March-April 2021
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
We have entered a new era in American politics, and while I doubt that it will solve all of our problems, it’s a time when we all must ask ourselves exactly what we need and expect from our government and our way of life. Biden’s rather huge stimulus package will not please everyone. Some on the right will think it’s too progressive, some on the left will say it’s too conservative. And some in the middle will say it’s just right (remind you of Goldilocks a little?). And no matter how it ultimately works, there will be those who just don’t like it because of the party currently in charge. Such is the nature of politics, especially now in our nation. I believe we are looking at a post-pandemic world very soon, although I don’t think this virus is going to disappear. It will become a part of our culture and we may have to contend with future waves, variations and possibly booster shots. One thing at a time. I’ve been saying for months that I believe we should be looking for ways to take advantage of the waning of the limitations that we have all been living with for the past year. I’ve been saying for some time that I am investing in certain post-pandemic stocks and looking at what our future may hold. That doesn’t mean that I think it’s all going to suddenly clear up. I wish. But it’s human nature to have an underlying optimism, no matter what you may think.
After every plague, and every war, and every other type of catastrophic event, there was a baby boom and a resurgence of society. If you study history you will see that when the Black Plague subsided in Europe after its first big wave there were many changes in society that accounted for the big changes that eventually led to the Renaissance. We are all seeing some of the changes that have been happening in our culture for some time now pick up speed and push us forcefully into a new era. Climate change is finally being embraced by a large segment of the population. Economic inequality is no longer a talking point, but rather a realistic concept that simply must be addressed or we will find ourselves slipping deeper and deeper into the chasm of the haves and have-nots. Various forms of injustice, including racial, gender, financial and political need to be dealt with or we will not climb out of the quicksand we have been stuck in for so long. So I am guardedly optimistic that we are on the verge of a big upswing in societal understanding. And I pray that enough people, not just in America but throughout the world, will embrace some very old, and yet seemingly very new concepts and try to redirect the energy of humankind into a more inclusive, gentler and forgiving species.
The New Moon falls on Saturday March 13th at 5:21 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Pisces 04 minutes. This is the last New Moon of the zodiac year and it sets the mood for the next 2 ½ weeks. With the Sun, Moon, Venus and Neptune all traveling through Pisces, this is a time of great intuition and spirituality. Try to tap into what the collective has to tell you and the deeper sense of giving and selflessness of this sign. There is a lesson for us all about the many forms of charity, many of which do not involve the transference of material or monetary substance. Give of yourself in any way that you can and you will receive much in return.
This is also a time for completions and inner conversation when we all will have a chance to review what we’ve done the past 12 months. Of course in some ways that may prove a useless endeavor as many of us have been pretty much locked in and don’t have too much in the way of adventures to reflect upon. But then Pisces isn’t really about what we do in the outside world so much as in the inner sanctum. The spiritual realm is where we have been growing and that is the place you should look for your development and advancements. How did you do with your self-image, your deeper connections to others, and your internal work? Were you honest with yourself and did you face some issues that have been somewhat elusive? Or did you just eat, sleep and watch Netflix? If so, this isn’t a matter of judgment. Maybe that’s what you needed to get you through this awful period. But we are on the verge of a new era when the stores and the movies and the bowling alleys will reopen; when we will be faced, once again, with confronting each other in person rather than on a computer screen.
This sign is also very much about mysticism, creativity and the arts. I have found the past weeks since the Sun entered this sign very invigorating to my muse and quite productive and inspirational. Now as the weather begins to become livable again and we can at least take a long walk, we may find that in the coming weeks there is less focus on our artistic projects and a release of a pent up desire to explore the world once again. You know that after most plagues there is a baby boom. That shouldn’t be a real surprise. After being cooped up inside for months or even years, one of the first things people tend to do is seek out each other. And that can often lead to, well, hanky-panky. So try to finish those projects you’ve been working on before you get too distracted.
As I said above, Pisces is all about serving others and helping in a selfless manner. That doesn’t mean that we all should become altruistic and push our egos out the door. That’s a very unrealistic thought. But of course, Pisces is often called unrealistic, so perhaps it isn’t as far a stretch as one would think. But in one week the Sun will enter Aries and the New Year will begin. So look at this aspect and the coming week as a chance to tie up some loose ends and to maybe make peace with yourself about issues that have bothered you for some time. You aren’t perfect and none of us is applying for sainthood. So don’t judge your actions or those of others too harshly. But do see if there are things that can be completed and put to rest. That is the best way to deal with the end of things, and we are at the end of the astrological year. So use this time to prepare for a new beginning on March 20th.
