January – February 2021
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
This should have been posted a day or two ago. Sorry. Got a few things on my mind. Civil War can be so distracting.
After the events of the past few weeks, especially the attack on the Capital Building, we need to think things through and come to some conclusions about who we are and what we want from our future. This is a profound moment in American history and a time when we are more at odds than ever, at least since the 1860s. It seems less likely that we will find common ground at the moment. We may find some, once the transition of power is completed and the next administration begins implementing its policies. Perhaps once people see what is happening and actually begin to benefit from the new perspective maybe some will eventually reach a conclusion that the world isn’t ending and there is a chance for forward motion and growth.
The chasm that has been created didn’t happen over the past 4 years. It was built slowly over several decades, and it most likely will not be bridged for some time, at least until America’s Pluto Return completes. Until then it would be wise to approach most direct confrontations gingerly, as you will not succeed in changing many minds through arguments, only add fuel to the fire.
The coming few weeks are loaded with explosive transits and it would be best to wait them out. If you must interact with someone knowing that there is underlying animosity, (either political or personal) you need to be careful and set your boundaries clearly. The combination of transits is quite volatile and it would be silly to run head first into a burning building. We will see a plethora of planets traveling through erratic Aquarius. Uranus, the ruler of that sign begins its forward motion, and there are a number of aspects involving it. This all adds up to a month of disruptions and instability. It doesn’t mean that you have to get into difficult or violent situations. It only means that you must use caution and navigate the terrain with care. America’s Pluto Return will not happen without a number of disturbing events over the next few years. Pluto rules the elimination of waste, the bubbling to the surface of any buried infection or decay that must be eliminated or it will deteriorate the foundation upon which our entire society sits. As we move through this period our values will be severely tested and the purging of that which is dissolving the structure must be completed, no matter how long it takes or what we must endure during the process. We are seeing some of what we can expect now, and it is just beginning. The sooner we accept that truth and are willing to face the task of expunging what is no longer valid, the sooner we can begin to rebuild and strengthen our foundation.
Inauguration Day is particularly shaky and I hope things go smoothly. We are certainly more prepared than we were on January 6thand with the large number of troops being deployed in Washington D.C. it should be okay. But there are indicators that some groups are planning actions in state capitols and other venues, and that could result in some very upsetting events. I pray that cooler heads prevail and we can move on with the job of governing our nation and finding solutions to the very difficult situations we are facing.
Those who follow my work know that I am expecting a downturn in the stock markets in February. It may be a correction, a crash or the beginning of a long term bear market. I’m hopeful that it will just be a temporary pullback and that the vaccine works, helping to pull us into the post-pandemic world. Even if that is the case, it will take months before we begin to see a lessening of the weight this has put upon us. The underlying economic problems in our financial markets are far deeper than just recovering from the pandemic. Once that is achieved it will help stabilize the markets and begin to expand our financial base, but there are many more issues that will have to be addressed in the coming few years, including economic inequality, climate change, natural resources and inherent racism, to name a few. Stay strong and alert, and strengthen your faith so the foundation upon which we stand will support us on our journey.
The New Moon falls on Wednesday January 13th at 12:00 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Capricorn 13 minutes. This is the New Moon that is most likely to pull us back from the edge, at least for a minute. The transits we face this month are quite active and potentially explosive. And while the Capricorn New Moon does wish for a more thoughtful and contained approach to things, the individual aspects we will experience in the coming few weeks will test that resolve. No matter how smart or aware you may be, you’re only human (sorry, didn’t mean to insult you) and at times your emotions and internal angst can overwhelm your common sense. The collective experiences that same energy.
While we are certainly in a period of angst and potentially explosive events, hopefully this New Moon will give us some underlying sense of stability and possibly delay any radical or sudden actions. Mars is in square to Saturn soon after this, and the first major aspect following a New Moon has much to do with setting the atmosphere for the coming month. I go more into detail about that square below, but briefly, this is a time of pent up anger and frustration, that can be like a seething amber smoldering beneath the wood pile. It isn’t very active, but it also isn’t going out. If enough oxygen comes in it could easily flare up and set the whole shebang aflame once more. Still, Saturn will tend to restrain that Mars energy. It is often described as “a slow burn” that simmers but never flares up. We could use some of that restraint right now. Hopefully this Capricorn New Moon will give us what we need.
