The New Moon falls on Thursday February 11th at 2:06 P.M. EST at 23 degrees Aquarius 17 minutes and it’s a Void of Course Moon. The Aquarius New Moon that occurs in February each year is often a time when we seek a new direction or change in attitude. Because it occurs in the midst of winter (at least in the north) it can sometimes go unnoticed as we’re busy running for the warmth and our comfort, and perhaps not paying as much attention to our inner conversation. But there is a conversion taking place as we explore new and innovative ways of looking at our lives and our issues. While I admittedly have never been a big fan of winter (I’m a July summer baby) with the bundling, unbundling, shivering, wet feet, icicles dripping on my head, etc. I do enjoy the extra time spent inside. It’s good for my writing and my contemplation. True, we have had more than our share of troubles this past year, but the nation will settle down, the winter will wane, and the pandemic will end, and then we will only have the memories of what we did while so many of us were often isolated. So make use of it and do some good work. Even though I prefer the summer breeze to the wailing mournful cry of winter’s harsh wind, I recognize the necessity of the yin-yang of the seasons coursing through my lifetime. So I try to take advantage of each; and this month as we travel through the fixed winter sign we are most deeply in winter’s grasp and should cherish the days we count until spring. While Tom Petty was right, sometimes “The Waiting is the Hardest Part”, it is also said that the anticipation, the built up anxiety the (can I say it?) foreplay can be a state of exhilaration and serious passion. April will come one day, and all of this will just be a memory. So use this time well and dig deep into your psyche. You may be very surprised at what you discover.
Because the Moon goes Void of Course on this aspect there will be a sense of detachment and possibly erratic energy all month. The first aspect that quickly follows a New Moon sets the stage for the undercurrent for that month. A Void Moon is not connected to anything and can seemingly act on its own accord with no rules, no rhyme or reason. The best way to handle it is to let go of your expectations and just follow the snow laden path through the woods. If you have faith it will eventually lead you home. 🙏❤

Always GRATEFUL for your astrological insight and benefit of said contemplation…THANK YOU! Stay warm, dry, and reflective…