On Saturday March 13th at 11:08 P.M. EST love will take a most interesting path. We say that Venus is the lower octave and Neptune the higher octave of the same energy. It has much to do with what we call love. In the personal and interactive realm it’s the domain of Venus. How are you, how can I connect with you and what is the personal limitation to our relationship? These are questions Venus would ask.
Who are we, how can I help save you and what is my responsibility to the collective and the interaction of all humanity? These are questions Neptune would be more interested in. Now, while they both involve love, and we can have romantic love and still be concerned with the wellbeing of our fellow humans.
On Monday March 15th at 6:26 P.M. EDT until April 3rd at 11:24 P.M. EDT our minds will take on a much different perspective. After two months with Mercury traveling through energetic, erratic and complex Aquarius it is now getting settled into a calmer and more internalized sign. With the Sun, Venus, Neptune and now Mercury all transiting Pisces we have a plethora (I love that word) of planetary influence in this last sign of the zodiac. This is a period when we will all be more concerned with the spiritual and collective consciousness and it’s important that we aim our attention where it needs to be. Biden and Congress just passed a huge bill aimed at helping much of the American population get back on its feet. That is a clear example of what Pisces can do. Certainly there will be things that some people won’t like about this bill. Some believe it is too broad, and some may feel that it didn’t go far enough. But that’s politics. We don’t live in a perfect society; we live in a flawed and unstable one. So for the coming weeks try to see things from a more selfless place and don’t let your ego rule your judgment. You won’t like the results and could feel like a fish out of water. The best way to use astrology is to go with the energy that it implies. That way you will be a part of a bigger event. And this is a time of generosity of heart and mind more than of the pocketbook. Share your thoughts and listen to what your friends and loved ones have to say. They may teach you something quite valuable.
On Tuesday March 16th at 2:26 P.M. EDT we have an opportunity to deal with some issues that may have been buried for some time. Pluto likes to bring things to the surface and in a sextile, which is a proactive aspect it’s easier to use and direct things where you need them to go. But with sextiles and trines you must use the force or it will just pass unnoticed. Delve into any subject that is unfinished or has been weighing on your mind. You may be able to uncover a solution that you missed. This is a good time to settle any problems involving a power struggle. People will be more apt to bend a bit and you might find compromise that can resolve it.
On Saturday March 20th at 5:37 A.M. EDT we begin the trip through the zodiac anew. This is the day that I celebrate as the true New Year. Yes, I also toast at midnight on December 31st, and acknowledge the Jewish, Chinese, Muslim and other New Years as well. In secular terms January 1st is an arbitrary date to start the yearly calendar. It has much to do with the winter solstice and the start of the lengthening of the days, as well as an ancient Roman holiday. But with the Sun entering the first degree of the zodiac and beginning its turn around the wheel once more, it certainly seems a fitting time to celebrate new beginnings and to see this as a time of hope and optimism. Aries is one of the most outgoing and hopeful of the signs and we should all share in the joyfulness that this fire sign exudes.
On Sunday March 21st at 10:16 A.M. EDT until April 14th at 2:22 P.M. EDT we will all feel a shift in our relationships as the female energy begins to assert itself more. While Venus doesn’t always feel comfortable in this Mars ruled sign, it will tend to express its needs and be more aggressive for the next month or so. That’s not a bad thing. Sometimes it’s important to feel empowered and to allow some parts of ourselves to have a stronger voice. We are all made up of male and female energy. This has nothing to do with gender identity or any other external manifestation. It’s the way we relate within and how well we can balance the various parts of our personality. Try to listen to that side of yourself and get in touch with what you need and how well you are asking the universe to fulfill those needs. It’s only through self-fulfillment that we are balanced enough to help others. And this transit will test us all on a very personal level to see if you are, in fact getting what you need and want. If you aren’t then it may be the source of some conflicting feelings and limit your ability to relate in an honest and secure manner.
On Sunday March 21st at 7:35 P.M. EDT ideas will flow at a productive pace; not too fast and not too slow. This is a good combination and will give an extra push to conversations and all intellectual projects. This is a good time for having that talk you need to have and for expressing yourself in a direct and clear manner. This is a very realistic and functional transit and you will be apt to aim your attention in a very focused and practical manner. If you use this properly you can get some important work done and not feel overwhelmed by your obligations.
