to start the yearly calendar. It has much to do with the winter solstice and the start of the lengthening of the days, as well as an ancient Roman holiday. But today with the Sun entering the first degree of the zodiac and beginning its turn around the wheel once more, it certainly seems a fitting time to celebrate new beginnings and to see this as a time of hope and optimism. Aries is one of the most outgoing and hopeful of the signs and we should all share in the joyfulness that this fire sign exudes. They are initiators and tend to run forward without much forethought. While that can be dangerous at times and lacks the restraint many of the other signs employ, nobody has ever accused Aries of not getting things moving or being too cautious. In fact, I like to define this sign as someone who dives off the diving board and on the way down looks to see if there’s water in the pool. That isn’t always the most logical approach to things, but there are times when it’s more important to get moving even if you don’t know where you’re going. This has been a bad winter, between the slew of violent storms and the pandemic. I think it’s time to throw a bit of caution to the wind and jump back into life – with care, of course, and some common sense. At least reach out to those you’ve lost touch with and rediscover your relationships. And take some time to explore the world. It’s still there waiting for you to crawl out of your cave. So Happy New Year and here’s to new beginnings and adventures.
Hag Sameach!
Happy new year!