On Monday March 15th at 6:26 P.M. EDT until April 3rd at 11:24 P.M. EDT our minds will take on a much different perspective. After two months with Mercury traveling through energetic, erratic and complex Aquarius it is now getting settled into a calmer and more internalized sign. With the Sun, Venus, Neptune and now Mercury all transiting Pisces we have a plethora (I love that word) of planetary influence in this last sign of the zodiac. This is a period when we will all be more concerned with the spiritual and collective consciousness and it’s important that we aim our attention where it needs to be. Biden and Congress just passed a huge bill aimed at helping much of the American population get back on its feet. That is a clear example of what Pisces can do. Certainly there will be things that some people won’t like about this bill. Some believe it is too broad, and some may feel that it didn’t go far enough. But that’s politics. We don’t live in a perfect society; we live in a flawed and unstable one. So for the coming weeks try to see things from a more selfless place and don’t let your ego rule your judgment. You won’t like the results and could feel like a fish out of water. The best way to use astrology is to go with the energy that it implies. That way you will be a part of a bigger event. And this is a time of generosity of heart and mind more than of the pocketbook. Share your thoughts and listen to what your friends and loved ones have to say. They may teach you something quite valuable.

With Mercury in Scorpio, I look forward to Mercury in Pisces. Yayyy! It’s about time for some fluidity and not fixed planets all over the place! I’ve been waiting for this….

Always cogent, and specific, with dashes of humor.  Great stuff.  Thanks so much Mitch!!