On Sunday March 21st at 10:35 P.M. EDT this very positive and useful transit will give us all a day or two when we can focus our attention and get a lot of work done. Mars is energy. Saturn is the balance and structure beneath any situation. When these two are in a positive trine you have the opportunity to focus your actions and aim your attention where it will do you the most good. You may be able to do a lot of work in a few days, so if you have a project that you’ve been avoiding perhaps this weekend would be a good time to tackle it.
On Tuesday March 23rd at 11:26 P.M. EDT arguments are just waiting to happen. If you have something to say and you’ve been holding it in, you may not be able to do so now. When Mars is in hard aspect to Mercury the gumballs just seem to drop on the tongue and there is little you can do to stop them. Be aware that you or the other person may be speaking with more force than you realize and try not to take everything too seriously. If a dispute occurs, look for a way to resolve it and don’t let it linger. Once this square is expressed it will lose much of its power.
On Friday March 26th at 2:56 A.M. EDT this most pleasant and easy-going aspect will give us all a moment of joy. Because this completes so early in the morning its effect will be felt more the night before. Thursday would be a good time for a late dinner and conversation. You may feel like staying up later than usual and that extra glass of wine or late night stroll might spark a romantic encounter or a deeper feeling for a friend. Venus isn’t only interested in romance. It’s also a very sociable and outgoing planet and can strengthen any relationship.
On Sunday March 28th at 2:48 P.M. EDT at 8 degrees Libra 18 minutes the lunar peak occurs. Every Full Moon represents the peak of energy in that monthly cycle. Where it falls has much to do with where our attention should be aimed and what we can do as individuals and a collective to help move the karma of our society forward just a bit. Libra is all about relationships. It is the sign that rules the house of marriage and partnerships and it is how we relate to each other that is being brought into question. Are you reaching out to those in your life and trying to strengthen your connections? Or are you ignoring the needs of others and hiding behind your ego? These aren’t easy questions to answer honestly. It takes some soul searching and the ability to look in the mirror and clearly see the reflection that is looking back.
Libra is one of the signs that really doesn’t like to be alone all that much. This doesn’t mean that you are going to meet the love of your life this month, although I hope some of you do. But it does imply that in general people are looking for interaction and conversation. You may get into a discussion in a store that takes on a more meaningful purpose than you had anticipated. At the very least we should all try to reach out and engage in some thoughtful conversations. From now until the next New Moon on Sunday April 11th we will be under the influence of this energy and after a year of isolation and limited interaction it would be good to share thoughts, ideas and even our fears and pains with someone who might empathize. Sometimes a receptive ear can help the healing process more than you realize.
On Monday March 29th at 11:24 P.M. EDT we have a day or so of some confusion and misdirection. This can often create some misunderstandings and mistakes. For a day or two leading up to this it would be wise to double check things and ensure that you are communicating as clearly as possible to avoid misunderstandings. This can be a very creative energy, especially for musicians, painters, poets and others who communicate through the unconscious. If you work in the arts you may find that you are reaching a place of depth hitherto difficult to connect with. So recognize the two sides of this aspect and work within the frame of what it offers. Be careful when traveling, double check all paperwork, and don’t hit that send button on your email after several glasses of wine. You may be sending it to the wrong person or saying something you will regret later on. You can always put it in “save” and review it in the morning.
On Tuesday March 30th at 11:47 A.M. EDT the creative juices will be flowing. This isn’t a very powerful aspect, but if you use it wisely you may be able to move a project forward. This is especially true in the arts, decorating or other form of self-expression. This will produce a dreamy atmosphere and while you may not care too much about material things, this might be a good day for expressing your feelings towards someone.
On Wednesday March 31st at 5:04 P.M. EDT we will all be a bit more realistic and focused. This sextile offers us an opportunity to put things in order, clean off your desk and move your projects forward. While you can’t expect to solve all of your problems in one day, sometimes it only takes a little push to get you going. And this energy can do just that. You won’t be easily distracted by frivolous nonsense and should be pretty clear on your priorities. So use this aspect to your advantage and get things moving.
On Saturday April 3rd at 11:41 P.M. EDT until April 19th at 6:29 A.M. EDT we begin a new cycle of intellectuality. This is akin to Mars transiting Gemini, or a hard aspect between Mars and Mercury. But because this lasts almost three weeks you should become used to it and be able to control the effects. Be aware that you are probably speaking with more force than you realize and could be a bit harsh in situations that require a gentler tone. We all will certainly be apt to say what’s on our minds, and to push our thoughts and ideas forward without hesitation. Just keep in mind that there is a force behind Aries that can be a little unruly and even rude at times. If you keep things in balance you will be better able to express yourself and get your projects moving without alienating others. If there is a conversation that you’ve been meaning to have but perhaps been sidestepping it, it will probably demand your attention now. This isn’t a subtle placement so be prepared to hear other people’s opinions. This may also add even more fuel to the political and cultural disconnection that permeates our society at the moment.