Capricorn is very involved in the past and often views things from a more conservative perspective. I don’t mean that in a political way. Rather this is one of the signs that likes things to remain as they were and isn’t all that thrilled with innovation or untried ideas. We are in a period of new beginnings with the inauguration of a different administration and the ongoing economic and health issues that we are all facing. We do need new ideas and some radical approaches to help get us out of this mess. As long as they aren’t too disruptive to the status quo they can fit nicely into this period of time. This month will be a mixture of the old and the new. Uranus, the most radical of planets is about to go direct. The Sun will join Jupiter & Saturn as it enter Aquarius, ruled by that planet. Mars will conjunct Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn will square it – so we will be seeing some very upsetting aspects. With the Sun and the New Moon in Capricorn there needs to be balance between the old and the new. And that is what the Biden administration seems to be aiming towards. I hope they are successful.
On Wednesday January 13th at 6:02 A.M. EST this complicated square will do several things at the same time. For one thing the normally unrestrained energy of Mars will be somewhat held back by restrictive Saturn. This is a mixed blessing. While it can help us avoid some confrontations and might pull us back from the edge, it is one of the most frustrating and repressive of aspects and can result in pent up anger that seems to have no place to express itself. This can lead to tension that mounts exponentially and can feel like a huge pimple that must be popped. Normally it would just slowly be released over a number of days. But there is a series of ongoing transits that will increase that tension heading toward Inauguration Day and beyond.
This energy will not be fully expunged until at least the Leo Full Moon on January 28th. It’s important that you remember that this is an extended period of frustration and pay attention to what you are feeling, and take into account that others are also experiencing this. Tempers are hot, people are frustrated and the mood of the country and the world is not going to be easily mitigated.
You need to be on the defensive and do your best to avoid confrontations. You may not be able to sidestep them all. We use astrology to give us a head’s up to what’s happening psychologically, but it’s still up to us and our free-will to use it properly and productively. If this square is handled correctly we can get some very hard work done. Saturn will focus the intensity of Mars and give us the chance to aim it like a laser where it will do us the most good.
That isn’t the easiest thing to do, and it will only work if you can, in fact, step away from your personal frustration and anger. If not it can cause all sorts of problems. Ask yourself if the situation you are in is worth the aggravation it can produce, or if it’s best to just have a beer, turn on some nonsense on TV and shrug it off. Not every battle must be fought. It’s the wise person who picks and chooses their fights with care.
On Thursday January 14th at 3:36 A.M. EST this most explosive planet will begin its yearly forward motion. After months of being in retrograde and internalizing much of its energy, now it will begin to express that more in the outside world. Does this mean that we are going to see more confrontations? Quite possibly. This planet is known for its tendency to act out, often in explosive or unpredictable ways. But with Uranus now about to display its energy more obviously on the world stage we should be able to face it head on and deal with it in an open and clearer fashion. While that may result in a more direct and possibly expanded way, with larger crowds, more anger and perhaps a level of violence and rage we have not seen, it will also be confronted with a better plan for handling the situation and quite possibly the means to defuse any collective anger in a way that was harder to confront while this planet was going backwards. There’s a lot of anger that has been pent up and seething in the undercurrent for a long time. The only way we will expunge it is to bring it to the surface and confront the causes and discuss ways to heal the rift.
There is little doubt that we need to address what is happening in America and to prepare for whatever is to come. We can’t hide our heads in the sand like Limu Emu. When a planet goes direct its energy is pushed out and must be faced directly as opposed to how it is dealt with while in retrograde. This is a moment when we will be called upon to look at the situation we are in and the need for radical changes. If we deal with it intelligently and honestly we can release a lot of the irrational anger. But if we continue to pretend that nothing is wrong, it will bite us on the you-know-what. So as we go through the series of potentially harsh aspects this month take each one in stride and think things through before overreacting.
We can only deal with the issues that we are willing to confront. Now we are being called upon to do just that. The incoming administration has set its goals on fixing and healing what is wrong in America. I believe they can succeed and help us get to the post-pandemic world. And just maybe to a place where we can all focus more on what we need to heal out nation, not tear it apart. This transit represents the beginning of that change.
