On Sunday January 17th at 5:50 P.M. EST things will be blown out of proportion today and it’s important to keep a good perspective. As with all transits this one can go one of several ways. If you lose track of what’s going on or aren’t in touch with your normal sense of reality this might create some problems. But on the other hand, it could be a chance to break free from some restrictions and move your ideas and projects to a new level.
In our personal lives this square will present us with some new and unusual opportunities, especially if it sets off your natal chart. I have seen people have great success or win huge amounts of money under this aspect. I have also seen others make massive mistakes they regret for a long time. You may not have control over everything, but if you are walking through a minefield it makes sense to step lightly. Things will move very quickly and you may not be able to keep up with it all. Meditation, breathing exercises, or even a long walk would help a lot. I see this as an opportunity or a warning depending upon how you handle the energy.
We are in the middle of Inauguration Week and all that entails. Uranus wants radical, sometimes sudden changes. It will not accept the status quo, which is one of the reasons I predicted Biden’s win, as well as predicting the two Georgia senate seats going to the Democrats. I understood that if things stayed the same the astrological energies would not be satisfied. So here we are. Jupiter exacerbates everything it comes in contact with, and this combination, while it can be quite exciting and adventurous, can also be explosive and out of control. This is the Eve of Martin Luther King Day and it may be a flashpoint for some in our fractured nation. I hope cooler heads prevail, but common sense would be a smart way of handling it. Stay out of harm’s way all week and if someone is looking for a fight it would probably be best to avoid it if at all possible.