The New Moon falls on Saturday March 13th at 5:21 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Pisces 04 minutes. This is the last New Moon of the zodiac year and it sets the mood for the next 2 ½ weeks. With the Sun, Moon, Venus and Neptune all traveling through Pisces, this is a time of great intuition and spirituality. Try to tap into what the collective has to tell you and the deeper sense of giving and selflessness of this sign. There is a lesson for us all about the many forms of charity, many of which do not involve the transference of material or monetary substance. Give of yourself in any way that you can and you will receive much in return.

This is also a time for completions and inner conversation when we all will have a chance to review what we’ve done the past 12 months. Of course in some ways that may prove a useless endeavor as many of us have been pretty much locked in and don’t have too much in the way of adventures to reflect upon. But then Pisces isn’t really about what we do in the outside world so much as in the inner sanctum. The spiritual realm is where we have been growing and that is the place you should look for your development and advancements. How did you do with your self-image, your deeper connections to others, and your internal work? Were you honest with yourself and did you face some issues that have been somewhat elusive? Or did you just eat, sleep and watch Netflix? If so, this isn’t a matter of judgment. Maybe that’s what you needed to get you through this awful period. But we are on the verge of a new era when the stores and the movies and the bowling alleys will reopen; when we will be faced, once again, with confronting each other in person rather than on a computer screen.

This sign is also very much about mysticism, creativity and the arts. I have found the past weeks since the Sun entered this sign very invigorating to my muse and quite productive and inspirational. Now as the weather begins to become livable again and we can at least take a long walk, we may find that in the coming weeks there is less focus on our artistic projects and a release of a pent up desire to explore the world once again. You know that after most plagues there is a baby boom. That shouldn’t be a real surprise. After being cooped up inside for months or even years, one of the first things people tend to do is seek out each other. And that can often lead to, well, hanky-panky. So try to finish those projects you’ve been working on before you get too distracted.

As I said above, Pisces is all about Serving others and helping in a selfless manner. That doesn’t mean that we all should become altruistic and push our egos out the door. That’s a very unrealistic thought. But of course, Pisces is often called unrealistic, so perhaps it isn’t as far a stretch as one would think. But in one week the Sun will enter Aries and the New Year will begin. So look at this aspect and the coming week as a chance to tie up some loose ends and to maybe make peace with yourself about issues that have bothered you for some time. You aren’t perfect and none of us is applying for sainthood. So don’t judge your actions or those of others too harshly. But do see if there are things that can be completed and put to rest. That is the best way to deal with the end of things, and we are at the end of the astrological year. So use this time to prepare for a new beginning on March 20th.