On Thursday January 14th at 9:19 A.M. EST we begin a week of rather intense aspects that will culminate on the Leo Full Moon January 28th. This conjunct implies power struggles caused by some deeply held beliefs and tension. You need to watch yourself today and over the coming days. As we all know, Inauguration Day is in a week, and all eyes are on the Capitol and social media to see if there will be further events that may upset the process. For today, just try to avoid any unnecessary battles. If something is important enough to contest and you feel the need to dig deeply into an issue, you will certainly have the energy to do so. But sometimes a transit will stir up emotions and attitudes that may be best left alone. It’s up to you to decide which is which. If you do get into a conversation today it will be delving and may prove stressful. So make sure it’s worth your time and effort before engaging someone in debate.
We may hear some disturbing news, and because we are facing a group of these potentially explosive aspects it’s wise to find a quiet center within where you can observe without interacting, if possible. This is not a week to step into the fray. Whatever takes place there is only so much you can do. Our nation and the world is changing rather radically and it is upsetting to many. Some are thrilled with the adjustments we are about to experience, and others aren’t. But whether or not you are happy with the changes, they are severe and will affect us all. Be smart and stay safe. This is something I will be expressing several times over the coming week or so and I suggest you take it to heart.
On Sunday January 17th at 5:50 P.M. EST things will be blown out of proportion today and it’s important to keep a good perspective. As with all transits this one can go one of several ways. If you lose track of what’s going on or aren’t in touch with your normal sense of reality this might create some problems. But on the other hand, it could be a chance to break free from some restrictions and move your ideas and projects to a new level.
In our personal lives this square will present us with some new and unusual opportunities, especially if it sets off your natal chart. I have seen people have great success or win huge amounts of money under this aspect. I have also seen others make massive mistakes they regret for a long time. You may not have control over everything, but if you are walking through a minefield it makes sense to step lightly. Things will move very quickly and you may not be able to keep up with it all. Meditation, breathing exercises, or even a long walk would help a lot. I see this as an opportunity or a warning depending upon how you handle the energy.
We are in the middle of Inauguration Week and all that entails. Uranus wants radical, sometimes sudden changes. It will not accept the status quo, which is one of the reasons I predicted Biden’s win, as well as predicting the two Georgia senate seats going to the Democrats. I understood that if things stayed the same the astrological energies would not be satisfied. So here we are. Jupiter exacerbates everything it comes in contact with, and this combination, while it can be quite exciting and adventurous, can also be explosive and out of control. This is the Eve of Martin Luther King Day and it may be a flashpoint for some in our fractured nation. I hope cooler heads prevail, but common sense would be a smart way of handling it. Stay out of harm’s way all week and if someone is looking for a fight it would probably be best to avoid it if at all possible.
On Tuesday January 19th at 3:40 P.M. EST we enter the fixed part of winter. I am not a fan of this season. I know many enjoy the snow, the cold, the warmth of a fireplace and a hot cup of cocoa, cider or brandy. While I do like to stay warm (and the brandy sounds lovely at the moment) you can also get warm by going to Miami or Costa Rica. If you are a winter person this is the time for you. Depending on where you live you could ski, snowboard, or just run for the sauna across a frozen path (yikes!).
But on another level this ingress is representative of what we are experiencing throughout our nation and the world. The pandemic is raging, the political situation is fragile, to say the least, and the economy is teetering on the edge of collapse. But we are on the verge of radical change. It often takes a crisis to bring out the hero in us. It’s sad that it takes tragedy for us to see the glory that we can achieve, but that’s the way humanity is. “These are the times that try men’s souls” Thomas Paine wrote those words in 1775, and they are just as important today as ever. We are being tested and pushed to our limit to see if we deserve to continue. And Lincoln wrote “Now we are engaged in a great Civil War testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.” I hate to say it, but those words are also quite profound at the moment. Will we dissolve into a real Civil War? I don’t think so. But the underlying problems and anger isn’t going away without a lot of work.
We should not mitigate the challenge we face now, nor underestimate what is going on. What is at stake is nothing less than our republic and all it stands for. I believe in the American Experiment and all that it stands for. And I pray that we will continue to find solutions that will allow us to remain a solid nation. But it will take most of us standing shoulder to shoulder and recognizing that the problems we, and the world, are facing in our near future will not suddenly be resolved. We must work as a team and deal with climate change, economic inequality, food and water shortages, famine, and saving the planet that gives us all life and purpose. Anything short of that and we will fail.
