This should have been posted a day or two ago. Sorry. Got a few things on my mind. Civil War can be so distracting.


On Thursday January 14th at 9:19 A.M. EST we begin a week of rather intense aspects that will culminate on the Leo Full Moon January 28th. This conjunct implies power struggles caused by some deeply held beliefs and tension. You need to watch yourself today and over the coming days. As we all know, Inauguration Day is in a week, and all eyes are on the Capitol and social media to see if there will be further events that may upset the process. For today, just try to avoid any unnecessary battles. If something is important enough to contest and you feel the need to dig deeply into an issue, you will certainly have the energy to do so. But sometimes a transit will stir up emotions and attitudes that may be best left alone. It’s up to you to decide which is which. If you do get into a conversation today it will be delving and may prove stressful. So make sure it’s worth your time and effort before engaging someone in debate.

We may hear some disturbing news, and because we are facing a group of these potentially explosive aspects it’s wise to find a quiet center within where you can observe without interacting, if possible. This is not a week to step into the fray. Whatever takes place there is only so much you can do. Our nation and the world is changing rather radically and it is upsetting to many. Some are thrilled with the adjustments we are about to experience, and others aren’t. But whether or not you are happy with the changes, they are severe and will affect us all. Be smart and stay safe. This is something I will be expressing several times over the coming week or so and I suggest you take it to heart.