Many astrologers are making a big thing out of the fact that there is a VOC Moon today as Biden is inaugurated. Here are my thoughts on the subject.
I have dealt with VOC moons for decades, and while I do try to avoid them for major decisions when possible, I have found that so many times we don’t have the choice as to when to do something that we must have faith. Biden couldn’t have changed the time of his swearing in, even if he hired me to be his astrologer (LOL). So is the fact that it is under this difficult, but often misunderstood aspect an omen of doom? No! All it means is that some things will not turn out as planned, and there will be some shifting in direction. A number of presidents have been inaugurated on VOCs and it turned out quite well. I could tell you many stories of people who asked my opinion about decisions but it wound up that they didn’t have a choice and it worked out just fine. It’s easy to assume something from an astrological aspect, but sometimes that’s a wrong perception. Any transit can have a number of outcomes and to presuppose what that will be is ignoring many things, including free-will, intelligence and even God’s will. The Biden administration will have it’s ups and downs like all presidencies, but if they are allowed to govern without disruption they will do some very positive and wonderful things.
We all know that our nation is in a very difficult period. The chasm between the parties and the frightening undercurrent of anger and violence isn’t something to ignore or belittle. It is real. Could something occur that will change the course of our destiny? Certainly. I pray for the safety and success of Biden and Harris, and I’m very heartened by seeing many in our government, including Mike Pence wish them god’s speed and success. But whether there is a void moon, a Mars – Uranus conjunct or any other aspect during the process does not imply that this will be a failed or tragic administration. It means that this is an event unlike any we have seen in our history, and one that will radically change the course of how we progress. And that is certainly true. With Harris inaugurated as the first woman of color is in itself a radical and unprecedented event. And the change of direction we will take beginning now is equally radical in its concept. So I am very glad for the opportunity our nation and the world is being given, and I am proud of what we as a nation have done. Pray for their well-being and for the wisdom to make decisions that will aid us all, no matter who you voted for. And whatever happens may we all stand together and find a healing and compassionate voice. 🙏❤

great observation.. enjoy all your posts. i have been a mediocre amateur astrologer for 50 years and like to listen to those of you avo have a real talent in the art.

as usual so appreciate and grateful for your comments and comfort of insight

I find so much of what I have heard and seen from Joe and Kamala as comforting and inspiring for the healing needed for our divided country

THANK YOU for being a clear voice during this difficult time!

John Frawley and other astrologers have pointed out that a planet that is about to change signs and especially dignity either for good or ill is very significant. It’s almost as if the planet is looking forward to the sign that it’s about to step into. One example that Frawley used was Mozart who had Venus in 29 Aquarius, about to enter her exaltation (music) and this was probably more significant than if she were already resting comfortably in the middle of Pisces. Chris Warnock also notes these when interpreting horary charts. Since the Moon is about to enter her exaltation (Taurus) in the Inauguration chart, I don’t see her position, VOC, at 28/29 Aries as ‘bad’ at all!