Joe Biden continues to astound me with his simple words of faith and healing as we remember half a million lost to Covdi-19. He knows what pain is all about. For those who follow astrology or have seen my webinars from last fall on the candidates you know that he has Jupiter, the planet of optimism and expansion conjunct America’s Mercury, the planet of thought, communication and ideas. He has the ability to reach us on a deep level of empathy and belief.
He has been through more than a lesser man could have survived, let alone continue to strive to serve his fellow man with little regard for his own well-being. I don’t think he’s a saint. I’m not sure there are any, at least in our current world. But he certainly is a mensch. This is a Yiddish word that means several things. It implies a strong person, a grownup, someone you can rely on and have confidence that they will catch you when you fall. It’s a person you would trust with your life, your loved ones’ well-being. I know some I would call a mensch, fewer than I wish, but enough to give me some faith in my fellow man. I’m so very happy that we have put this wounded soldier in the highest office of the land and that he is the one who comes to us in times of stress and struggle, like a cherished uncle or an old friend from childhood that you know would never do anything to hurt you.
America and the world are going through a time of tremendous doubt and fear. We seem to be edging ever closer towards the border of the abyss. The pandemic, climate change, internal strife, a time seemingly of spiritual infertility are all pushing against us. At least there is a president who understands the fear, the suffering, the loss that many of us have experienced. Our struggle is far from over. And we will experience many more challenges before we reach the shore. You don’t have to agree with everything he does or give up your political and cultural opinions to be moved by his words. Just listen to the tone and the feeling behind them and try to embrace the compassion his thoughts extol. And maybe we can try to reach across the widening chasm.

Yes!! A thousand times yes!!
The right man at the right time.
Grateful above all to have a president who understand suffering and knows empathy.

Thank you, Mitch. That was so nice to read when there is so much disagreement all around us.
Well said.

Nice one!
Some day, I’m hoping you’ll provide some insight on the influence of all those planets in his 12th house. Is that what you called a stellium in one of your books? I’m just going to guess here that it emphasizes the service and empathy of Pisces (12th house), with the depth and intensity of Scorpio. And so close to the horizon there, I’m guessing that has an influence–maybe all that energy just under the surface of the personality. And I’m thinking he must be quite sensitive (in the psychic sense of the word.) I think too, that even if he hadn’t had such a boat-load of tragedy, he’d still have been quite compassionate.