On Thursday January 28th at 2:16 P.M. EST at 9 degrees Leo 06 minutes the Moon is in opposition to the Sun. The Moon will square Uranus at 10:11 A.M. EST just a few hours before the Full Moon and this could be the peak of unrest and fury for this lunar cycle. Generally Full Moons are a time when things come to a head and soon after begin to settle down. But this could also be a moment of great turmoil and confrontation. Because the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in a few hours it could certainly blow things out of proportion and create some upsetting events. But it could also be a moment of optimism and exuberance. It’s up to you how you use these transits. But I do suggest that you use caution for a few days. The energy that is being emitted is quite powerful and can be disruptive. Awareness will go a long way towards keeping you from harm’s path. We have had massive snowstorms on a number of Leo Full Moons over the past years, and with Uranus and Jupiter both involved it wouldn’t surprise me if we did again in the next week or so. I love to watch a quiet, gentle snow, especially from the warmth and security of my home, but a major blizzard isn’t my idea of a good time, so I hope this doesn’t occur. But if it does, you have been warned.

We need to come to terms with some issues, and soon. This ongoing threat of violence in our culture is unacceptable on any level. I understand that many people are disappointed with the results of the recent elections, but that doesn’t give them the right to destroy our society and put your life at risk. You can disagree, but we have just been through an amazing election considering the barriers we had to face, with more Americans voting than ever before in our history. And the disputes have been examined and challenged more than 60 times in courts that have almost unanimously discarded those challenges, many by judges who were appointed by the outgoing president. The incoming administration is just getting its feet wet and hopefully Biden and Harris will be able to implement their plans to deal with this insane pandemic, something that should be above politics and seen as a necessity to bring our society back to something resembling normalcy. We also need some serious economic actions if we wish to avoid a depression. I believe they will make many good decisions and help lead us out of the mess we are in. I won’t agree with everything they do, and that’s fine. Life is a compromise. But it seems to me we are at an unprecedented crossroads where we will either work together and try to solve our problems, or we will be at cross purposes and, through our conflicts, prevent any useful solutions from taking hold. It’s us to us as individuals and as a collective to choose.