The New Moon falls on Wednesday January 13th at 12:00 A.M. EST at 23 degrees Capricorn 13 minutes. This is the New Moon that is most likely to pull us back from the edge, at least for a minute. The transits we face this month are quite active and potentially explosive. And while the Capricorn New Moon does wish for a more thoughtful and contained approach to things, the individual aspects we will experience in the coming few weeks will test that resolve. No matter how smart or aware you may be, you’re only human (sorry, didn’t mean to insult you) and at times your emotions and internal angst can overwhelm your common sense. The collective experiences that same energy. While we are certainly in a period of angst and potentially explosive events, hopefully this New Moon will give us some underlying sense of stability and possibly delay any radical or sudden actions. Mars is in square to Saturn soon after this, and the first major aspect following a New Moon has much to do with setting the atmosphere for the coming month. I go more into detail about that square below, but briefly, this is a time of pent up anger and frustration, that can be like a seething amber smoldering beneath the wood pile. It isn’t very active, but it also isn’t going out. If enough oxygen comes in it could easily flare up and set the whole shebang aflame once more. Still, Saturn will tend to restrain that Mars energy. It is often described as “a slow burn” that simmers but never flares up. We could use some of that restraint right now. Hopefully this Capricorn New Moon will give us what we need.
Capricorn is very involved in the past and often views things from a more conservative perspective. I don’t mean that in a political way. Rather this is one of the signs that likes things to remain as they were and isn’t all that thrilled with innovation or untried ideas. We are in a period of new beginnings with the inauguration of a different administration and the ongoing economic and health issues that we are all facing. We do need new ideas and some radical approaches to help get us out of this mess. As long as they aren’t too disruptive to the status quo they can fit nicely into this period of time. This month will be a mixture of the old and the new. Uranus, the most radical of planets is about to go direct. The Sun will join Jupiter & Saturn as it enter Aquarius, ruled by that planet. Mars will conjunct Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn will square it – so we will be seeing some very upsetting aspects. With the Sun and the New Moon in Capricorn there needs to be balance between the old and the new. And that is what the Biden administration seems to be aiming towards. I hope they are successful.