On Wednesday January 13th at 6:02 A.M. EST this complicated square will do several things at the same time. For one thing the normally unrestrained energy of Mars will be somewhat held back by restrictive Saturn. This is a mixed blessing. While it can help us avoid some confrontations and might pull us back from the edge, it is one of the most frustrating and repressive of aspects and can result in pent up anger that seems to have no place to express itself. This can lead to tension that mounts exponentially and can feel like a huge pimple that must be popped. Normally it would just slowly be released over a number of days. But there is a series of ongoing transits that will increase that tension heading toward Inauguration Day and beyond. This energy will not be fully expunged until at least the Leo Full Moon on January 28th. It’s important that you remember that this is an extended period of frustration and pay attention to what you are feeling, and take into account that others are also experiencing this. Tempers are hot, people are frustrated and the mood of the country and the world is not going to be easily mitigated.

You need to be on the defensive and do your best to avoid confrontations. You may not be able to sidestep them all. We use astrology to give us a head’s up to what’s happening psychologically, but it’s still up to us and our free-will to use it properly and productively. If this square is handled correctly we can get some very hard work done. Saturn will focus the intensity of Mars and give us the chance to aim it like a laser where it will do us the most good. That isn’t the easiest thing to do, and it will only work if you can, in fact, step away from your personal frustration and anger. If not it can cause all sorts of problems. Ask yourself if the situation you are in is worth the aggravation it can produce, or if it’s best to just have a beer, turn on some nonsense on TV and shrug it off. Not every battle must be fought. It’s the wise person who picks and chooses their fights with care.