On Wednesday January 20th at 3:38 P.M. EST this highly charged aspect will complete. While many have been warning of some violent and intrusive actions, I believe that people are much more aware of the potential since January 6th disturbance in D.C. and we are more prepared and quite able to handle whatever comes up. It’s time to move on, personally and collectively, and to get back to the issues that face our nation and the world. We have been too distracted for far too long and some problems have grown beyond their limits. The pandemic must be addressed full force.
The economic woes also have to be dealt with in a mature and logical way. The political unrest and huge chasm in our nation will have to be contained and discussed. None of that will happen today. This is a time to formalize the transition and to momentarily set things aside. But because this is such an explosive astrological events and it is surrounded by other equally dangerous energy before and after, this may be a very shaky and scary few days.
This conjunct is in close square to the Sun, Jupiter & Saturn and represents a huge buildup of tension. I (and many other astrologers) have been writing about this day for some time. The potential for trouble is certainly possible. But because of the events of January 6th we are all more on edge and preparations have been made to keep Washington D.C. safe. While there could certainly still be problems anywhere in the world, and it’s imperative that you are conscious of what’s going on around you, hopefully with will just be represented by the radical change of leadership America is about to experience. Mars in the ego, the maleness in us all, the testosterone, the God of War. It is a pushy and arrogant energy and can create an atmosphere of tension and anger. Uranus is the planet most associated with extreme and sudden change. This new administration will most definitely create that sort of change.
There is little you can do to change the world events, except choose to get directly involved or not. I’m not planning on taking a bus to D.C. this day, sorry. In your life there is only so much you can do to balance things. Sometimes it’s best to just avoid direct confrontations and wait until things cool down before entering into the argument. In your interactions with others you would be wise to remember that this energy is prevalent and many people are on edge. It’s not a good time to pick a fight or try to resolve every little disagreement. Some struggles will emerge. There’s nothing you can do about that. But rushing head first into a fight without even understanding the cause, risks or potential outcome isn’t terribly smart now. You can discuss politics in a week or so. To do so now with a stranger in Starbucks or on a park bench may be putting yourself in harm’s way. You can’t know.
On Saturday January 23rd at 2:49 A.M. EST this explosive and stressful energy continues. Mars is the god of war, and Jupiter is the most expansive of forces. Mars rules the ego and Jupiter has no sense of boundaries or limitations. While this square can represent a time of great accomplishments when we will all feel a surge of energy, the problem is being able to control and confine that energy. If you can focus it where you need it, you may have the ability to get a lot of work done and to push your projects forward. But if you aren’t paying attention or let your ego run things you may regret some of the actions you take. If things have been heating up all week, this may very well be the peak. If they have settled down somewhat this could be one more flare up as events get out of hand. Because the Sun conjuncts Saturn tonight at 10:01P.M. I believe that things will begin to calm down a bit. We still have some high tension aspects coming up, including the Sun square Uranus and the Leo Full Moon. But no matter what has occurred over the past two weeks once we pass that Full Moon the energy will begin to wane.
On Saturday January 23rd at 10:01 P.M. EST things will slow down quite a bit, but only for a few days. The Sun will square Uranus on Tuesday and things could blow up once more. But for now, this is a time to sit back and rationally looks things over. A realistic approach is what we need and what the universe will demand. Sometimes this conjunct can create a very low energy day or so when you just don’t feel up to doing too much. This of course will be more on point if this hits your chart, especially a personal inner planet or the Ascendant. Use this energy to get your work done and catch up on things that may have been difficult to accomplish because of the ongoing radical energy we are all feeling.
On Tuesday January 26th at 7:48 A.M. EST we once again are faced with an overly active transit that will stir up any underlying anger. This occurs just two days before the Leo Full Moon that will be in square to this erratic and unstable planet. For the next three days you simply must be on guard and pay attention to what’s happening around you. Complacency might lead you into a dangerous situation that may be easily avoided through awareness. As I often say, we have no power over what happens on the world stage, but we do have some effect on what happens in our own lives.