On Tuesday April 6th at 7:18 A.M. EDT the yin and yang are doing the cha cha. When these two planets are getting along we feel a sort of balance within ourselves, which makes it easier to express our feelings to others. This is a good opportunity for many to find common ground, at least for a few hours. It won’t lead to a sudden healing of all wounds, nor change our society on a fundamental level. But it can afford us a chance to smooth things over or to at least ignore the differences that are creating a gap.
On Friday April 9th at 3:18 P.M. EDT this rather difficult energy will take place. Mars is all about assertiveness and a direct approach to things. Neptune is not. It tends to meander around an issue or get lost in the fog of the ethereal where Mars is all about the material and concrete. When these two are in conflict it will work both ways. Mars will force Neptune to deal with some issues it would prefer to ignore, and Neptune will demand that Mars put the ego in the backseat, something the god of war does not like to do. As with all aspects, the best way to handle this is to find balance and to try and achieve a way for both energies to express themselves. It’s easier said than done, as many people with a conflicting hard aspect between these two will tell you. But where those with this configuration in their natal charts have a lifetime to work with it and to figure out how best to handle it, we have a day or two. It would be wise to avoid making decisions that seem convoluted or that you just aren’t sure about. Wait until this passes and ten revisit the subject. You may find that it is much clearer and there is a solution that you hadn’t considered. And while this is in orb just be aware of the unsettledness and sense of instability it can create. And don’t try to work through a lifetime of messes in a day. You will fail and feel very badly about it. This is a good day for mediation, creative endeavors and seeking the spiritual side of things. Just don’t be surprised if some of your efforts feel unfulfilled. The New Moon is coming up in a few days and you will be able to renew the situation and to see it with clarity in a new light.
On Saturday April 10th at 11:09 A.M. EDT this positive aspect will give us a day of concentration and focus. We experienced the Sun in sextile to Saturn a few weeks ago and this will be similar. But where that aspect had much to do with activity and moving projects forward, this one has more to do with your thoughts, plans and communications. With Mercury now traveling through Aries there is an underlying sense of purpose and directness in all intellectual pursuits. Using that energy coupled with this sextile to Saturn it’s a good day for completions and for aiming your attention towards you ultimate goals. If you’ve got a business plan you want to put together and offer, this would be a good time to do either move it to the next level, or if it’s ready to go, to present it to your perspective investors. With
On Saturday April 10th at 2:53 P.M. EDT we end this lunar cycle on a very positive and enjoyable note. This can be a bit of a lazy day and you might be more interested in sitting by a river or daydreaming. But that would be a waste of a very pleasant and light-hearted few hours. This is a very sociable energy and you should try to spend it with someone you care for. A long lunch, a walk through Central Park or any form of gentle and expansive expression will be affirming. Travel would be great if you can get away. Take a day trip somewhere and pack a picnic. If the weather is agreeable what could be better than a sunny day out in nature, especially after that brutal winter many of us experienced.
The next New Moon falls on Sunday April 11th at 10:31 A.M. EDT at 22 degrees Aries 25 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:m)
March 13th 11:38 A.M. – 6:44 P.M.
March 15th 11:40 P.M. – March 16th 6:56 A.M.
March 18th 4:40 P.M. – 7:47 P.M.
March 21st 8:04 A.M. – 8:18 A.M.
March 23rd 11:26 A.M. – 5:56 P.M.
March 25th 9:27 A.M. – 11:25 P.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours
March 27th 7:48 P.M. – March 28th 1:22 A.M.
March 29th 8:08 P.M. – March 30th 1:33 A.M.
March 31st 8:29 P.M. – April 1st 1:59 A.M.
April 3rd 1:24 A.M. – 4:13 A.M.
April 5th 3:05 A.M. – 9:04 A.M.
April 7th 6:05 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
April 9th 7:48 P.M. – April 10th 2:11 A.M.
April 12th 8:06 A.M. – 1:44 P.M.
April 14th 8:00 P.M. – April 15th 2:35 A.M.
April 17th 11:03PAM. – 3:25 P.M.
March 2021
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