On Saturday February 20th at 7:52 P.M. EST Mercury finally turns around and the energy will change once again. This retrograde has occurred entirely in the sign of Aquarius so there have been a lot of deviations and surprises over the past three weeks. Some were pleasant and some not so much. But with Aquarius energy you must take what comes your way and figure out how to use it in the most constructive manner. It may be erratic and unpredictable, but if you can let go of your preconceived notions you will discover something new. Now as Mercury reverses direction we can expect even more impulsive and unexpected news and events. If you’ve been putting off an important conversation you may no longer have that option. The phone might ring and you will be faced with the need to finally deal with the situation. Be very careful for a few days. As this planet changes direction either way it can create complications, mistakes, errors in judgment and miscommunications. Double check everything and be absolutely sure what you are agreeing to before you sign on the dotted line.

What could be more indicative of Mercury changing direction than the total breakdown in Texas? The state essentially was frozen in its tracks as millions were without power, water and life’s basics. This was not really a surprise. The potential for this catastrophe was well known to Texans for many years. Because the state refused to follow federal guidelines like the rest of America and acted like the sovereign nation it briefly was in the 19th century their grid was never updated to accommodate the events that unfolded this past week. They had been warned many times by scientists, politicians and people with just plain ol’ common sense that this was a disaster waiting to happen. The melting of the Arctic ice pushed the jet stream south, which led to this violent change in weather throughout southern U.S. and with climate change escalating at an insane rate there will be many more events like this. The world is changing and we aren’t changing fast enough along with it. This was an example of my philosophy that the difference between ignorance and stupidity it: Ignorance is when your eyes are closed. Stupidity is when you close them again once they’re been open. We are often masters of our fate, as astrology keeps teaching us. Open your eyes and force those around you, especially people in a position of power to open theirs, or our destiny is preordained. “This is the way the world ends… not with a bang, but with a whimper.” T.S. Eliot.

As this planet changes direction we will most likely hear some rather unsettling things in our personal lives and in the collective. Some will be difficult to accept, but others may be just what you’ve been waiting for, even if you don’t know it. To paraphrase what I said above, the trick to dealing with Aquarius and its ruler, Uranus is implied in the very basics of Buddhist philosophy – expectations lead to disappointment. Without them you are better able to accept whatever the universe offers you. Try that attitude for a while and see how it works out for you.