On Thursday January 28th at 2:16 P.M. EST at 9 degrees Leo 06 minutes the Moon is in opposition to the Sun. The Moon will square Uranus at 10:11 A.M. EST and this could be the peak of unrest and fury for this lunar cycle. Generally Full Moons are a time when things come to a head and soon after begin to settle down. But this could also be a moment of great unrest and confrontation. Because the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in a few hours it could certainly blow things out of proportion and create some upsetting events. But it could also be a moment of optimism and exuberance. It’s up to you how you use these transits. We have had massive snowstorms on a number of Leo Full Moons over the past years, and with Uranus and Jupiter both involved it wouldn’t surprise me if we did again. I love to watch a quiet, gentle snow, especially from the warmth and security of my home, but a major blizzard isn’t my idea of a good time, so I hope this doesn’t occur. But if it does, you have been warned.
We need to come to terms with some issues, and soon. This ongoing threat of violence is unacceptable on any level. I understand that many people are disappointed with the results of the recent elections, but that doesn’t give them the right to destroy our society and put your life at risk. You can disagree, but we have just been through an amazing election considering the barriers we had to face, with more Americans voting than ever before in our history. And the disputes have been examined and challenged more than 60 times in courts that have almost unanimously discarded those challenges, many by judged who were appointed by the outgoing president.
The incoming administration is just getting its feet wet and hopefully Biden and Harris will be able to implement their plans to deal with this insane pandemic, something that should be above politics and seen as a necessity to bring our society back to something resembling normalcy. We also need some serious economic actions if we wish to avoid a depression. I believe they will make many good decisions and help lead us out of the mess we are in. I won’t agree with everything they do, and that’s fine. Life is a compromise. But it seems to me we are at an unprecedented crossroads where we will either work together and try to solve our problems, or we will be at cross purposes and through our conflicts prevent any useful solutions from taking hold. It’s us to us as individuals and as a collective to choose.
On Thursday January 28th at 8:40 P.M. EST this usually optimistic and expansive aspect will complete soon after the Full Moon. Hopefully this energy will allow many of us to use this in more positive and productive ways. Jupiter wants to enlarge everything it comes in contact with and we have a day where we can expect some things to be blown totally out of proportion. Because it coincides with that lunar peak this could be a day of some intense events. It’s a mistake to assume that Jupiter will necessarily bring you good luck or only positive opportunities. It can at times just exacerbate the situation, either positively or negatively, without regard for the outcome. I’m hoping that it will be a more affirming time and that we may be able to find the hopeful and enthusiastic side of this transit. If you focus on the more productive ways of viewing your life you can get much accomplished. This will be true in our political and social events as well.
On Saturday January 30th at 10:52 A.M. EST until February 20th at 7:52 P.M. EST as if we don’t have enough to worry about, Mercury will begin traveling backwards. This is the one transit that most people who don’t study astrology seem to know about. It’s written about quite frequently and used in jokes, stand-up routines, comics and even in my murder mysteries (sorry for the shameless plug). This retrograde occurs completely in the sign of Aquarius, added yet even more fuel to this month’s unpredictable force. Aquarius is the sign of genius, and when used properly Mercury (the lower octave of the mind) traveling through this sign that rules the higher octave, can result in inspirational ideas and words of great wisdom. Retrograde Mercury can often reach deeper into a subject because of the internalization of its energy. I pray that is the case now, and that we will be able to reach out to each other anyway that we can, and just possibly come up with some radical and brilliant thoughts and decisions that can help us reach some necessary conclusions.
On Monday February 1st at 5:34 A.M. EST what do you know? We have yet another unsettling aspect. This is energy personified, and it must be respected. The good news is that this is the last potentially upsetting transit this month. The bad news is that it can bring up any hidden anger or frustration and could easily push people to act out in outlandish and disturbing ways. It’s imperative that you find some way to direct this energy into useful and productive ways. If not, it’s very possible that this could be a time of acting out any tension you or others may be feeling. If you aim this force into useful projects and stay busy you can defuse its power and actually build something of lasting purpose. Don’t get into silly squabbles over mundane issues. The result of tension or anger is what we do with it. It isn’t inherently destructive unless we allow it to run rampant without control.
