On Thursday January 14th at 3:36 A.M. EST this most explosive planet will begin its yearly forward motion. After months of being in retrograde and internalizing much of its energy, now it will begin to express that more in the outside world. Does this mean that we are going to see more confrontations? Quite possibly. This planet is known for its tendency to act out, often in explosive or unpredictable ways. But with Uranus now about to display its energy more obviously on the world stage we should be able to face it head on and deal with it in an open and clearer fashion. While that may result in a more direct and possibly expanded way, with larger crowds, more anger and perhaps a level of violence and rage we have not seen, it will also be confronted with a better plan for handling the situation and quite possibly the means to defuse any collective anger in a way that was harder to confront while this planet was going backwards. There’s a lot of anger that has been pent up and seething in the undercurrent for a long time. The only way we will expunge it is to bring it to the surface and confront the causes and discuss ways to heal the rift.
There is little doubt that we need to address what is happening in America and to prepare for whatever is to come. We can’t hide our heads in the sand like Limu Emu. When a planet goes direct its energy is pushed out and must be faced directly as opposed to how it is dealt with while in retrograde. This is a moment when we will be called upon to look at the situation we are in and the need for radical changes. If we deal with it intelligently and honestly we can release a lot of the irrational anger. But if we continue to pretend that nothing is wrong, it will bite us on the – you-know-what. So as we go through the series of potentially harsh aspects this month take each one in stride and think things through before overreacting. We can only deal with the issues that we are willing to confront. Now we are being called upon to do just that. The incoming administration has set its goals on fixing and healing what is wrong in America. I believe they can succeed and help us get to the post-pandemic world. And just maybe to a place where we can all focus more on what we need to heal out nation, not tear it apart. This transit represents the beginning of that change. ❤🙏