On Wednesday March 10th at 7:01 P.M. EST this rather unfocused and potentially difficult transit completes. This is the last aspect of this lunar cycle, and while it doesn’t fall exactly on the Dark of the Moon, it still represents the end of this month’s energy. Be careful what you commit to. You may not be seeing things as clearly as you think, and you could make promises that will be difficult to keep. Because this conjunct occurs in Pisces, the sign that Neptune rules, it will have a compound effect and clarity may be in short supply. If you can postpone important decisions for a few days that would probably be a wise choice. The New Moon this Saturday is in Pisces, so this Neptune influence will continue into the next lunar cycle. This is a time for spiritual matters more than materialistic ones. Don’t get too caught up in the outside world that you lose touch with your inner self. Your relationships in particular may be foggy and you might not be expressing yourself as clearly as you think. Take some time to think it through and make sure you are understood to avoid any future confusion.

With the New Moon falling on Saturday we may see a dip in the equities towards the end of this week. I think it’s just a lackluster few days when nothing seems to go as planned. Trade defensively and don’t overextend your positions. The markets have been giving us all whiplash this past few weeks as the effects of the Saturn-Uranus square took hold. The NASDAQ went into correction territory until Tuesday when they surged more than 4%. The broader S&Ps and the DOW went in the opposite direction much of the time and they too surged on Tuesday and Wednesday to create a huge upswing in the equities. Much of this is a result of optimism based on the imminent passing of the almost two trillion dollar bailout bill and the hope that the various vaccines will work and help reopen our economy. I’m guardedly optimistic that we are heading towards a post-pandemic world and a big boost in our GDP somewhere in the vicinity of 5% or so. If we can achieve that goal we will see the American and world economy rebound tremendously. But once the effect of this gigantic stimulus bill fades later this year we could reach a point of lesser returns. Economist, Paul Krugman had one of his many terrific articles in the NY Times the other day analyzing what we might expect in the coming few years. Remember, after the end of the First World War and the pandemic of 1918-20 there was a temporary boost in the markets and in employment followed by a two year depression before we entered what is called the “Roaring Twenties”. The world is different now and this is a new era, so there is no reason to assume that will happen again. Only time will tell; and with Saturn in square to Uranus all through 2021 until December, we must be prepared for anything.

Is it because you are more pragmatic than I, or that I am not an astrologer and a little information is dangerous, or because I am a Pisces, that I am wondering why the Sun and Neptune conjunct in Pisces cannot mean that the sun is shining on creativity, dreams and aspirations?