On Monday February 1st at 9:05 A.M. EST until February 25th at 8:11 A.M. EDT the planet of love and money travels through this most erratic and unpredictable sign. For the next few weeks you can expect some unexpected interaction with others. You may be drawn to someone quite different from your usual paramour. It’s a time for some adventure and for stepping outside the box. Just be sure you know what you’re getting into. Aquarius and its ruler, Uranus aren’t all that concerned with norms or regular actions. They want excitement and something new. That’s great and it will certainly offer us all an opportunity for something adventurous. Just be sure that it’s a journey you feel comfortable going on.
This placement may very well add to the erratic actions I expect from the stock markets. We are heading towards the Saturn-Uranus square that often implies a downturn in the equities. How bad that may be has to do with many factors. It could just be a correction of 10-15%, or it could be the beginning of a long bear market.
On Saturday February 6th at 2:07 A.M. EST this reserved conjunct will make it difficult to find much enthusiasm or excitement. Be glad that this completes so early in the morning. If you were out Friday night you probably started to feel this energy about 10 or 11 P.M. Maybe you just ran out of wind and made it an early night. It’s better that than trying to push through a Saturn aspect and forcing fun when you’re so tired you can barely keep your eyes open. This is a time to unwind and take it easy. Not a time for a wild party. Truthfully, it won’t be all that wild anyway no matter how much you try.
On Saturday February 6th at 10:33 P.M. EST we will all be seeking something exciting and adventurous in our social interactions. This is especially true in romance, but because of the lockdown it will be affective in most things. You may be bored (who isn’t at this point?) and figure “what the hell I’d rather be dead than stay inside another minute.” Well, you may feel that way now, but if you can just hold on for a little while longer we may see the light at the end of the tunnel. Wouldn’t it be great to dine out with friends at an actual restaurant, rather than in a sidewalk plastic bubble wrapped up in your winter clothes with a wobbly heater hanging over your head, and hoping that you can eat the food fast enough so it will remain warm? Try to find something unusual and adventurous to engage in while we await our release from self enforced confinement.
On Wednesday February 10th at 7:16 A.M. EST the last oomph of the month will give us all a bit of a kick in the ass. This is an argument waiting to happen, but it doesn’t have to happen to you. People will be on edge and it may be easy to overreact to a small slight. Ideas will come quickly and without guard. You may not think before reacting, and that is where the danger lurks. If you can slow your mind down just a bit and see that the argument before you isn’t worth your time and effort you can sidestep a lot of grief. This energy can be very active while traveling, so if you’re driving please do so defensively. Don’t speed or cut people off. I don’t care how rushed you are to get to a meeting. It’s better to be tardy than “late”, if you get my drift.
On Thursday February 11th at 10:00 A.M. EST this wonderful transit brings this lunar cycle to an end. No matter how bad this past month has been (as I’m writing this I can only imagine) we must renew our faith and belief in ourselves personally and collectively. This conjunct can go a long way towards lightening our load. It’s a quick moving one and won’t have a life-changing effect. But it’s so pleasant and easy-going try to relax for a few hours and let’s get ready for the next New Moon with optimism and hope.
The next New Moon falls on Thursday February 11th at 2:06 P.M. EST at 23 degrees Aquarius 17 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Time:
January 13th 2:22 A.M. – 11:44 A.M.
January 14th 4:28 A.M. – February 15th 5:17 P.M. ***Moon is void 36 hours
January 17th 10:44 P.M. – January 18th 2:07 A.M.
January 20th 3:29 A.M. – 1:56 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours
January 22nd 4:28 P.M. – January 23rd 2:43 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
January 25th 2:17 A.M. – 1:52 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours
January 27th 12:55 P.M. – 9:54 P.M.
January 29th 8:53 P.M. – January 30th 3:02 A.M.
February 1st 6:10 A.M. – 6:25 A.M.
February 3rd 1:15 A.M. – 9:15 A.M.
February 5th 4:20 A.M. – 12:16 P.M.
February 7th 1:16 A.M. – 3:52 P.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours
February 9th 12:22 P.M. – 8:20 P.M.
February 11th 2:06 P.M. – February 12th 2:23 A.M.
February 14th 2:29 A.M. – 10:54 A.M.
February 16th 7:17P.M. – 10:12 P.M.
January 2020
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