On Saturday January 30th at 10:52 A.M. EST until February 20th at 7:52 P.M. EST as if we don’t have enough to worry about, Mercury will begin traveling backwards. This is the one transit that most people who don’t study astrology seem to know about. It’s written about quite frequently and used in jokes, stand-up routines, comics and even in my murder mysteries (sorry for the shameless plug). This retrograde occurs completely in the sign of Aquarius, added yet even more fuel to this month’s unpredictable force. Aquarius is the sign of genius, and when used properly Mercury (the lower octave of the mind) traveling through this sign that rules the higher octave, can result in inspirational ideas and words of great wisdom. When used improperly it can denote erratic and counter-productive thinking. Retrograde Mercury can often reach deeper into a subject because of the internalization of its energy. I pray that is the case now, and that we will be able to reach out to each other anyway that we can, and just possibly come up with some radical and brilliant thoughts and decisions that can help us reach some necessary conclusions. But my realistic side also understands the possibility of more ludicrous conspiracy theories, distorted history and unpredictable ideas.

With the stock markets in such disarray we can expect some very confusing and distorted events. Be careful as you trade. We may be seeing the start of a big slide in equities, but whichever way they go this coming week don’t believe everything you hear. This is a time to take things in stride, act defensively and be ready to pull out of any situation that seems either shaky or too good to be true. With Mercury in retrograde what you see isn’t always what you get.

In our personal lives this is a chance to sit back and thinks things through. If you can do that you may be able to examine a situation more closely and, with patience, come to some valuable conclusions. The planets aren’t trying to hurt you. Sometimes they just want to slow you down so you don’t make mistakes. While it can be frustrating dealing with communication of all sorts, I have found this transit quite valuable. Some of my best recordings were made while Mercury was going backwards. It was as if the world had slowed down and I had the opportunity to ease my way into the record without interference from the world. Use it to your advantage, avoid the common pitfalls and it can work quite well.